

蓝球场位于象山县兴海村的沿海一侧,是一座蓝色混凝土球场,由裸露的钢结构框架围合而成。北侧的入口由斜向钢索支撑的顶篷标志着主要入口,入口顶篷与两侧向内悬挂的顶篷共同形成了一个 U 形长廊,为观众提供遮荫空间。篮球场东西两侧的立柱间设有混凝土长凳,为村民提供了一个休憩、社交以及观赏海景的场所。
Located in a seaside park on the southeastern coast of China, Blue Court is a blue concrete basketball court framed by an exposed steel structure. A canopy supported by diagonal steel cables marks the main entrance on the north side. The entry canopy along with two inward-hanging canopies form a U-shaped arcade and provide shaded space for spectators. Concrete benches along the east and west columns offer villagers a place to rest, socialize, and observe the ocean view.
▼外观概览,exterior overview© 明暗研究室和张淼杰
▼篮球场内部,interior view© 明暗研究室和张淼杰
▼入口顶篷,entrance canopy© 明暗研究室和张淼杰
The basketball court is composed of three layers: the primary steel structural frame, secondary diagonal tension cables, and steel wire net. The alternating density of the cable system creates a diagonal stripe pattern while providing different levels of screening and transparency. The use of transparency, wire mesh, and tension cables suggests a lightness that suits its atmospheric seaside setting, while providing ample structural reinforcement to mitigate coastal winds.
▼混凝土长凳,concrete benches© 明暗研究室和张淼杰
▼钢丝网斜纹图案细部,steel wire net diagonal stripe pattern details© 明暗研究室和张淼杰
Like many rural villages, this community has seen its younger generation migrate to larger cities for work. The Blue Court functions as both a sport venue and a communal gathering plaza. Designed to cater to the daily village life, it provides a welcoming environment for children and the elderly to gather, play, and connect to each other and the coastal landscape.
▼社交广场,The Blue Court as a communal gathering plaza © 明暗研究室和张淼杰
▼包容、舒服的环境,a welcoming environment © 明暗研究室和张淼杰
▼正在运动的居民,citizens in play© 明暗研究室和张淼杰
▼模型,models© 明暗研究室和 Found Projects
▼场地平面图,site plan© 明暗研究室和 Found Projects
▼平面图,floor plan© 明暗研究室和 Found Projects
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan© 明暗研究室和 Found Projects
▼立面图,elevations© 明暗研究室和 Found Projects
▼剖面图,sections© 明暗研究室和 Found Projects
项目类型:体育、文化, 公共,
设计方:Found Projects, 明暗研究室
设计团队:张淼杰,Veronica Smith (Found Projects 团队), 李昕昊,阚天宇,陈炜伦(明暗研究室团队)
建筑面积:927 ㎡
施工图设计:浙江华之建筑设计有限公司 – 建筑:徐建平、代建华、林惠杰、孟昭阳; 结构:项方同、曹文琴、张坤; 景观:张欣、陈家峰; MEP:李哲人、顾建刚、吕定纯、陈培、奚丈羽
Project name: Blue Court
Project type: Cultural, Public, Retail
Design: Found Projects, Atelier Noirs
Design year: 2023
Completion Year: 2024
Design Team:Miaojie Ted ZHANG, Veronica Smith (Found Projects), Xinhao LI, Tianyu KAN, Weilun CHEN (Atelier Noirs)
Project location: Xiangshan, Ningbo, Zhejiang
Gross built area: 927 ㎡
Photo credit: Atelier Noirs, Miaojie ZHANG
Client: The Government of Xiangshan County, Ningbo City; The Government of Xinqiao Town, Xiangshan County, Ningbo City Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism, and Sports of Xiangshan County, Ningbo City; Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning of Xiangshan County, Ningbo City; Transportation Bureau of Xiangshan County, Ningbo City; Haibo Cultural and Sports Industry Development Co., Ltd., Xiangshan County
Local Design Institute: Zhejiang Huazhi Design Institute; – Architeture: Jianping XU, Jianhua DAI, Huijie Lin; Zhaoyang MENG; Structure: Fangtong XIANG, Wenqin CAO, Kun ZHANG; Landscape: Xin ZHANG, Jiafeng CHEN; MEP: Zheren LI, Jiangang GU, Dingchun LV, Pei CHEN, Zhangyu XI
Construction Company : Zhejiang Gutai Engineering Co., Ltd.
Special Acknowledgement: Peinan REN
Comepititon Organizer: Shanghai OneTenth Culture and Art Co., Ltd.