

EcoCommons – Social and Ecological Resilience in the Campus Landscape|Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects
The 8-acre EcoCommons at Georgia Institute of Technology is an ecologically and socially driven pedagogical space, highlighting native ecologies and daylighting the site’s nearly forgotten Civil Rights history. The design of the EcoCommons was conceived as three primary zones artfully connected by universally accessible paths. The learning deck accommodates outdoor classes and stormwater capture while providing habitat and air quality monitoring; The play area provides views to the surrounding campus, gathering areas, and adult-sized slides and hammocks on the lower elevations; and The Contemplative Site reminds us of the momentous Civil Rights events that happened on the site while providing contemplative space for reflection.
▲EcoCommons项目位于亚特兰大市中心的佐治亚理工学院The EcoCommons at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the heart of midtown Atlanta. © Nick Hubbard
此外,EcoCommons的设计还涉及了亚特兰大民权历史上的一个重要节点。在研究和发现阶段,景观设计师了解到这里曾经是Pickrick餐厅的所在地,1964年,民权法案通过后的一天,来自当地神学院的三名黑人学生George Willis Jr, Albert Lee Dunn和Woodrow T. Lewis发起了废除种族隔离制度的活动。而这家仅限白人的餐馆拒绝了他们,老板Lester Maddox煽动了一群暴徒用霰弹枪和镐柄将他们撵出。这也导致了后续依据《民权法案》的第一项联邦政府诉讼。
▲EcoCommons项目将是乔治亚理工学院校园中第一个独立的景观设计,The plan for the EcoCommons is the first standalone landscape design on the campus. © Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects
▲EcoCommons融入校园,在重建水文功能的同时,改善了校园内的交通循环,并提供了多样化的体验,The EcoCommons weaves into the campus, enhancing circulation and providing diverse experiences while re-establishing hydrological function. © Nick Hubbard
▲EcoCommons让人们沉浸在皮埃蒙特的原生生态中。在这里,勤劳的蜜蜂为许多开花植物进行了授粉,EcoCommons immerses visitors in native Piedmont ecology. Here, productive bee boxes provide pollinating services for the many flowering plants. © Nick Hubbard
▲滑梯为人们提供了一种有趣的游览路径与方式,Whimsical slides offer a playful way to navigate grade change. © Nick Hubbard
▲木板路和小路在整个场地上创造出各种普遍可达的交通模式,Boardwalks and pathways create a variety of universally accessible circulation patterns throughout the site. © Nick Hubbard
▲郁郁葱葱的植物受到当地生态系统的启发,有助于贮存和再利用现场50%以上的雨水,Lush plantings are inspired by native ecosystems and help to capture and reuse over 50% of stormwater onsite. © Nick Hubbard
▲郁金香树点缀着吊床花园,使花园充满了秋天的色彩,旁边则是起伏的原生草地,Tupelo trees punctuate the hammock garden with fall color next to the raised native meadow. © Nick Hubbard
▲学生们在吊床花园安静的户外环境中聚会、休息和学习,Students gather, rest, and study in the calming outdoor environment of the hammock garden. © Nick Hubbard
▲漂浮在集水区上方的学习平台为户外课程和聚会提供了空间,A learning deck floating above a water catchment provides space for outdoor classes and gathering. © Nick Hubbard
▲学习码头为学生提供了一处身临其境的室外空间,体现了生态共享景观的三个主要原则:学习、参与和反思,The learning dock is an immersive outdoor room that embodies the three primary tenets of the EcoCommons landscape: learn, engage, and reflect. © Nick Hubbard
▲由景观设计师设计的一系列解释性标识突出了场地的生态、功能和文化叙事,A series of interpretive signs designed by the landscape architect highlight the ecological, functional, and cultural narratives of the site. © Nick Hubbard
▲联合广场标志着具有全国意义的民权历史事件,体现出社会恢复力和生态恢复力的相互依赖性,Unity Plaza marks a Civil Rights history event of national significance; it acknowledges the interdependence of social and ecological resilience. © Nick Hubbard
▲三个垂直的基座是为了纪念George Willis Jr,Albert Lee Dunn,以及Woodrow T. Lewis,这三位学生致力于废除亚特兰大的种族隔离制度,Three vertical plinths stand in memory of George Willis Jr, Albert Lee Dunn, and Woodrow T. Lewis, three students who worked to desegregate Atlanta © Max Touhey
▲鸟瞰高地草地和联合广场,Aerial view of the raised meadow and Unity Plaza. © Nick Hubbard
▲占地8英亩的EcoCommons为亚特兰大市中心的学生、教师和游客提供了一处身临其境的自然休憩场所,The 8 acre EcoCommons provides an immersive, natural escape for students, faculty, and visitors in the heart of Atlanta. © Nick Hubbard
The EcoCommons is the largest standalone landscape project on GA Tech’s campus manifesting goals set out in their 2004 Campus Landscape Plan. The plan envisions a series of interconnected open spaces weaving through the campus while providing new amenities for the community to gather, relax, and study. The EcoCommons is the first of such open spaces, providing a highly successful model for future initiatives. It also shows that a resilient commons emerges only when both ecological and social functions are addressed.
The project transformed a parking lot and demolished police station into a thriving landscape of native Georgia Piedmont ecology. The site’s topography and hydrological flows were designed to reflect its historic landforms defined by regional naturally occurring stream paths. The highly functional landscape reduces stormwater runoff by capturing over 50% of rainfall on-site, diverting millions of gallons of stormwater annually from the city’s sewer system. It can accommodate more than 500,000 gallons of stormwater in cisterns and bioswales, which are cleansed and repurposed for irrigation.
Over 660 trees were planted including oaks, pines, and hickories – they will eventually provide the site with 75% canopy coverage. A wide variety of additional native plantings were chosen to create diverse sensory experiences and ecological zones, increase the site’s capacity for stormwater absorption, and provide a mosaic of native habitats within an urban ecological context, including woodland, wetland, prairie, meadow, meadow, lawn, and grove.
Socially, the EcoCommons creates a new, vibrant landscape for students, faculty, and staff to utilize for recreation, gathering, study, and relaxation. This open campus green space features accessible, multi-use pathways with numerous entry and exit points to improve circulation and campus connectivity. Hammocks, slides, and other site features encourage gathering and exchange. Over 20 data sensors are strategically placed throughout the landscape for students and faculty to access and monitor air quality, temperature, water quality, soil percolation, humidity, wind speed, carbon dioxide levels, and barometric pressure, incorporating real-time, local environmental data into academic instruction.
The EcoCommons also lifts up a significant story in Atlanta’s Civil Rights history. During the research and discovery phase, the landscape architect learned that the site had been home to the Pickrick Restaurant where, in 1964, one day after the passing of the Civil Rights Act, three Black students from a local seminary, George Willis Jr, Albert Lee Dunn, and Woodrow T. Lewis, acted to desegregate the establishment. The white-only restaurant refused them, and the owner, Lester Maddox, incited a mob. This event led to the first federal lawsuit upheld by the Civil Rights Act.
The agency and bravery of the activism of these students inspired the design team to mark the authentic site of their actions. A raised steel edge outlines the footprint of the Pickrick Restaurant. Three monoliths push inwards from a low wall, representing both obstacle and door. Three longleaf pines, the only evergreens in the contemplative site, reflect those forms while symbolizing the courageous figures. Nearby, three large wooden benches further reflect the concept while encouraging moments of quiet reflection.
Project Credits
Georgia Tech Capital Planning and Space Management, On-campus collaborators
Barge – Landscape Architect of Record and NBW the Design Landscape Architect
Biohabitats, Ecology Consultant
Long Engineering, Civil Engineering
Newcomb & Boyd, Lighting Design
Irrigation Consultant Services, Irrigation Consultant
Turner Construction, Contractor