

Trenchs Studio 为 Nomo 集团在巴塞罗那的新旗舰餐厅Nomo Eixample进行了设计,该餐厅位于标志性街道 Consell de Cent。这个空间不仅是日本餐饮集团扩张的一个里程碑,也是对日本精髓的现代和概念性的重新诠释。
The creative interior design studio Trenchs Studio has designed the new flagship restaurant of the Nomo Group in Barcelona: Nomo Eixample, located on the emblematic Consell de Cent street. This space not only marks a milestone in the expansion of the Japanese restaurant group, but is also an ode to the essence of Japan through a contemporary and conceptual reinterpretation.
Nomo Eixample占地570平方米,其独特之处在于对日式材料的创新关注,这也是Trenchs Studio设计的核心理念。创意团队从各种建筑参考资料和日本当代艺术中汲取灵感,成功捕捉到了日本的精髓,而又不落俗套。其中,著名雕塑家和设计师 Isamu Noguchi的作品是他们的主要灵感来源,他的作品是这一空间重新诠释的起点。
With a surface area of 570 square meters, Nomo Eixample is distinguished by its innovative approach to Japanese materiality, a central concept in the design carried out by Trenchs Studio. The creative team, inspired by various architectural references and contemporary Japanese art, has managed to capture the essence of Japan without resorting to the usual clichés. Among their main influences is the work of the renowned sculptor and designer Isamu Noguchi, whose creations have served as a starting point for this spatial reinterpretation.
Nomo Eixample 的室内设计注重材料的使用,以一种微妙而精致的方式唤起人们对日本氛围的回忆。灰泥墙壁和天花板、烟草色调的木质家具、深灰色的乡村风格地板和素雅的彩色釉面砖是构成这一独特空间的部分元素。另一个让人联想到日本的元素是漆器,木板条构成了餐厅入口处优雅的格子。在餐厅里,还可以看到用天然纤维覆盖的斜面,让人想起传统的榻榻米。
The interior design of Nomo Eixample focuses on the use of materials that evoke the Japanese atmosphere in a subtle and sophisticated way. Stucco walls and ceilings, tobacco-coloured wooden furniture, rustic dark grey flooring and glazed tiles in sober colours are some of the elements that make up this unique space. Another Japanese reminiscence is the lacquer, present in the wooden slats that make up the elegant latticework at the entrance to the restaurant. In the dining rooms we also find inclined planes covered with natural fibres that refer to traditional tatami mats.
在确定空间的色彩方案时,Trenchs Studio用一系列强调色来补充素雅的色调,并在场所的某些地方形成对比。为了确定这些对比色调,他们以标志性的日本红为起点,将其转化为暖色调和深棕色,并在格子和玻璃砖中体现出来。
When defining the chromaticism of the space, Trenchs Studio complements the sober colour palette with a series of accent colours that contrast at certain points in the restaurant. To define these contrasting tones, the iconic Japanese red was used as a starting point and was transformed into cauldron and dark brown tones that can be seen in the latticework and glazed tiles.
The layout of the restaurant is designed to create segmented environments through the use of wooden framed steps. In this way, two types of spaces are separated: on the one hand, the quieter dining rooms feature sober materials and warm colours, complemented by communal tables to encourage an informal atmosphere. On the other hand, in the more dynamic spaces, such as the drinks bar and the sushi bar, more intense colours are used in ceramic coverings and lattices, which add dynamism to the layout. This layout invites diners to enjoy a gastronomic experience in an environment that perfectly balances intimacy and conviviality.
Nomo Eixample 不仅仅是一家餐厅,更是一次日本文化和物质之旅,Trenchs Studio以创新和尊重传统的方式,用现代视角对其进行了重新诠释。
Nomo Eixample is not just a restaurant, but a journey through Japanese culture and materiality, reinterpreted by Trenchs Studio with a contemporary vision that celebrates tradition in an innovative and respectful way.