

“In motion”是艺术家Baptiste Debombourg为芬兰阿尔托大学新落成的Kide大楼创作的公共艺术作品,由Outi Turpeinen策划。
‘In motion’ is a public art commission by artist Baptiste Debombourg, curated by Outi Turpeinen, for the new Kide Building at Aalto University in Finland.
▼项目概览,Project Overview © Baptiste Debombourg | Adagp
Kide大楼由SARC+SIGGE Architects设计,Max Hartman担任大楼的首席设计师。该大楼主要用于阿尔托大学基础科学学院(应用物理)和电气工程学院的教育和研究。作为悠长而醒目的校园景观的一部分,Kide大楼位于Otaniemi校区的中心地带,正对着阿尔瓦·阿尔托设计的大学生活动中心。
The Kide building was designed by SARC+SIGGE Architects, with Max Hartman as the lead designer for educational and research purposes for Aalto University’s School of Basic Sciences (Applied Physics) and School of Electrical Engineering. It is located at the heart of the Otaniemi campus and forms part of the long and recognizable campus view towards the Alvar Aalto-designed Undergraduate Center.
▼Kide大楼概览,Overview of the Kide Building © Baptiste Debombourg | Adagp
The artist’s approach is inspired by the effects of light produced in interaction with the sea waves reflected on architecture and the landscape.
▼如同海浪般的光影效果,Light and shadow effects like waves © Baptiste Debombourg | Adagp
Kide大楼位于毗邻大海的十字路口旁,这处行人、汽车、有轨电车交汇的重要中心通道激发了艺术家Baptiste Debombourg在此创造具有互动感的装置的灵感。不同的动态、不同的速度和不同的运动场域让艺术家选择了一种能够激活光线的材料,并通过起伏的“地形”来突出主题。这件公共艺术作品就像一扇窗户,在光与运动之间打开了一个新的抽象化的视角。
The important position of the building at a crossroads – a central passage of pedestrians, cars, trams and the vicinity of the sea – inspired him to create a logic of these interactions. The different dynamics, different speeds, and places of movement led him to choose a material that activates light and brings forward the theme through an undulating ‘topography’. The work functions like a window that opens onto a new abstract perspective between light and movement.
▼像窗户一样的外观,Window-like appearance © Baptiste Debombourg | Adagp
The mirror-polished stainless steel – slightly undulated – is a very resistant material that does not rust and withstands temperatures bellow 0. The artwork is installed at a distance of 30mm from the wall. The undulated mirror-polished stainless steel will introduce movement and dynamism to the installation.
▼材料细部,Material details © Baptiste Debombourg | Adagp
通过镜面不锈钢的反射,作品周边的景观和运动将被放大,从而吸引人们的视线并进一步激发人们的思考。这件装置作品将有助于路过的人们打开新的视角,对于有轨电车上的乘客来说也是如此。根据光线的强弱,“In motion”公共艺术装置可以营造出不同的氛围,甚至在一般的较暗环境中也能完美地发挥作用。
By nature of its reflections, the landscape and movements will be amplified and attract the eye, stimulating contemplation and opening new perspectives – also for passengers in trams. It offers different types of atmospheres, depending on the intensity of the light, and works perfectly in average darkness.
▼有轨电车上的视角,Perspectives from the tram © Baptiste Debombourg | Adagp
The exterior shape takes up the structure of the windows of the 1st floor, from which an uninterrupted liquid flows, which ends up invading the space; while the interior represents a splash of a wave and welcomes the visitor with its movement.
▼模拟流淌液体的外部造型,Exterior shape to simulate flowing liquids © Baptiste Debombourg | Adagp
▼模拟浪花的内部造型,Interior shape to simulate a wave © Baptiste Debombourg | Adagp
▼内部造型细部,Interior shape details © Baptiste Debombourg | Adagp
The installation brings a new perspective to the building and materializes the entrance, while respecting its architecture and becoming a landmark for passers-by.
▼强化入口空间,Enhanced entrance space © Baptiste Debombourg | Adagp
‘In motion’ – public art
commissioned by Aalto University for the Kid Building, Dipoli, Otakaari 24, Espoo, Finland.
Curated by Outi Turpeinen.
Technical information:
mirror polished stainless steel (AISI 316), Dune small 3 mm Fielitz GmbH © laser-cut by Laserle Oy, technical drawing by Sweco Finland, installation&chemical wall sealing by Urmet Aare; in the exterior: 3745mm x 10092mm x 30mm; in the interior : 3200mm x 4750mm x 20mm & 3200mm x 2170mm x 20mm. Courtesy Patricia Dorfmann – Paris; Ipercubo Gallery – Milan; Krupic Kersting Gallery – Cologne; Studio Baptiste Debombourg – Paris / Credit photo : © 2024 Baptiste Debombourg | Adagp All rights reserved.