With a limited array of colors, tactility of the materials and through careful detailing, the interior architect has conceived a relaxing resting interior that encapsulated the essence of living.
SAND & MILK House 是对这对夫妇的概括,它是为这对夫妇重新设计的,这对夫妇非常简洁,但又非常微妙和特别。这栋房子位于以色列海法区 Pardes Hanna-Karkur 的森林之中,属于一对年轻貌美的夫妇,他们充满梦想、理想和灵魂。他们的愿望是创造一个永恒的室内空间,改造每一个空间,使其独一无二,同时将宁静、美学和功能融为一体"。
“SAND & MILK House is a summary of this couple for which it was reimagined, a couple of great simplicity, but very subtle and special. The house, among the forests of Pardes Hanna-Karkur, a town in the Haifa District of Israel, belongs to a beautiful young couple, full of dreams, ideals and soul. Their wish was to create a timeless interior and transform each space to make it unique, while combining serenity, aesthetic and function.”
The residence is characterized by curves which are expressed first and foremost in the arches. The generously curved and welcoming arch gently marks the entrance to the house as well as the transition point between several spaces. For the designer, this rounded passage, so powerful in its structure, gently soothes the volumes and provides comfort.
室内每个空间的设计都不杂乱无章,只留下必要的结构和家具,同时采用与室内无缝衔接的饰面。材料都是天然永恒的,这些材料因其美学和功能品质而被使用了几个世纪,如石灰石膏和 Tadelakt。这种材料鉴赏的结果是一种中性、自然的色调,并在自然光和阴影的映衬下得到进一步加强。温暖的极简美学与一丝精致的乡村元素、粗糙的纹理和异国情调的配件相结合,在真实性和现代性之间创造了完美的平衡。
Each of the spaces of this interior have been designed without cluttering, leaving only the necessary structure and furnishings while applying finishes that flow seamlessly into the interior. The materials are natural and timeless, materials that have been used for centuries for their aesthetic and functional qualities, as Lime Plaster and Tadelakt. The result of this material appreciation is a neutral and naturalistic palette that is further enhanced by natural light and shadows. The warm minimalist aesthetic is combined with a hint of refined rustic elements, rough textures and exotic accessories to create the perfect balance between authenticity and modernity.