

由 Carmelo Zappulla 领导的多次获奖的 External Reference 建筑事务所,宣布了其与西班牙领先的啤酒公司 Mahou San Miguel 的精彩合作,打造了名为“Plaza Mahou”的空间。这是西班牙首个也是唯一一个在体育场内酿造啤酒的啤酒品牌空间。该空间位于标志性的圣地亚哥伯纳乌体育场,拥有可以直接俯瞰皇家马德里球场的专属视野,总面积超过 1,000 平方米,包括餐厅和露台,每年预计将接待约 40 万人次。
The multi-award-winning architecture studio External Reference, led by Carmelo Zappulla, unveils its brilliant collaboration with Mahou San Miguel, the country’s leading beer company, creating ‘Plaza Mahou’, the first and only brewery-branded space in Spain to produce beer inside a sports stadium. Located right in the emblematic Santiago Bernabéu stadium with exclusive direct views of the Real Madrid pitch, this space of over 1,000 m², including the restaurant and terrace, is expected to receive around 400,000 visits per year.
▼室内概览,overview of the indoor space©GermánSaiz
为了彰显马德里独特的城市精神,这个由享誉国际的建筑事务所——以将空间转化为情感体验而著称——设计的项目,巧妙地将三个元素融合在一起:足球、Mahou 啤酒和马德里。通过一个关键元素——广场(Plaza),它们得以有机连接和交汇。
With the aim of celebrating the very essence of Madrid, the project undertaken by the studio – internationally renowned for converting spaces into emotional experiences – connects three universes: the world of football, Mahou beer and Madrid; through a fourth element that acts as a fitting bridge: the Plaza.
▼将空间转化为情感体验,converting spaces into emotional experiences©Germán Saiz
——External Reference 的创始人兼首席执行官 Carmelo Zappulla
The Plaza, with its open yet intimate space, creates a natural gathering place. It is where people meet and share experiences, a place where you can always find company – a social space to forge friendships and enjoy life in community. In the squares of Madrid, as well as enjoying a beer, we find values such as unity, conviviality and celebration. Adds Zappulla, founder and CEO of External Reference.
▼自然的聚会场所,anaturalgathering place©GermánSaiz
为了创造以用户为中心的独特体验,该空间分为两个主要区域:一个面积为 700 平方米的大型室内区域和一个面积为 450 平方米的有顶蓬露台,球迷们可以在这个宏伟的“广场”周围享受多种沉浸式氛围,这个“广场”俯瞰球场,为球迷们创造了一个独特的环境。
Designed to create a unique user-centric experience, the space is organised into two main areas: the large interior and the covered terrace, 700m² and 450m² in size respectively, where fans will enjoy various immersive atmospheres around this spectacular plaza that ‘’peeks out‘’ onto the pitch, creating an exclusive environment for visitors.
▼吧台,bar area©GermánSaiz
External Reference 事务所为空间的不同区域开发定制了不同的设计:公众可以在啤酒厂品尝未经过滤的 Mahou Cinco Estrellas 啤酒,这里每年计划生产约 30,000 升啤酒;可以在餐厅品尝以传统马德里菜肴为基础的美食;或者在酒吧区学习如何完美地倒啤酒。此外,还有一个 VIP 休息室,其工业风格以铸铝和不锈钢制成的沙发和家具为特色。
External Reference has developed a bespoke design for the different areas of the space: the public will be able to taste an unfiltered Mahou Cinco Estrellas beer in the brewery, which is set to produce around 30,000 litres of beer per year; they will be able to savour the cuisine (based on typical Madrilenian dishes) in the restaurant; or learn how to serve ’the perfect beer’ in the tapster area. There is also a VIP lounge, with its industrial style, characterised by sofas and furniture in coastal aluminium and stainless.
▼啤酒罐,beer tank©GermánSaiz
继设计了马德里的标志性空间如 The WOW Concept 和全新的 Vicio 餐厅之后,External Reference 事务所为 Mahou 创造了这一独一无二的项目,通过 3D 打印或当地工匠手工制作的精致细节让球迷们沉浸在完美的“酿造”氛围中。
After signing iconic spaces in Madrid such as The WOW Concept and the new Vicio restaurants, External Reference has created for Mahou a unique project, full of thoughtfully crafted details – by 3D printing or through local artisans – that immerse users in the perfect ‘brewing’ atmosphere.
体验从穿过一条沉浸式隧道开始,隧道中有数字投影和俯瞰酒罐房的景象,将顾客带入 Plaza Mahou 的主要空间。在这里,一张宽敞的 28 米长的吧台成为餐饮和社交体验的中心。吧台饰以手工绘制的陶瓷,这些陶瓷由西班牙艺术家 Los Bravú 创作,致敬马德里的都市生活。Los Bravú 还创作了露台上的大型壁画。
The experience begins by going through an immersive tunnel, with digital projections and views overlooking the tank room, which takes the customer into the main space of Plaza Mahou where an imposing 28-metre bar becomes the centrepiece of the dining and social experience. This, clad in hand-illustrated ceramics that pay homage to Madrid’s urban life, is conceived in collaboration with Spanish artists Los Bravú, who also signed the large mural on the terrace.
▼隧道中的数字投影,digitalprojections inside the tunnel©GermánSaiz
▼隧道中的数字投影,digitalprojections inside the tunnel©GermánSaiz
The large, covered terrace, which opens directly onto the pitch, is a more informal space to enjoy the game in a casual and ‘footbally’ way. The terrace is characterised by amber coloured roundtables, evoking the movement and shine of the beer, which embraces the large, industrial-looking concrete pillars.
在设计、艺术与高科技的融合中,External Reference 事务所创造了一系列独特的元素,使这个空间与众不同:大部分家具都是定制的,展示柜和桌子灵感来源于工业啤酒罐,手工制作的凳子则由回收的啤酒桶制成,体现了 External Reference 事务所的循环设计理念以及对循环经济原则的持续关注。照明灵感来自啤酒流经的管道,以琥珀玻璃制成的管状灯具呈现暖光,框住了雕塑感的天花板。
In a fusion of design, art and high technology, External Reference has created a system of distinct elements that characterise and make this space unique: Most of the furniture is bespoke: display cabinets and tables inspired by industrial beer tanks and stools handcrafted from reclaimed kegs reflect External Reference’s cradle-to-cradle approach and its ongoing interest in circular economy principles. Lighting evokes the conduits through which beer flows and takes the form of amber glass tubular lamps with warm light framing the sculptural ceiling.
▼象征着啤酒的流动和光泽,evoking the movement and shine of the beer©Germán Saiz
▼象征着啤酒的流动和光泽,evoking the movement and shine of the beer©Germán Saiz
为该空间设计的地板和墙壁也采用了定制化工艺:3D 打印的框架和饰面板;乳白色的陶瓷,质感和颜色像极了完美啤酒泡沫;以及使用了品牌标志性红色的瓷砖,这些瓷砖均采用陶瓷雕刻技术精心制作。
For this space, External Reference has developed a series of custom finishes for the floors and walls: 3D-printed frames and panels; ceramics in off-white, with a texture and color that evoke the foam of the perfect draft; and ceramics in the brand’s signature red color, both created using ceramic engraving techniques.
▼定制化工艺细节,custom finishes detail©Germán Saiz
▼定制化工艺细节,custom finishes detail©GermánSaiz
External Reference 的体验式设计在创新与高工艺之间实现了完美平衡,每个细节都反映了 Mahou 的品牌价值。通过这一项目,马德里的独特精髓得到了完美呈现,传统、现代和激情在这片让人难忘的空间中完美融合。
The experiential design of External Reference represents a perfect balance between innovation and high craftsmanship, where Mahou’s values are reflected in every detail. Celebrating the unique essence of Madrid, this project has resulted in an architectural interior where tradition, modernity and passion merge in perfect harmony in a truly memorable space.
▼夜景,night view©Germán Saiz
▼看台平面,terrace plan©ExternalReferenceArchitects
▼室内平面,indoor plan©ExternalReferenceArchitects
▼家具图纸,furniture illustration©ExternalReferenceArchitects
▼细部图纸,detail illustration©ExternalReferenceArchitects