


Design Burger presents:
Design Dialogues Exhibition 2024 - London
At the beginning of August, Design Burger were delighted to open the doors to the Design Dialogues Exhibition 2024. The unseen second season of our interview series combined hand-sketched answers to thought-provoking questions alongside physical work from world-renowned designers.
This year we had an incredible line-up, featuring the following (left to right):
Arielle Assouline Lichten, Simone Brewster, Panter&Tourron, Nothing Design Team, Norman Teague, Mike and Maaike, Luca Nichetto, Karim Rashid, Benjamin Hubert, David Caon and Ionna Vautrin
Now over to you.
The exhibition connected our community to the designers, their minds and their projects. Visitors could engage interactively by answering the same questions, with responses displayed along the exhibition wall, creating a dynamic mural, fostering community and dialogue.
A huge thank you to our partners: USM, Winsor & Newton, Noho, Nothing, Concepts App, Solid Solutions, Smile Plastics, TDC PR and the Design & Technology Association
Videography: Iain Philpott
Photography by Adam Weir and Toby Dibble