

LOLA Landscape Architects:十年前,LOLA 景观事务所为荷兰人口密度最高的地区之一——韦斯特兰市设计了一条全新的生态走廊——Poelzone 公园,这个项目从一开始就大获成功,为动植物和人类提供了急需的绿色空间。一条蜿蜒的自行车道引导骑行者从海滩一路来到围垦地,途中经过 NEXT 建筑事务所设计的蝙蝠桥和几个独特的动物图腾。
LOLA Landscape Architects:Ten years ago LOLA designed a new ecological corridor in the Westland municipality, one of the most densely built-up areas in the Netherlands. Park Poelzone has been a success from day one, offering much needed green space for plants, animals and humans alike. A winding bike lane guides cyclists from beach to polder, while passing the Bat Bridge by NEXT architects and several unique animal totems.
▽项目视频 The video © Dorottya Bekesi
Poelzone 公园集自然发展、水体储存、新的休闲路线网络、大规模住宅迁移和温室园艺结构重组结合在一体。LOLA 景观事务所怀着将占地 21 公顷的土地转变为一个人与动物共栖的自然生态休闲场所的愿景,为 Poelzone 北部做出了最终设计。
Park Poelzone combines nature development, water storage, new recreational route structures, large-scale relocation of homes, and the restructuring of greenhouse horticulture. With the ambition to transition 21 ha into a recreational and ecological nature-driven space for humans and animals, LOLA Landscape Architects made the definitive design for Poelzone Noord.
▽鸟瞰图纸 Bird’s-eye view drawing
公园成为了一条自然通道 Park as a natural route
一条生态岸线为 1.5 公里蜿蜒曲折的自行车道、15 个新建住宅地块和 2.2 公顷的创新型鱼类产卵场提供了空间。这样的环境可以让鱼苗在水草丛中安全成长——公园和产卵场相结合使这片生态区域面积加倍,为居民和游客提供了一个极具吸引力的自然环境。蜿蜒的路线让游客始终与水同行,他们可以近距离观赏自然奇观,尤其是在春天万物复苏的时节。
An ecological shoreline gives space to 1.5 km of winding bicycle routes, 15 plots for new houses, and an innovative 2.2 ha spawning ground for fish. The environment enables fry to mature safely amid water plants—the park and its spawning grounds double, providing an attractive natural environment for residents and visitors. A lingering route takes visitors on an eye-level journey with water, allowing them to witness the natural spectacle, especially in springtime.
地标生态系统 Landmark ecosystem
“动物树”由人工木结构制成,为鸟类、昆虫、小型哺乳动物、蜜蜂和蝴蝶提供了独立的栖息地。“动物树”是部分生态系统的栖息地,也是一个视觉地标。此外,NEXT 建筑事务所参与设计的 “蝙蝠桥”可以让四种不同的蝙蝠全年在此生活。
The ‘Animal Tree’, made of an artificial wooden structure, provides separate housings for birds, insects, small mammals, bees, and butterflies. The ‘Animal Tree’ is a habitat for a partial ecosystem and a visual landmark. NEXT Architects was involved in designing the ‘Bat Bridge,’ which allows four different bat species to live there all year round.
▽ “动物树”栖息地 The ‘Animal Tree’
▽总平面图 Master Plan
项目名称:Park Poelzone
项目地点:荷兰 韦斯特兰
景观/建筑事务所:LOLA Landscape Architects
首席建筑师:Eric-Jan Pleijster
合作伙伴:NEXT Architects
Project name: Park Poelzone
Completion Year: 2015
Size: 21 ha
Project location: Westland, The Netherlands
Landscape/Architecture Firm: LOLA Landscape Architects
Lead Architects: Eric-Jan Pleijster
Clients: Municipality of Westland
Collaborators: NEXT Architects
Photo credits: Danny Taheij
“ 设计将 21 公顷的土地转变为了一个人与动物共栖的生态休闲场所。”