

Abundant, full, and soft, home provides residents with tranquility and privacy behind the hustle and bustle. It is a place where the body and mind can return, enveloping the softness and comfort of the inner world, offering another form of protection and solace to life.
地下室 2F 做挑空处理,-2F 以会客娱乐为主要功能,开放式布局确保室内空间开阔通透。
The 2nd floor of the basement is designed with an open void, while the -2F is primarily used for reception and entertainment, with an open layout that ensures the interior space is spacious and transparent. An interactive relationship is formed between the reception area and the water bar area, enriching the spatial levels. The water bar area features an interplay with the original columns, extending the bar counter and resonating with the glass wine cabinet. The lighting is refined, bringing a sense of cutting-edge luxury.
▽-2F 空间结构
-1F 与-2F 构成了空间完整的「悦己」休闲区域...观影、品茗、健身以及私藏展示等功能,都是对生活的热爱。
The -1F and -2F together form a complete "Pleasure of Self" leisure area... Watching movies, enjoying tea, exercising, and displaying personal collections are all expressions of a passion for life.
利用-1F 相对独立的结构特点,将一些自身个性需求的功能融入其中,形成相对静态私享的空间,同时利用天井让地下室有自然元素的互动。
Taking advantage of the relatively independent structural features of the -1F, some functions that cater to personal preferences are integrated into it, creating a relatively static and private space. At the same time, a skylight is used to allow natural elements to interact with the basement.
空间解构 还原生活
将 1F 的空间重新解构,给予生活最大化的舒适度。背景墙利用穿插和悬浮的构造,简洁利落,同时让空间形成互动,金属漆面搭配石材肌理,同样给予空间力量感的支撑。
Restructure the space on the 1F to maximize the comfort of living. By using interwoven and suspended structures, the space is made neat and clean, while also creating interaction between different areas. The combination of metallic finishes with the texture of stone also provides a sense of strength and support to the space.▽1F 楼梯间
▽1F 客厅
The dining and kitchen layout is spacious and forms a relatively independent space, allowing every moment of gathering to be unrestrained. Italian private custom aesthetics fill the entire space, interpreting the residents’ attitude towards life.▽1F餐厨区
舒度奢阔 私隐尊享
Placing the kitchen on the -1F level allows for more functional use of the space on the ground 1F. Considering cohabitation with the elderly, the most conveniently accessible south-facing room on the first floor is designated as the elderly room, maximizing the scale and interacting with the south-facing garden, providing a comfortable and convenient living scenario for the elderly.▽2F 主卧室套房
▽沈阳中海望京府 360㎡下沉庭院实景落地
▽沈阳龙湖锦璘原著 140㎡实景落地
▽沈阳华发和平首府 143㎡实景落地
▽沈阳新世界卓铸 210㎡实景落地
▽朝阳凌源宝德众泰 400㎡+实景落地
▽沈阳金辉中央云著 350㎡+实景落地
▽沈阳城开中心 1800㎡实景落地
室内设计:OCID 原里设计
主创设计师:田 新
OCID 原里设计主理人、创意总监:李志航