

广亩景观:广州·鹏瑞 1 号区别于以往植物营造只介入项目中后期的设计流程,此次我们以植物设计的思路重新划分空间主题、功能场景及平台流线,从生态自然、可持续性、艺术美学、情绪价值传递等多维角度出发,进行系统的植物营造,希望激发客户探索感、参与感及体验感,同时结合高差变化层层递进,营造错落有致的植物观赏节点,调动客户舒缓、兴奋、喜悦等多样的情绪体验。
GM LANDSCAPE: Guangzhou·One Pengrui is different from the previous design process in which plant creation only intervened in the middle and late stages of the project. This time, we redefine the spatial theme, functional scenario, and platform flow line with the idea of plant design, and carry out systematic plant creation from the multi-dimensional perspectives of ecology, nature, sustainability, artistic aesthetics, and emotional value.
GM Landscape cooperated with Pengrui Group for the first time, applying the latest planting design concepts to the garden. Based on the hardscape space, using plants as the main design supporter to create spaces with different temperament and atmosphere, and bringing various natural scenes into life. When we received the commission, the construction of hardscape had been completed, the client invited us to make a second design for the overall greening effect. Compared with the conventional plant design, the difficulty this time is that we have to reintegrate the plant design on top of the existing hardscape frame to maximize the characteristics of the space.▽植物传递的不同情绪
01 植物设计的突破 1:1 落地还原
Breakthroughs in Plant Design1:1 Implementation
由于缺乏将植物品种、状态、尺度的精准表达,比例夸张、空间失真的效果图常常导致最终建成项目的“卖家秀”与“买家秀”。基于此,我们此次提高了效果图的精细化,尽可能地模拟植物落地状态,精准还原植物的不同主题设计,最终实现 1:1 还原保证呈现效果。
Due to the lack of accurate expression of plant species, state and scale, the exaggerated proportion and spatial distortion of the rendering often lead to the “seller’s show” and “buyer’s show” after finalized. Based on this, we have improved the refinement of the rendering, simulated the completed state of plants as much as possible, accurately restored the different themes of plant design, and finally realized 1:1 implementation to ensure the final effect.▽留梦效果图
02 植物色彩的艺术化运用,以植物链接空间
The Artistic Utilization of Plant Colors Linking Space with Plants
It’s a shortcut and security to assign all plants to a single color palette. Nature is colorful, and plants need to be shown in their truest and most fascinating colors. Like a timeless oil painting, we want to maximize the color benefits of plants, create a unique visual experience with different colors, and make color the label of the garden: bright orange and yellow, pure and elegant white, deep and elegant indigo, and passionate vermilion…… from dark green to light green, colorful plants in all shapes and sizes show up in our garden one by one.
According to different spatial situations, there are private enclosed gardens for enjoying flowers and resting, as well as semi-open spaces for parents and children to play and learn about plants, with different themes and integration with each other. Considering the artistic creation for the whole space, we combine plants with light and shadow to create a forest promenade filled with dappled shadows connecting each thematic garden, while we walk can feel time flow, plants grow endlessly, grass and trees change in the cycle of seasons.
从植物的角度去挖掘每个花园的主题,通过植物的色彩、主题、观赏特性,做到每个花园各具特色。从观赏角度,空间的围合及主要花园之间的连接关系出发,确定整个花园格局:5 个核心花园分布在 T1、t2、t3 三栋楼的主要视线,所有花园分布在各个散落的平台,漫步道用光影森林与星辰漫步花园串起整条流线;并提炼出三个主要的价值亮点:T1 主打高雅、精致、浪漫;T2 主打明媚、自然、活力;T3 主打惊艳、热烈、梦幻。
Explore the theme of each garden from the perspective of plants, each garden has its own characteristics through focusing on the color, theme and ornamental characteristics. The whole garden pattern is determined based on the viewing point, the enclosure of space and the connection relationship between the main gardens: 5 core gardens are distributed in the main sight lines of the three buildings T1, T2 and T3, all gardens are settled in the various scattered platforms, and the flow line of the promenade is linked with the light and shadow forest and the starlight wandering garden. Three main value highlights are extracted: T1 focuses on elegance, exquisite, romance; T2 focuses on brightness, nature and vitality; and T3 focuses on stunning, passionate and dreamy.
03 自然明媚的留梦花谷+轻松活力的知觉花园
The natural and bright Dreams and Flowers Valley + The relaxing and energetic Perceptual Garden
Light is closely related to the garden’s design. Through the careful layout of plants, the garden can show the beauty of light and shadow at different times and seasons. Warm colors create a warm and cozy atmosphere, and the setting sunlight streams down a soft and warm glow that adds charm to the plants bathing in it. Red flowers and yellow leaves contrast with each other to create a gorgeous picture that makes the entire garden sparkle.
T2 第一视角是自然多彩的“留梦花谷”,花园场景仿佛穿越至文艺复兴时期,与波提切利著名代表作《春》隔空对话。画中植物品种丰富,质感浓郁。我们精选轮廓清晰的观叶植物,以斑驳的方式布置,各色深浅不一的绿叶相映成趣。四季更替中,叶片颜色变换,点缀其间的红色花朵犹如繁星点点,为花园增色不少。不同质感和形状的叶子形成鲜明对比,增强了观赏的趣味性和层次感,充分展现了花园中花叶共生的多彩与活力。
植物品种选择 36 种,其中观叶植物 16 种,观花植物 20 种,木本植物占 90%,宿根花卉比例仅占 10%。植物的设计依旧遵循长效及低维护的原则,既有广州原生植物也有新引种的园艺新优品种类,如冬季开花好似繁星闪烁般的烟火树,叶形别致如大提琴般的花叶琴叶珊瑚,绿黄斑驳的古巴拉贝木,原产于西非花叶像一把迷你蒲扇的红纸扇,通过设计将植物千变万化的魅力尽情展现出来。
The first viewpoint of T2 is the natural and colorful “Dreams and Flowers Valley”, a garden that seems to travel back to the Renaissance period, conversing with Botticelli’s famous masterpiece “Spring”. The plants in the painting are rich in variety and texture. We have selected foliage plants with clear outlines and arranged them mottled, different shades of green leaves contrast finely with each other. The leaves change color as the seasons change, and the red flowers in between are like stars which adding color to the garden. Different textures and shapes of leaves form a sharp contrast that enhances the interest and layers, fully demonstrating the colorful and dynamic symbiosis of flowers and leaves in the garden. 36 plant species were selected, including 16 species of foliage plants, 20 species of flowering plants, woody plants accounted for 90%, the proportion of perennial flowers accounted for only 10%. The plant design still follows the principle of long-lasting and low maintenance, there are both Guangzhou’s native plants and newly introduced horticultural species, such as Clerodendrum quadriloculare that bloom in winter like twinkling stars, cello-shaped Jatropha pandurifolia, green and yellow Variegated Lemonia, and the Mussaenda erythrophylla that is native to West Africa and whose appearance look like a miniature fan. The design shows the plants’ ever-changing charms.
T2 第二视角宛如置身梵高作品《花园》之中,阳光透过云层温暖而明媚,明亮的黄色和橙色如同太阳的光辉,将花园装扮得明媚灵动,一座充满生机与活力的知觉花园就此绽放。橙色是调色板上最为活泼的色彩之一,与蓝色互补时更显鲜艳,传递出一种热烈奔放的气息。在秋日晨光的照耀下,金黄色的树叶与花朵闪耀着金属般的光泽,纤细的细叶片植物搭配团状的蓝叶灌木,平添了几分柔美。各种深浅不一的黄、绿、紫交织成一幅生动的画卷,沿水边布置的黄色叶片植物及细碎的黄色小花朵,洋溢着温暖而充满活力的氛围。
植物品种选择 40 多种,其中开花植物占 80%,想要展现色彩缤纷、生机盎然的景象,给使用者多种植物体验。花朵小巧精致的金英花、年青蒲桃、银叶小叶黄蝉,开花时间很有规律的黄时钟花,以及极具有岭南特色的植物天骄野牡丹、可以吸引蜜蜂蝴蝶的桂叶黄梅等。
The second view of T2 is like being in Van Gogh’s work “The Garden”, where the sunlight is warm and bright through the clouds, and the bright yellow and orange colors just like the brilliance of the golden sun, dress up the garden brightly and vividly, and a perceptual garden full of vitality and energy blossoms in this way. Orange is one of the liveliest colors on the palette, and is even more vibrant when complemented by blue, convey a warm and passionate atmosphere. Under the morning light in autumn, golden yellow leaves and flowers shine with a metallic luster, and slender-leafed plants are paired with clustered blue-leafed shrubs, adding a touch of softness. Various shades of yellow, green and purple intertwine to form a vivid picture, and the yellow leaf plants and small yellow flowers arranged along the waterside overflow with a warm and energetic atmosphere.
There are more than 40 plant species to choose from, of which 80% are flowering plants, which is expected to show a colorful and vibrant scene and give users various plant experiences. The small and delicate Eschscholtzia, Xanthostemon youngii, Allemada neviifolia, Turnera ulmifolia with a very regular blooming time, as well as extremely Lingnan characteristics of the plant Melastoma candidum, Ochna serrulata that can attract bees and butterflies and so on.
04 高雅精致的蕾丝花园与浪漫甜蜜的月季园
Elegant and delicate Lace Garden and romantic and sweet Rose Garden
Monet’s masterpiece “Springtime in Giverny” captures the beauty of nature’s elegance with soft colors and delicate strokes. Combined with the simplicity of the white art structure, we use white and green as the main tone to create a simple and pure “lace garden” theme, which not only emphasizes the serenity and purity of the garden but also selects plants with a soft tactile impression, focusing on the shape, size and texture of the flowers to create a fresh atmosphere with light, soft and watercolor texture. This ultimate purity not only brings visual pleasure, but also provides psychological feelings of tranquility and relaxation, offering a dreamy world for the user.▽蕾丝花园清新氛围
首先植物的选择至关重要,17 种白色开花植物与 10 种银色叶片植物搭配而成,白色的骨架植物白雪木、垂丝茉莉、花叶狗牙花等,花朵皎洁芳香,寓意纯洁无瑕的品质;中层考虑油橄榄、音符花、澳洲米花、银绒野牡丹,都能为花园带来清新高雅的气息。同时加入浅粉色和淡黄色的花朵,如野丁香、银叶小叶黄蝉,与白色形成和谐的过渡,增加花园的层次感。天鹅绒伯利恒之星作为点缀,成为其中不可或缺的点景植物。
First of all, it is crucial to select the plants. 17 white flowering plants are paired with 10 silver-leafed plants. White major plants such as Euphorbia leucocephala Lotsy, Clerodendrum wallichii and Ervatamia divaricata with bright fragrant flowers, symbolize the quality of purity and flawlessness; the midstory is considered to be Olea europaea, Rotheca microphylla, Ozothamnus diosmifolius and Pleroma heteromallum, all of which can bring a fresh and elegant atmosphere to the garden. Also add light pink and yellowish flowers, such as Leptodermis potaninii and Allemada neviifolia to form a harmonious transition with white color and add layers to the garden. The Ornithogalum umbellatum serves as an accent and becomes an essential focal plant in the mix.
▽17 种白色开花植物与 10 种银色叶片植物搭配而成(图片均为实景拍摄)
月季园位于整个项目的中轴线上,这里的临江露台摆放着杰夫·昆斯世界级雕塑作品《圣心》,心形雕塑向世人诠释浪漫与爱的形状。以艺术为载体,围绕圣心雕塑布置了一片芳香四溢的月季主题花园。精选近 40 种进口欧洲月季,营造欧洲庄园特有的优雅与浪漫氛围。五彩斑斓的月季花海配以高低错落的灌木与绿树,漫步其中,独特的花香持久而清新,令人心旷神怡。通过瑰丽多彩的花色展现四季繁茂的美景,其中蕴含的爱与浪漫之情跃然纸上,向每一位来访者传递着美好的情感。
The Rose Garden is located on the central axis of the entire project, where the riverfront terrace is decorated with Jeff Koons’s world-class sculpture “Sacred Heart”, a heart-shaped sculpture that interprets the shape of romance and love to the world. With art as the carrier, a fragrant rose theme garden is arranged around the Sacred Heart sculpture. Nearly 40 kinds of imported European roses are selected to create an elegant and romantic atmosphere unique to European estates. The colorful rose flower sea is matched with scattered shrubs and green trees, and the unique fragrance of the flowers is long-lasting and refreshing as you stroll through the garden. The magnificent and colorful flowers show the beauty of the four seasons, in which love and romance stand vividly to convey good feelings to every visitor.
There are many different types of roses: Austin rose series such as Juliet, Mrs. Charlotte, etc., aroma series such as Ally, Aroma Garden, Respride Fille, Japanese Rose Blue Storm, Masora, Corail Gelee, Cut Rose Louise, Dutch Cut Rose Fire X-pression, Brass Band and so on.▽精选月季品类
05 热烈梦幻的杜鹃园 The warm and dreamy Azalea Garden
勒杜鹃园位于 T3 裙楼平台,面积 100 平米,以勒杜鹃为主题,极具岭南特色,共收集品种 20 多种,形态各异有树桩盆景、高飘树形、花球、攀爬藤本各种形状,有着鲜艳夺目的色彩和独特的生命力,花海如梦如幻,犹如一幅绚丽多彩的画卷,一年四季繁花似锦,成团成簇的宛如繁星点点。▽为生活注入多姿彩色。
06 连接五大核心花园的星辰漫步与光影森林
The Starlight Wandering Garden and the Light and Shadow Forest connect five core gardens.
通过深入研究场地中自然光线随季节和时刻的变化,我们结合光线的动态特点,合理规划植物的位置,巧妙捕捉光影中最动人的瞬间。光影的变幻不仅增加了植物景观的层次感,使其时而明亮、时而柔和,更为环境增添了灵动与温暖。在光影的映衬下,绿植更加生机盎然,仿佛将人带入了一个真实而美妙的自然世界。▽光影森林,光影下的绿植更加生机盎然。Through an in-depth study of the changes of natural light in the site with the seasons and moments, we combine the dynamic characteristics of light, rationally plan the position of plants and skillfully capture the most moving moments of light and shadow. The change of it not only increases the layering of the plant landscape, making it bright and soft at times but also adds spirit and warmth to the environment. Under the reflection of light and shadow, the green plants are more vibrant, as if bringing people into a real and wonderful natural world.
The wonderland-like image of the Impressionist master Renoir’s painting “Women in the Garden” with its unique “shimmering” brushstrokes in the light and shadow exercise inspired the creativity of the planting. We designed a forest trail full of natural style to connect the five core gardens, with lush grasses and flowers on both sides, just like stepping into a touching oil painting. The trail is not only a simple walking path but also an intimate conversation between the soul and nature, which makes people feel like walking under the stars, to feel the wonderful blend of light and the forest.
植物品种约 30 多种,其中开花植物以千日红焰火、蓝金花、百子莲、离被鸢尾为主,选择了近年来广州新优品种如大花荣耀木、非洲芙容葵、双色假杜鹃、猫须草等,也应用到了华南乡土植物假鹰爪、宽叶十万错、蔓荆等。植物设计要考虑植物的适应性与乡土性,同时也要将一些新优的品种应用到项目中,促进园艺市场的发展,品种的推广应用。
The slowly spreading scroll of stars, skillfully blending the layered design of meandering paths and topographical vegetation. Choosing plants with rounded corollas creates a flower field that seems under a starry sky, every moment of life full of poetry and romance. The color palette is fresh and natural, different plants intertwine with each other to present a delicate texture. The combination of light pink flowers and silver-gray leaves achieves harmony and unity in contrast to light and dark and color saturation, creating a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere. While those plants with mist-like leaves add a layer of mysterious and hazy beauty to the space. When the gentle afternoon sunlight falls, the whole scene becomes softer and cozier, perfectly fitting the garden theme of “morning light and starlight as if a dream, romance is the stars and the sea”. There are about 30 kinds of plant varieties, among which the flowering plants are dominated by Gomphrena ‘Fireworks Coated’, Otacanthus caeruleus, Agapanthus africanus, and Dietes iridioides, and new superior varieties in Guangzhou in recent years such as Tibouchina granulosa, Dombeya, Barleria cristata ‘Lavender Lace’, and Cats Whiskers Grass are selected, and also applied to the South China native plants like Desmos chinensis, Asystasia gangetica, and Vitex trifolia. Plant design should take into account the adaptability and locality but also some new superior varieties should be applied in the project to promote the development of the horticultural market and the popularization of the varieties.
The sparse arrangement of the upper vegetation makes the light and shadow sprinkled on the winding path through the leaves, the white area with creeping blue angel flowers paved the ground with vivid and lovely blooming flowers, green branches and leaves and red fruits. Plant species selected sparse, elegant tree-shaped as the major, the upper layer used in the Adenanthera microsperma, Cassia bakeriana and Handroanthus albus, etc., the middle layer selection of the Cornus hongkongensis Hemsley, small sizes of the Huanghua Pear, modeling Rhaphiolepis indica, modeling Jacaranda, Clerodendrum quadriloculare, etc. to express the beauty of the branches and trunks. In the background, large leaves dense flowering plants such as Dombeya, Clerodendrum paniculatum are selected as a shade. The lower levels are mainly focused on low-growing plants, such as the Premnaserratifolia, Ficus rumphii Blume, Evolvulus nuttallianus, and Ficus tikoua Bur., etc. The planting method is slightly different from the other core gardens, while the Light and Shadow Forest planted in the form of a dotted planting which is sparsely in clusters when viewed from afar. Creepers viewed from a nearer view soften the borders, which are perfectly blended with the garden.
07 私宴厅花园
Private Feast Garden
We leave the plants to time and nature and let them bloom in the garden with various colors and shapes. Here, every season exists surprises waiting for the owners to explore, the alternation of the flowering period sometimes always brings us surprises. To meet that unexpected beauty together with nature, to feel the art and life.
08 设计施工全流程把控细节
Control the details during design and construction of the whole process
To ensure that the project can be perfectly completed, from the program design to the construction drawings and on-site construction process, we followed the whole process of the project. From the control of the drawings, plant selection and refined the construction process, also formulated a detailed plan for the plant transportation and construction. The plant design team supervises the planting works on-site to ensure that each plant is accurately positioned according to the design drawings and that the plant roots are protected from damage during the process. In addition, soil conditions are regularly checked to create the best environment for plant growth.
▽施工计划细致到天,9 个花园按照每天计划推进,选苗照片按照花园类分以及月季、勒杜鹃主题园的具体品种,每一棵都跟甲方一起现场选定。
From the perspective of long-termism, to ensure the healthy growth of plants after planting, we have developed a detailed maintenance manual, covering all aspects of watering, fertilizing, pruning, pest control and so on. The manual not only contains specific maintenance standards and operation procedures, but also provides solutions to common problems, helping maintenance staff to quickly respond to possible problems. At the same time, we will also organize regular Q&A sessions to help the developer improve the professional skills and level of the maintenance team.
After the project is completed, we will also keep following up on the maintenance work, including regular site inspections and customer feedback collection. Through on-site inspections, we can find and solve problems in the process of plant growth in due course to ensure its healthy growth. The feedback from the client is an important basis for us to continuously optimize our design services to ensure that each project achieves the best results and brings lasting natural and artistic enjoyment.
Painting natural poetry with the heart of artisans. Returning nature to its reality with the skill of craftsmanship. Planting a flower and a tree, dancing with the spirit of life.
项目名称:广州·鹏瑞 1 号
建筑设计:KPF 建筑设计事务所
摄影单位:IAM 岸木摄影
Project Name: Guangzhou One Pengrui
Client: Pengrui Group
The client team: Chen Zhouwen, Jia Ling, Lin Shuxin, Zhang Zhiyuan, Liu YuanYuan, Chen Bingnan
Project Location: Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
Landscape Area: ㎡
Plant Design: GM Landscape
Design Director: He Wenhong
Design Team: Huang Xiangyu, Zheng Fang, Liu Changzhi, Li Shunzhang
Architectural Design: KPF
Landscape Construction: Guangdong Longpan Construction Co., Ltd
Photography: IAM Photography
“ 以意匠之心,绘自然诗意,华南首个纯自然花园式造景空中花园植物营造深度分享。”