

由俄罗斯设计师Elena Taratukhina设计的这座公寓位于莫斯科市中心著名的Prime Park住宅区16层。这里融合了现代技术、环保设计和建筑创新。空间的突出特点之一是它的全景窗户,自然光洒满室内,营造出一种开阔感。然而,65平方米的面积并不宽敞,需要对每一个元素都一丝不苟,因此家具的选择和布局至关重要。设计工作包括重新考虑平面布局,拆除现有隔断,设计出实用的新布局。
The apartment is situated in the prestigious Prime Park Residential Complex on the 16th floor, in the heart of Moscow. This location blends modern technology, eco-friendly design, and architectural innovation. One of the standout features of the space is its panoramic windows, which flood the interior with natural light and create a sense of openness. However, the modest 65-square-meter area required a meticulous approach to every element, making furniture selection and layout critical. The design involved a complete rethinking of the floor plan, demolishing existing partitions, and crafting a new, practical layout.
客户是一位外国商人,希望有一个舒适的空间供其在莫斯科短期居住。公寓的重点在于功能性,因为它既能满足短暂停留的需求,又能保持家的温馨感。Elena Taratukhina成功地实现了所有想法,项目几乎未经修改就被接受,凸显了与客户的良好关系。
The client, a foreign businessman, wanted a cozy space for short-term stays in Moscow. The focus was on functionality, as the apartment is intended for brief visits while maintaining a sense of homey warmth. Elena Taratukhina successfully implemented all ideas, with the project being accepted almost without modifications, highlighting the excellent rapport with the client.
室内设计体现了功能性极简主义风格,非常适合客户的要求。 这种风格强调简洁和精致,同时营造出舒适的生活空间。这里的极简主义不仅仅是要去掉多余的东西,而是要在形式、功能和舒适度之间找到平衡。
The interior reflects the functional minimalism ideal for the client's requirements. This style emphasizes simplicity and sophistication while creating a comfortable living space. Minimalism here is not merely about eliminating excess but finding balance between form, function, and coziness.
The design employs a restrained, dark color palette that gives the space depth and a graphic quality. Black is the dominant color, lending a masculine touch, while tactile materials add warmth. The palette, chosen in collaboration with the client, perfectly reflects their taste and style.
艺术品增添了个性,完善了整体概念。艺术家 Olga Rikoun 的画作成为起居室和餐厅的焦点,而 Tatiana Kirikova 的艺术作品则点缀了卧室。从纺织品到家具,每一个装饰元素都经过精心挑选,以突出简约风格和柔和色调。
Artwork adds personality and completes the overall concept. Paintings by artist Olga Rikoun serve as focal points in the living and dining areas, while Tatiana Kirikova's arts adorn the bedroom. Every decor element, from textiles to furnishings, was meticulously chosen to highlight the minimalist style and subdued palette.