

随着 Le Fou Fou 餐厅的盛大揭幕,蒙特利尔翻开了新的美食篇章,这是一家专为新一代美食家设计的创意欧式餐厅。LemayMichaud 与 Carbonleo 携手打造了这一精致迷人的设计,在这里,美食探索与创意交织在一起,在不断变化的环境中诱惑着人们的味蕾。
A new culinary chapter begins in Montreal with the grand unveiling of Le Fou Fou, an innovative European-style gourmet hall designed for a new generation of foodies. In partnership with Carbonleo, LemayMichaud reveals this refined and captivating environment, where gastronomic exploration and creativity intertwine in an evolving environment that seduces at all hours of the day.
▼精致迷人的设计,The refined and captivating environment © LemayMichaud
Le Fou Fou 餐厅位于 Royalmount 购物中心的二楼。在这里可以欣赏到广场的迷人景色,餐厅也凭借其优越的区位,成为购物中心的视觉焦点。餐厅占地面积超 30,000 平方英尺,包含 4 个活力四射的酒吧和可容纳 900 多名客人的室内外场地。同时,餐厅提供 12 个大类的美食。这些因素促使该项目成为蒙特利尔美食界的必访之地。
Located on the second floor of Royalmount, with stunning views of the piazza, Le Fou Fou stands out due to its prime location, making it a focal point of the shopping center. Spanning over 30,000 square feet, this unique space features twelve culinary offerings, four lively bars, and an indoor/outdoor setting that accommodates over 900 guests, making this project a must-visit destination on Montreal’s culinary scene.
▼购物中心的视觉焦点,The focal point of the shopping center © LemayMichaud
鲜明而独特的形象 A strong and distinctive identity
LemayMichaud 事务所建筑师兼合伙人 Anne-Marie Bouliane 解释道:“该项目的主要灵感来自普罗旺斯和法式小酒馆。我们将这些灵感要素与蒙特利尔的城市元素巧妙融合,共同创造出一个独一无二的空间。设计采用了经典的法式元素,并融入了本地特色元素,旨在使该项目在与蒙特利尔的身份认同相联系的同时,又与城市的历史起源相吻合。”
“The main inspiration for the project is drawn from Provence and French bistros, which we subtly blended with urban elements to create a one-of-a-kind space,” explains Anne-Marie Bouliane, architect and partner at LemayMichaud. “We took classic French elements and integrated characteristic features to anchor the project in its origins while connecting it to Montreal’s identity.”
▼来自法式小酒馆的灵感,Inspiration from French bistros © LemayMichaud
▼融合的设计风格,Fusion of design styles © LemayMichaud
This inspiration is reflected in the warm color palette, which includes earthy tones and shades of green, reminiscent of nature and the comfort of European cafés. The choice of materials evokes an elegantly lived-in ambiance, mixing bold urban elements like polished concrete.
▼大地色调和绿色调,Earthy tones and shades of green © LemayMichaud
The space is divided into two distinct areas, each creating a different atmosphere, depending on the time of day. The bright side, bathed in natural light, offers a family-friendly and welcoming atmosphere. In contrast, the darker and more festive side is designed for evenings and social events. This duality ensures flexibility in space usage without compromising design unity. Each element, though different, harmonizes perfectly to ensure visual coherence throughout the project.
▼餐厅的不同氛围,Different atmosphere in Le Fou Fou © LemayMichaud
The high ceilings have been enhanced with design elements that avoid a feeling of absorption, while maintaining a sense of openness. Abundant vegetation adorns the space, fostering a natural connection with the outdoors. The spacious terrace is a key element of the project, offering a natural extension of the gastronomic space.
▼较高的天花板,The high ceilings © LemayMichaud
▼丰富的植被点缀,Abundant vegetation © LemayMichaud
Anne-Marie Bouliane 指出:“我们的方法基于团队协作和精益求精,旨在反映我们倾听和理解客户愿望的能力。为实现这一目标,我们为 Le Fou Fou 餐厅设计了一个充满活力的用餐环境。在这里,小食部、餐厅和酒吧都因其高品质美食脱颖而出,而对细节的关注则使餐厅空间充满了个性与优雅。”
Our approach is based on a collaborative process and meticulous attention to detail, reflecting our ability to listen to and understand our clients’ desires,”says Anne-Marie Bouliane. “Le Fou Fou embodies this philosophy by creating a vibrant environment where kiosks, restaurants, and bars stand out for the quality of their offerings, and where attention to detail weaves spaces with character and elegance.”
▼对细节的精益求精,Meticulous attention to detail © LemayMichaud
Redefining the gourmet hall experience
蒙特利尔作为著名的美食之都,拥有众多的创新餐厅和美食空间。Le Fou Fou 餐厅位于这一充满活力的中心地带,其与众不同之处不仅在于提供卓越的美食,还在于其独特而精致的空间设计。餐厅采用精心规划的有机式布局,旨在邀请食客深入探索,欣赏餐厅的每一处细节。
Montreal, a true gastronomic capital, stands out for its abundance of innovative restaurants and culinary spaces. At the heart of this vibrant scene, Le Fou Fou distinguishes itself not only through its exceptional culinary offerings, but also with its unique and refined design. Featuring a carefully planned organic layout, it invites visitors to explore progressively, allowing them to appreciate every detail of the space.
▼餐厅的有机式布局,A organic layout © LemayMichaud
Le Fou Fou 餐厅超越了传统的餐厅模式,其定位为一个“真正的美食目的地”。不同于购物间歇的一次短暂停留,该项目提供一种沉浸式的美食体验,旨在使食客感到在 Le Fou Fou 用餐本身就是一件让人享受的盛事。这种沉浸式设计通过打造一个既温馨又迷人的环境,增强美食之旅的效果,使每次到访 Le Fou Fou 都成为一次真正的感官探险。
Le Fou Fou transcends traditional food halls by positioning itself as a genuine culinary destination. Unlike brief stops during shopping trips, Le Fou Fou offers an immersive culinary experience where dining becomes an event in itself. This immersive design enhances the culinary journey by providing a setting that is both welcoming and captivating, making each visit a true sensory adventure.
▼真正的美食目的地,A genuine culinary destination © LemayMichaud
探索的邀请 An invitation to discover
该项目的核心视觉特征无疑是装饰电梯井的大型壁画,它由 LemayMichaud 的平面设计团队设计。这幅艺术作品受魔幻现实主义美学的启发,也成为了 Le Fou Fou 餐厅一个引人注目的焦点,把乘坐电梯本身转变为一种迷人的视觉享受。
A central feature of the project is undoubtedly the large mural that adorns the elevator shaft, designed by LemayMichaud’s graphic design team. Inspired by a magical realism aesthetic, this artwork becomes a striking focal point of the project, transforming the elevator into a captivating visual experience.
▼装饰电梯井的大型壁画,The large mural that adorns the elevator shaft © LemayMichaud
LemayMichaud 平面设计总监 Étienne Savaria 解释说:“我们希望通过一幅 360 度的壁画,在中央电梯周围营造一种身临其境的体验,让人联想到 Le Fou Fou 餐厅独特的世界。为了达成这一目标,团队面临的最大的挑战之一是如何将这一概念运用到大型壁画中,同时保持整个壁画的视觉完整性和趣味性。”
We wanted to create an immersive experience around the central elevator, with a 360-degree mural that evokes the unique universe of Le Fou Fou, explains Étienne Savaria, Graphic Design Director at LemayMichaud. One of the biggest challenges was adapting this concept to a large scale while maintaining visual integrity and interest throughout the length of the mural.
▼视觉完整性和趣味性,Visual integrity and interest © LemayMichaud
The mural’s patterns include surreal elements and subtle touches of jungle vegetation, blending seamlessly into the environment while drawing attention through their originality. Designed to reveal itself gradually, the mural offers new perspectives with each visit, serving as a starting point for imagination and reflection.
The mural plays a crucial role in transitioning between the two atmospheres of the space. The design is divided into two large sections, each representing one of these phases. This duality is highlighted by a carefully chosen color palette, allowing visual fluidity that links the two moods. The contrast between dark and light tones creates depth and visual richness that captivates the eye and invites discovery.
▼超现实元素图案,Patterns include surreal elements © LemayMichaud
Technical sheet
General Contractor:JCB Construction
Electromechanical Engineering:Dallaire Consultants
Structural Engineering:GBI
Kitchen Specialist:Doyon Després
Custom lighting:Lambert et Fils