

这栋Rancho Mirage房子是一栋重新焕发生机的现代主义住宅,距离加利福尼亚的棕榈泉咫尺之遥,室内装饰由Harrison Soll设计。
This Rancho Mirage house is a revived modernist home, a stone’s throw from California’s Palm Springs, with interiors by Harrison Soll.
棕榈泉郊外的加利福尼亚沙漠边缘坐落着一座中世纪的 Rancho Mirage住宅,经过重新设计,以满足 21 世纪的风格和需求。设计师 Harrison Soll 和 AR+D 工作室对这栋私人住宅进行了彻底改造,同时保留了其原有的现代主义建筑风格,AR+D 工作室负责建筑和景观设计工作。
A midcentury Rancho Mirage house has been redesigned to meet 21st-century styles and needs, nestled into the edge of the Californian desert outside Palm Springs. The home, a private residence, was thoroughly refreshed, with respect to its original modernist architecture (after all, the region is renowned for its selection of gems from the era, as the annual Palm Springs Modernism Week will attest), by designer Harrison Soll with studio AR+D who did the architecture and landscaping works.
Rancho Mirage 距科切拉和棕榈泉市中心仅咫尺之遥,是一个以20世纪住宅和星光熠熠的居民而闻名的住宅区,多年来,这里的居民包括好莱坞明星和电影界的重要人物。
A stone's throw from Coachella and Palm Springs city centre, Rancho Mirage is a residential neighbourhood renowned for its 20th-century homes as well as its star-studded residents, which have, over the years, included Hollywood stars and key film industry personalities.
Soll 说:"Rancho Mirage是好莱坞历史上的一段迷人历史,以性感、美丽的沙漠为背景,充满了诱惑力。自 20 世纪二三十年代以来,这里就一直是人们的避暑胜地。这片绿洲生机勃勃,向那个充满魅力和优雅的时代致敬。
'Rancho Mirage is a captivating piece of Hollywood history set against the allure of a sexy, beautiful desert backdrop,' says Soll. 'It has been the escape of choice since the 1920s and 1930s. This oasis is a living, breathing tribute to an era of glamour and elegance.'