

洛阳罗曼罗兰文化传播旗下媒体:《建筑装饰》杂志、AD 建筑装饰微平台
据统计,企业员工每年大概有超过 2200 个小时是在办公室里度过,优质的办公空间对员工的身心健康以及工作效率来说至关重要。
同时,AIGC 人工智能的快速发展叠加全球综合环境的急剧变化,催化了企业协作模式的深度变革。
Corporate employees spend a lot of time at work. A good office space is important for their health and work. AIGC’s AI and global changes have transformed the way companies work together. The office space is now a key part of a company’s culture and business. It helps companies manage innovation, work more efficiently and even transform themselves.
Matrix Design new positioning and strategy focus on openness, sharing and co-creative growth. The design techniques of "humanization, sustainability, technology, professionalism, vitality, simplicity and experimentation" have been refined to create a healthy, friendly, active and culturally open headquarters office space.
Matrix’s head office is located in Rongchao Building, Futian District, Shenzhen, facing Lotus Hill and adjacent to Guanshanyue Art Museum, which is an architectural space embraced by nature and a scarce green space in Shenzhen’s parks.
「矩阵总部办公室」获得国际 LEED-CI(leed 绿色室内设计与施工金级认证)
The office by the park lets people enjoy nature. The office space is designed to bring the outside in, with floor-to-ceiling windows and greenery. This makes the room feel relaxed and open.
The office overlooks Lotus Hill. The green plants match the stone of the front desk, as if recording history. The whole space uses soft colours and materials. Mr. Wang Muyu’s painting, "Waterfront Picture," combines nature and oriental philosophies.
17 楼开放式区域更像是一个不被定义的空间,设计以大面积的留白去实现更多可能。这里可以适应讨论、分享会、展览等不同模式的场所需求,为自由的表达和真实情绪提供了「被看见的场域」。
The open plan area on the 17th floor is more like an undefined space, designed with large areas of blank space to achieve more possibilities. This place can adapt to the needs of different modes of discussion, sharing sessions, exhibitions, etc., providing a "visible field" for free expression and genuine emotions.
The design team used renewable materials to make a puzzle-shaped recycled sponge stool. It can be used in different ways.
Matrix Design welcomes everyone with an open attitude. We show customers and partners the best view of Lotus Hill. The ample natural light and floor-to-ceiling windows, combined with soft beige decor, create an atmosphere that naturally brings people closer together.
从传统的格子间到开放式协作空间,办公形态的转变源于对传统办公设计的反思,矩阵通过去中心化的设计策略,满足 400+设计师的日常工作需求。
From traditional cubicles to open collaboration spaces, the change in office form comes from reflecting on traditional office design and decentralised design strategies to meet the needs of 400+ designers.
办公室内 75%的工位都位于景观面最佳的窗边 7.5m 的位置,良好的户外环境与适当的光照有利于提升员工身心健康。人体工学座椅可根据个人需求进行高度和深度的调节,舒缓工作疲劳。
75% of the workstations are located 7.5 meters from the best window view. The good outdoor environment and lighting help staff stay healthy. Ergonomic chairs can be adjusted to suit you.
植入办公微社区的设计概念,在 15 平米小范围内员工可以快速触达到日常办公场景及基础的光照、饮水、空调冷热电等需求。
The design concept of an office micro-community allows staff to reach basic needs in a small area of 15 square metres.
Openness, equality, and inclusiveness are the sources of creativity at Matrix. The extensive use of glass not only enhances the sense of transparency in the space but also reduces the psychological distance between team members.
The company has a flat management structure and all the founders’ offices are open. This makes it easy to communicate and work together, and the open layout shows the company’s values.
在这里方便大家随时围绕设计创意进行沟通,大量的书籍和资料可以随时查阅。中古家具和设计师原版家具跳脱了传统的办公统一家具的逻辑,绝版 Magis LEM 升降圆桌与义大利折纸造型茶几,错落间增加了体验感和创意。
This is a handy place to chat about design ideas at any time. You can access lots of books and information at any time. The antique and designer furniture stand out from traditional office furniture. The Magis LEM lifting round table and Italian origami coffee table create a sense of experience and creativity.
The offices of the different founders have distinct styles and concepts, with occasional humorous touches in the decor, returning to the original intent of finding pure, authentic beauty in design.
除了开放透明的空间布局,我们更以国际 WELL 健康认证标准关注员工。办公室采用空调高效能的 HVAC 系统,同时安装了 MERV14 过滤装置,有效清除空气中的微粒和污染物。引入先进饮用水设备,定期水质检测及出水口检查,保障水质符合最高标准。
We care about our staff’s health too. That’s why we’ve adopted the WELL health certification standard. The office has a good air conditioning system and filters to remove particles and pollutants from the air. We have introduced advanced drinking water equipment and regular water quality tests to ensure the water quality is the best it can be.
The meeting room emphasizes functional aesthetics and is set up for different time slots. The idea was to make this space like an island in the office, open,authentic,inclusive,and inspiring creativity.
Verner Panton 扶手中古椅放置在会议区,更符合人体工学的设计同时也代表著创意精神的生发,版画《羽尘》让空间更富有层次感。
The Verner Panton armchair is in the conference area. It is more ergonomic and represents the birth of the creative spirit. The print ’Feather Dust’ makes the space feel layered.
The meeting room abandons all decorative elements and uses transparent materials to “expose” the structure. The ceiling beams, floor slabs, and columns carry the weight of the entire space and are meant to be visible to everyone.
Matrix Design’s community platform encourages co-creation and helps designers to grow. The office space reflects the company’s culture and organisational forms.
The space is designed with white space for the designers to express themselves, with glass shelves and cabinets for storing materials and samples.
围绕建筑内部的交通动线,穿插不同形态的活动空间高效布局,以适应各种团队规模。例如适合小组团队头脑风暴的小型会议室,以及适合 I 人独立思考或开会的静音室。
The building has different types of spaces for different team sizes around its internal routes. A small meeting room is good for small group brainstorming, and a quiet room is good for people who work on their own.
The large amount of white space in the office gives the designer the freedom to play, walls, glass, bookshelves, furniture, etc. can be the canvas for creation, the space is dynamic and full of vitality, and the designer grows together.
The Matrix design team has distributed office, conference, leisure, hospitality and flexible functions that emphasise openness and vitality across the three floors of the building, and correspondingly arranged efficient and independent lines of movement and distribution logic to incorporate the spirit of diversity, creativity and community into the overall design.
Our definition of an office is not just a workplace, but a place of inspiration.
在布局方式上区别于传统办公,把最舒适以及景观面最好的区域都留给了公共空间,几组不同形态的家具陈列形成了可分可合的场景。大家工作之余可以在这里聚会、分享,GAP 放空一下。
The office layout is different from traditional ones. The best and most scenic areas are reserved for public spaces. Various groups of furniture can be combined to create different scenes. After work, we can gather, share, and relax.
休闲区中库卡波罗卡路赛利沙发,以及充满童真的 MAGIS 休闲沙发,让整体空间更加松弛自在。这里还是灵感共创和小型的产品展示区,自主研发的何觅品牌潮汐茶几,利用可持续的贝壳材料制作而成,展现强烈设计感的同时助力可持续发展。
In the relaxation area, the Kuka Polo Karuselli and the child-friendly MAGIS sofa create a more relaxed atmosphere. This is not only a relaxation area, but also an inspiration and small product display area. The TIDE Table of Heedmind brand, developed in-house, is made from sustainable shell materials, demonstrating a strong sense of design while contributing to sustainable development.
The camping area and the cat cafe, a scene enclosed by a canopy, plants and gravel, hope that employees will have a pure and simple space to relax in the concrete city, and to explore different experiences of combining office and leisure.
Adopting a staircase with a double circulation design around the corridor, effectively separating the up and down flow of movement to prevent visitors from disrupting the work area, thereby maintaining staff concentration and enhancing the immersive office experience.
The door handles of the meeting rooms are made from reclaimed stone, with ergonomic grooves and details reflecting care for staff.
The open material room is a continuation of the community culture and spirit, with sustainable materials and both soft and hard furnishing supplies available to every designer. It serves as a rich display space to meet creative needs.
项目名称 |矩阵纵横设计股份有限公司总部
业主单位 |矩阵纵横设计股份有限公司
项目地址 |深圳市福田区荣超大厦 17-19 楼
硬装设计 |矩阵纵横设计股份有限公司
软装设计 |矩阵纵横设计股份有限公司
项目摄影 |释象万合
设计面积 |6000㎡
主要材料 |木纹科技板 岩板 地胶板 毛毡 无缝壁纸 肤感面饰面板 超白玻璃
矩阵纵横设计股份有限公司(简称「矩阵股份」股票代码:301365)成立于 2010 年,总部位于深圳,在北京/上海/成都/西安/武汉/香港设有分部。2022 年矩阵股份成功登陆深圳证券交易所创业板,成为深圳第 400 家、全国第 5000 家上市公司,标志着企业在资本市场的新起点。
成立至今,矩阵股份致力于推动行业进步和产业聚集发展,成长为一家具有行业前瞻性和社会影响力的国际化综合性咨询机构。服务领域覆盖公共环境、办公空间、住宅地产、商业零售、文化教育、医疗康养、酒店及文旅等多个行业。根据全球权威媒体《Interior Design》2022 年发布的百大设计巨头综合排名,矩阵股份位列全球第 17 位,住宅领域位列全球第一。
矩阵股份也是生活方式设计领域的领导品牌,旗下拥有 IDM 工作室、矩阵纵横 MatrixDesign、MIX 矩阵鸣翠、MsolStudio 目所、暗壳科技 ArtArk、矩阵研究院、天玑玉衡、释象万合等多个专业子品牌。业务覆盖从趋势研究及前策咨询、空间设计及标准化管理、软装陈设及艺术品顾问、产品原创及 IP 设计、数字化应用开发及材料研发、到摄影影视制作等全流程定制化咨询和设计服务。
矩阵股份始终以客户体验为核心,提供前瞻性的设计理念和科技创新赋能,在环境、社会、文化和经济效益上实现可持续发展的设计价值。以“设计向善 科技普惠”为品牌使命,将和谐人居智慧融入全球设计语境,在实践人工智能与数字化发展的趋势下,以国际化视野引领空间设计行业科技创新。
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西安凌玺台:翰墨书香 不夜长安
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