
2024/11/29 11:06:30
如何平衡工作和生活是我们这些年长期思考的一个问题。2022 年我们对职业和生活进行了重新规划,希望趁年轻的时候步入能够按自己的节奏工作、生活的循环。在深思熟虑后,我们搬离了熟悉的城区,未来承载我们想法的场地位于郊区的一个不那么商业化且有邻里居住的水乡古镇。
How to balance work and life is a question we have been thinking about for a long time. In 2022, we re-planned our career and life, hoping to step into a cycle of working and living at our own pace while we are young. After careful consideration, we moved away from the familiar urban area. The site that will carry our ideas in the future is located in a typical southern water town in the suburbs.
▼建筑外景,Exterior view © 本质映象
建筑沿河而建,四周环绕着凉亭、古桥、水杉林,场地是个平面呈长方形的老房子,侧边连了一间加盖的小矮屋,正门临水,后院是个小天井,院子是个很吸引我们的条件。但是原建筑的立面经过翻修,颜色与周围格格不入,室内比较闭塞,内外仅由小窗联系,两层屋顶和墙面被塑料扣板吊顶和墙板粗暴地封起来,阴暗低矮且带有霉味。前区由于楼梯的辖制,通往加盖小矮屋的门,也就是卫生间的门,一直处于 1.3 米左右的高度,人必须弯腰才可进入。
The building is built along the river, surrounded by pavilions, ancient bridges, and sequoia forests. The site is an old house with a rectangular plan, with a small, short addition attached to the side, the front door facing the water, and a small patio in the backyard; the yard was a very attractive condition for us. However, the façade of the original building has been renovated, the color is out of place with the surrounding, the interior is rather closed, the inside and outside are only connected by small windows, the two-storey roof and walls are roughly sealed up by the plastic grommet ceiling and wall panels, which is dark, low and with a musty smell. In the front area, due to the jurisdiction of the staircase, the door leading to the short addition, which is the bathroom door, is always at a height of about 1.3 meters, and one has to bend down to enter.
▼建筑沿河立面,Riverfront elevation© 本质映象
▼重新排布组织门窗后维持古镇风貌的沿河立面,After rearranging the doors and Windows to maintain the riverside facade © 本质映象
The old house is complex and full of uncertainty. We moved a set of camping tables and chairs, and found our design direction by dismantling, mapping, planning and modeling on site. The old house is different from the new building because it has traces of people living and using it in different eras. By dismantling them layer by layer, we found a lot of information hidden in the floors, walls and roofs. The state of remodeling is like a “design relay across a century”, and we hope that the old building can adapt to the lifestyle of modern people, but also try our best to preserve the simple but semantically complex architectural state of the old house.
▼室内工作区,Interior Workspace © 本质映象
▼室内,Interior© 本质映象
▼细节,Detail© 本质映象
The focus of the dismantling and mapping of the site, the continuous exploration and discovery, is to have more information about the complex and uncertain site. In parallel with this, the plan is mainly concerned with the rational arrangement of functions and flows, and the model is to verify the relationship between the functional spaces as well as the interior and exterior when the plan becomes a three-dimensional form. Several tasks are carried out simultaneously, and the conditions of each party are constantly weighed against each other, and the spatial form is gradually revealed.
▼阅读区,Reading area © 本质映象
古镇沿河的立面依照景区要求不可有风貌上的变动,我们仅对一层入口立面稍做整理,去除格格不入的黄色门扇,把老花窗、小 logo、一扇淘来的老木门以及雨檐整合在一起,既保留了风貌又能够用老花窗保护一点个人隐私。对于房子后方,我们将东南向的整个立面全部打开,通高的玻璃门窗自由开合,一楼形成与小院浑然一体的状态,站在二楼能够一览远处翠绿的水杉。
▼外立面,Exterior elevation ©六识研社
The facade along the river in the ancient town should not have any changes in style according to the requirements of the scenic spot. We only slightly tidied up the facade of the first-floor entrance, removed the out-of-place yellow door, integrated the old flower window, small logo, an old wooden door, and the rain eaves together, which not only preserved the style but also protected personal privacy with the old flower window. For the back of the house, we opened the entire southeast facade, and the full-height glass doors and windows opened and closed freely, forming a state of integration between the first floor and the courtyard. Standing on the second floor, you can see the green metasequoia in the distance.
▼改造后视线通过圆形月洞门延升到庭院,After the transformation, the line of sight rises to the courtyard © 本质映象
▼切开的楼板与改造后的玻璃立面将充足的光线引入一楼,The cut floor slab and the renovated glass facade bring plenty of light into the ground floor © 本质映象
▼层架细节,Shelf details© 本质映象
The stairs that control the height of the bathroom were sawed off the rotten bottom section and moved to the back area near the full-height glass door. A large triangular incision was opened on the floor for the stairs, so that the light from the second-floor windows can also be sprinkled on the first floor, changing the dark and depressed mental state of the room. The northwest side resists the summer sun exposure by retaining the wooden facade along the street. The newly opened glass facade on the southeast side also allows the old house to embrace the warm sun in winter. For the cut floor and suspended wooden beams, we added a sky-blue steel beam as support to awaken the sleeping old house.
▼由一层望向二层的挑高区,Viewing from the first floor to the second floor of the elevated area © 本质映象
The old wooden ladder that remained stood on the cut floor openings© 本质映象
▼旧楼板与新楼板、老结构与新结构之间的关系,The relationship between old the new © 本质映象
老房子的墙体不稳定,我们不希望在墙壁开槽走水电线,索性全用明管,横平竖直贴着木柱子走。可我们不舍得让电管在刚刚重见天日的古朴木天花上乱爬。倾斜的老楼板,东侧最低点与西侧最高点的高差足足有 7 公分,站在二楼感受强烈,再加上经历了快 100 年历史的生命历程,木楼板的拼缝间出现了较大的裂缝,走在上面深一脚、浅一脚。所以我们用整齐的木龙骨网格将旧木楼板拉结,也消除了 7 公分的高差,上面再铺新的木地板,形成一个整体,木龙骨之间不作封闭,形成一个空腔,开放出来,保持旧楼板干燥,空腔内还可解决走水电管的问题。
▼2F-室内,2F- Indoor ©六识研社
The walls of the old house were unstable, and instead of trenching the walls to lay out the electrical and plumbing lines, we used all exposed metal pipe to lay out the electrical and plumbing lines, going horizontally and vertically against the wood posts. The dilemma we had was that we didn’t want to let the metal pipe show on this beautiful wood ceiling that had just been cleaned. The old sloping floor slabs, the height difference between the lowest point on the east side and the highest point on the west side is a full 7 centimeters, which is strongly felt when standing on the second floor, and coupled with the fact that after a life span of almost 100 years of history, the wooden floor slabs have large cracks between the splices, which makes it dangerous to walk on them. So we use the neat wooden keel grid will be the old wooden floor plate tie, but also eliminates the 7 centimeters of height difference, and then lay a new wooden floor, forming a whole, between the wooden keel is not closed, forming a cavity, open out, keep the old floor dry, the cavity can also be arranged within the water and electricity pipes.
▼改造后的建筑外立面,The renovated facade of the house © 本质映象
▼改造后的二楼立面将远处的水杉景色引入室内,The renovated second floor facade brings the distant metasoia view into the interior© 本质映象
As the essence of ancient Chinese architecture, the roof cannot be buried by crude plastic ceiling. We removed the plastic ceiling on the second floor, revealing beams and tiles covered with newspapers. We asked the construction team to clean the entire beam structure one by one, leaving the wood plain. The south is humid, so we did not paint it again, firstly to let the wood breathe again, and secondly to keep the beams in a simple matte state. For roofs without roofboarding, wood fiber cement boards are used as roofboarding to prevent dust from falling.
▼二层经过清洗恢复出来的梁架结构,The beam structure recovered after cleaning on the second floor © 本质映象
The light and shadow reflected on the beam structure on the second floor of the river© 本质映象
▼二层请过清理恢复出来的壁龛,The restored niches on the second floor© 本质映象
▼二层书架兼护栏,Bookshelf and guardrail on the second floor© 本质映象
As the Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zi said, the pursuit of knowledge and life is a process of mutual growth. We’re trying to take steps back to make progress. While taking care of yourself, you can also pursue your professional ideals more calmly. In the future, whether it is the gentle breeze, the greenery in the patio, or the golden color from the first ray of dawn peeking out from the distant metasequoia forest in winter, all of these will be warmly welcomed.
▼手工模型,Handmade model ©六识研社
▼场地平面,Site plan ©六识研社
▼场地剖面,Site section ©六识研社
设计公司: 六识研社
项目位置: 中国上海
完成时间:2024 年 6 月
场地面积:50 sqm
设计团队:宋浩嘉, 林艳
材料:木、瓷砖、玻璃钢格栅、金属、木丝水泥板, 乳胶漆
家具: IKEA
Project Name: A Simple Life
Architect: Atelier 6C
General Enquiry:info@atelier6c.cc
Project Type: house, living space
Location: Shanghai, China
Completion Date:June, 2024
GFA:50 sqm
Design Team:Haojia Song, Leah lin
Materials:wood, tile,FRP grating laminate, Sprayed metal,wood wool cement board, white paint
Photographer:Nature Image
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