

Architizer 近期公布了 2024 年 A+ Awards 奖的获奖名单,该大奖专注于推广和表彰年度最佳建筑。Didier Design Studio 的项目“授粉者所在之地”被选为 2024 年 Architizer 可持续景观/规划类评委会优胜奖。该奖项旨在表彰采用可持续系统和材料,并在设计、施工和运营中人性化的项目。
Architizer recently announced the winners of the 2024 A+ Awards, the largest awards program focused on promoting and celebrating the year’s best architecture. Didier Design Studio was selected as the 2024 Jury Winner in Architizer’s Sustainable Landscape/Planning category for their project, “Where the Pollinators Are”. This category awards projects that incorporate sustainable systems and materials, and which follow best practices pertaining to ethical design, construction, and operation.
▼项目概览,Project Overview ©Rob Cardillo
The Jury-winning project is the Pollinator and Bird Garden, located at The Arboretum at Penn State in State College, Pennsylvania. The project is a direct extension of an ongoing research agenda to understand and explain the recent decreases in pollinator and bird populations across the world.
▼花园内的生态系统,Ecosystems in the garden ©Didier Design Studio
该研究计划主任、农科院助理教授 Harland Patch 说:“这个花园的独特之处在于:它将栖息地设计、可接触的美丽设计与多样化的植物组合在一起,甚至其中很多植物是在其他任何花园中都看不到的。”
Harland Patch, director of pollinator programming at the Arboretum, and assistant research professor for the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, said, “The garden is unique in that it puts together habitat design and design that is accessible and beautiful to humans with a very diverse mix of plants, many of which you will not see in any other garden.”
▼多样化的植物,Diverse mix of plants ©Rob Cardillo
了解并扭转世界各地那些承担授粉者功能的物种的消失情况对人类生存至关重要。而在面对环境和经济灾害时,许多人都有一种无可奈何的无力感。对此,Didier Design Studio 创意总监兼花园首席设计师 Emmanuel Didier 指出:花园以具体且可触摸的方式将人们与授粉者减少的问题联系起来,并在气候变化的背景下将科学放在首位。这一行动无疑蕴含着巨大的希望。
Understanding and reversing pollinator species disappearances around the world is critical to the continuation of human existence. In the face of environmental and economic disaster, many are left with a sense of powerless inevitability. In response, creative director of Didier Design Studio and lead designer of the Garden, Emmanuel Didier said, “The Pollinator and Bird Garden connects people with the issue of pollinator decline in specific, tangible ways, placing science in the forefront in the context of climate change. There is hope in that action.”
▼具体且可触摸的方式,Specific and tangible ways ©Rob Cardillo
设计与研究在这座占地 3.5 英亩的花园中同步展开,并实现了三个相互关联的目标:直接传达和解释现场进行的科学研究;为人们提供一个了解授粉物种们栖息地的美丽花园;激励游客在自家花园中推行“城市栖息地”。其中最后一个目标有可能指数级地帮助一个更健康的生态网络在城市已开发景观中的拓展。
This agenda unfolds across the 3.5-acre garden and realizes three interrelated goals: to directly convey and interpret scientific research being conducted on site, to offer an engaging place for people to learn about pollinator and bird habitats, and to inspire visitors to implement urban habitats within their own private gardens. This latter goal has the potential to exponentially impact the spread of healthier ecological networks across already-developed landscapes.
▼美丽的花园景观,Beautiful garden view ©Rob Cardillo
为了实现上述目标,Didier 设计工作室组建了一个设计专家团队,并将该项目作为与宾夕法尼亚州立大学授粉者研究中心研究人员的合作之旅。
To realize these goals, Didier assembled a team of design experts and framed the project as a collaborative journey with research staff at The Center for Pollinator Research at Penn State.
▼人与自然的和谐共处,Harmony between man and nature ©Rob Cardillo
Grounded in years of research, the design approach transformed a level pasture to create a diverse set of ecological conditions that could support the wide range of plant species necessary to entice birds and pollinators throughout the seasons. The ground plane was sculpted into an activated terrain, forming a mosaic of seven soil conditions and pollinator-attuned mulches prescribed to create novel land typologies, from swales lined with clay, to loamy soils for wet meadows, and well-draining aggregate soils for dry conditions.
▼土地马赛克,A mosaic of soil ©Rob Cardillo
▼具有活性的地形,An activated terrain ©Rob Cardillo
The sculpted terrain fosters a wide array of microclimates and conditions across the site, creating a diversity of ecotones and habitats through which pathways and trails are carefully choreographed to immerse visitors into the world of pollinators.
▼精心设计的小径,Carefully choreographed pathways ©Rob Cardillo
关于这次设计的体验,Didier 认为:“我们经常听说当今世界上正在消失的传粉者物种数量惊人……但我认为这个花园提供了一个独特的机会:翻转体验。从‘人类世界中的授粉者’到‘授粉者世界中的人类’,这个花园就是改变这种基本关系的地方,促使我们思考人类在当今世界中的地位。”
Of this curated experience, Didier said, “We often hear about the alarming amount of species of pollinators disappearing from OUR world today… but I think this garden offers a unique opportunity: to flip the experience, from pollinators in the world of people, to people in the world of pollinators. This garden is an agency in transforming this fundamental relationship: our position in the world today.”
▼花园的翻转体验,The flipping experience of the garden ©Rob Cardillo
花园在第一年展示了 340 个耐寒植物类群,其中 78%为乡土物种或经过精心挑选的园艺品种。种植这些植物的目标是为本地昆虫(尤其是授粉昆虫)以及该地区的留鸟和候鸟提供最大的生命周期支持。如今,花园生机盎然,激发了人们对单个和集群化栖息地建设的关注和行动。
In its first year, the Pollinator and Bird Garden showcased 340 hardy plant taxa, of which 78% were native species or selections thereof. Plants were targeted toward species that would provide maximum life-cycle support for native insects – particularly pollinators – and the region’s resident and migratory birds. Today, the garden brims with life, inspiring care and action toward fostering habitat at individual and collective scales.
▼生机盎然的花园,Vibrant Garden ©Rob Cardillo
该项目还入选了 2024 年 World Landscape Architecture Award 的候选名单,并于 2022 年获得了美国景观建筑学会-科罗拉多荣誉奖。
The Pollinator and Bird Garden was also a 2024 World Landscape Architecture Award Shortlist selection and, in 2022, won the American Society of Landscape Architecture – Colorado Honor Award.
▼总平面图,Masterplan ©Didier Design Studio
▼分区平面图,Zoning plan ©Didier Design Studio in collaboration with Phyto Studio
Technical sheet
Name: Pollinator and Bird Garden
Location: State College, Pennsylvania
Client: The Arboretum at Penn State
Landscape Architect: Didier Design Studio, Lead Designer
Planting Design: Phyto Studio
Architect: Lake|Flato Architects
Research: The Arboretum at Penn State and the Center for Pollinator Research (Shari Edelson, Harland Patch, Casey Sclar, Kim Steiner)
Civil Engineer: Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. – HRG
Electrical Engineer: Barton Associates Inc.
Builder: Leonard S. Fiore, Inc.
Irrigation: Hydro Designs
Budget: $6.5 million
Size: 3.5 acres
Project Completion Date: 2021
Photographer: Rob Cardillo