

Project background
“垂直自然塔”是合造社建筑事务所为南海大地艺术季设计和建造的一座微美术馆,作为 PILLS 策展的六座微美术馆单元中的一座,位于佛山市南海区渔耕粤韵艺术区的湖边。而这池湖水是由广东传统农业中桑基鱼塘演化至今,是珠三角水系生活和生产体系中的一个切片。桑基和鱼塘,农业和渔业,生物共生交织反映了典型且独特的南方状态。垂直自然塔,作为一个大地艺术节的微美术馆,也试图通过设计和建造来回应“南方性”,并融入在地的文化地理背景。
“Vertical Nature Tower” is a micro art museum designed and built by CLABArchitects for the ART FIELD NANHAI 2024. As one of the six micro art museum units curated by PILLS, it is located in the lake of Yugeng Yueyun Art Park, Nanhai District, Foshan City. The lake evolved from the mulberry base fish pond in Guangdong’s traditional agriculture, and is a slice of the life and production system of the Pearl River Delta. Mulberry and fish ponds, agriculture and fishing, symbiotic interweaving reflect a typical and unique southern state. The Vertical Nature Tower, as a micro-art gallery of the Earth Art Festival, also attempts to respond to the “southernness” through its design and construction, and to integrate into the cultural and geographical context of the place.
▼项目概览,overview of the project©徐浪
▼垂直自然塔,Vertical Nature Tower©徐浪
Architect’s statement:LUXURIANT RELICS
“南方,热带雨林凭着过剩的生命力拒绝着个体的存有。那一团生命里,没有植物、动物或个人是独立存在、显眼夺目的。”——段义孚《我是谁》“In the South, the rainforest rejects individual existence with its excess vitality. In that mass of life, no plant, animal, or individual stands alone and stands out.”— Duan Yifu▼垂直自然塔,Vertical Nature Tower©徐浪
The southern tropical rainforest, with its vigorous vitality, shows a symbiotic state of all life forms. Here, plants, microorganisms, animals and other life forms flourish extremely, their rapid appearance, and rapid disappearance of the way, in rotation, life and growth. Even the buildings built by inorganic materials are inevitably wrapped by this lush vitality, coexistence and symbiosis. This scene cannot help but give people the illusion: are buildings also some form of life?
▼夕阳下的垂直自然塔,Vertical Nature Tower under the sunset©徐浪
回到建筑学的经典追求——坚固与永恒——的话题,建筑在南方的繁茂中,似乎也指向了另一个意向:永恒的建筑被这繁茂的生命力包裹淹没,并在漫长的岁月中,变成文明的遗迹。这个意向也映照了电影《湮灭 ANNIHILATION》中那略显残酷的画面:在遗落的南境,人的身体最终被繁茂的植物占领,溶于自然的繁茂。
Returning to the classic pursuit of architecture – sturdiness and permanence – the lush architecture in the South seems to point to another intention: the eternal architecture is submerged by this lush vitality, and in the long years, becomes the relic of civilization. This intention also mirrors the slightly cruel image in the film ANNIHILATION: in the lost southern border, the human body is finally occupied by lush plants, dissolved in the lush nature.
▼装置与植物,installation and lush plants©徐浪
The creation of the Vertical Nature Tower aims to create a natural monument in nature, or a site pointing to the future. In the exuberance of the South, the architect uses the building instead of the body, to divert and dissolve this cruel discomfort, and to understand nature. Based on the same concept, architect Xu Lang invited artist Feng Rui to create a natural intention for the tower, using the artist’s more gentle language, instead of the pain of the body, to show us the power of natural life in the rainforest.
▼建造一座自然的纪念塔,create a natural monument in nature©徐浪
Space and construction
The vertical natural tower consists of nine concrete walls of different shapes that overlap each other to form the main space, and inside it is designed a spiraling path to the “pavilion” at the top of the building.
▼仰视顶部的“亭子”,look up at the“pavilion”©徐浪
During the creation process, the architects took a “deliberate” technical approach to the “randomness of the lap” expressed by these nine concrete walls, even though the construction of the concrete walls itself is a “condensation” rather than a “lap” logic. The so-called “lap” means that the end of the top of each wall and the beginning of the bottom of the other wall must be at the same elevation. The visual language to achieve the “lap” is to hide a continuous frame structure composed of dark columns and dark beams in these nine walls.
a continuous frame structure composed of dark columns and dark beams©徐浪
The “random” wall is a big challenge for construction, and the construction team makes construction models on site to ensure the accuracy of construction.
▼“随机性”的墙体,The “random” wall ©徐浪
Wallsand mosaic of nature
The nine walls of the Vertical Nature Tower are divided into internal and external surfaces. The exterior walls use slotted forms to create protrusions that will create “steps” for plants to climb in the future. The interior is made of polished concrete, which serves as a base for the artist’s current work.
▼马赛克”苔藓”,mosaic moss©冯瑞
▼马赛克”苔藓”,mosaic moss©冯瑞
▼墙体轴测+大样,wall axonometric + detail©合造社建筑设计事务所
Break, reorganize, arrange ….. The language of mosaic is used to portray nature, which builds up an overall order and pattern with the combination of tiny units. Moss is a plant with strong vitality and is often regarded as a symbol of time and desolation. Moss is both an eroder and a healer. It reweaves the wall with soft vitality, transforming the cold man-made object into a part of nature.
▼马赛克细部,mosaic detail©冯瑞
▼马赛克”苔藓”,mosaic moss©冯瑞
Endnotes / Artist’s Statement
Vertical nature is the material form of architecture, but also the field where time, nature and human will meet. The wall is not only an architectural support, but also a carrier of expression. It is a “relic” of history and a witness to the invasion and symbiosis of nature. The production of mosaic is essentially a process of pursuing order. However, the vertical nature of mosaic deconstructs the traditional “aesthetics of order” and introduces the power of “randomness and nature”.
▼傍晚景象,at dusk©徐浪
Individuals often feel absorbed, engulfed, and sometimes even completely obscured in large social structures. This feeling echoes the state of those tiny beings in the tropical rainforest, their insignificance and powerlessness in the larger whole. At the same time, it also explores the contradiction of identity in modern society: people seek individual independence, but cannot escape the attribute of being a member of a collective. Who are we really? Are we the products of self-will or social culture? What is our “self” in the social group?
▼结构轴测图,structure axonometric©合造社建筑设计事务所
完成年份:2024 年 8 月(设计)-2024 年 11 月(建成)
马赛克艺术家(人名):冯瑞 ;艺术家团队:冯瑞、李乐晴、张兆臻
摄影版权:徐浪;冯瑞 ;贝尊艺术
合作方: 栾栌构造设计事务所、贝尊艺术、四川凌启轩集成房屋有限公司
客户:南海大地艺术节+PILLS 工作室