killers 舞蹈工作室丨中国广州丨King design

2024/12/06 22:01:58
Killers,中国街舞界的领军团队,在 2024 年荣获了世界舞蹈大赛(WOD)中国区总决赛专业组的冠军。这一成就不仅标志着 Killer 在国内街舞圈的领先地位,更是对其艺术追求和专业水准的国际认可。Killer 以其卓越的舞蹈实力和创新精神,不断推动街舞文化的发展,并鼓励舞者们勇敢地表达自我。而今,Killer 找到我们,希望借助我们的设计力量,打造一个非凡的舞室,一个能够激发创意和灵感的空间,让舞者在这里释放激情,展现才华,共同推动中国街舞文化向新的高度迈进。
Killer, a leading force in China’s street dance community, has claimed the championship title at the World of Dance (WOD) China Finals Professional Division in 2024. This achievement not only signifies Killer’s leading position within the domestic street dance scene but also garners international recognition for its artistic pursuits and professional caliber. Known for its exceptional dance strength and innovative spirit, Killer continuously propels the development of street dance culture and encourages dancers to express themselves boldly. Now, Killer has turned to us, seeking our design expertise to create an extraordinary dance studio, a space that can inspire creativity and imagination, where dancers can unleash their passion, showcase their talent, and together, elevate Chinese street dance culture to new heights.
▼killers 荣获 WOD 冠军 Killers won the WOD title© killers
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舞室缘起(Studio Genesis)
▼Killers 舞室,这个街舞文化的新地标,傲立于广州海珠智汇创意园的顶楼。以其独栋建筑的顶楼优势,室内空间开阔无阻,没有任何结构柱的束缚,为设计团队提供了无限的创造自由。这样的空间条件,不仅赋予了舞室无限的设计潜力,也为舞者们提供了一个自由无拘的舞蹈天地,让他们在这片创意无限的空间里释放激情,追逐梦想。
Killer Dance Studio, a new landmark of street dance culture, stands proudly on the rooftop of Haizhu Zhihui Creative Park in Guangzhou. As a standalone building with an expansive interior free from structural columns, it offers boundless creative freedom to the design team. This spatial condition not only bestows the dance studio with endless design possibilities but also provides dancers with a liberated space to unleash their passion and chase their dreams within this creatively infinite realm.
▼Killers 原始建筑图 Killers Original architectural drawings©King
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对话与融入(Communication and Integration)
Killers 舞室的设计理念源自舞者在舞蹈中所展现的“快、准、狠”状态,这种状态正如其名,充满冲击力和力量感。我们将这种无形的力量感融入空间设计之中,以巨石作为设计元素,模拟 Killer 舞者们在舞蹈中所释放的能量。通过巨石的稳固与重量感,我们可视化了舞者们的力量和决断,将这种力量感转化为空间中的实体存在。这样的设计不仅捕捉了 Killer 舞者们的精神内核,也为舞者和观众创造了一个充满动力和灵感的环境。在 Killer 舞室,每个角落都能感受到舞者们的力量和舞蹈的热情,激励着每个人在舞蹈中追求卓越。
The design concept of Killer’s dance studio is derived from the dancers’ state of being "fast, precise, and aggressive" during their performances, a state that mirrors their name, filled with impact and a sense of strength. We have integrated this intangible feeling of power into the spatial design by using boulders as a design element to simulate the force we feel from Killer’s dancers. The solidity and weight of the boulders visualize the strength and determination released by the dancers, transforming this sense of power into a tangible presence within the space. This design not only captures the core spirit of Killer’s dancers but also creates an environment brimming with dynamism and inspiration for both dancers and audiences. At Killer’s dance studio, every corner reflects the power of the dancers and the passion for dance, motivating everyone to strive for excellence in their performances.
▼Killers 设计概念图 Killers design concept drawing©King
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▼Killers 设计概念图 Killers design concept drawing©King
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▼Killers 设计概念图 Killers design concept drawing©King
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空间布局与功能(Space Layout and Functions)
▼外立面设计 Façade Design
Killer 舞室的外立面设计灵感源自巨石的稳固与力量,将原有建筑包裹在巨石元素之中,从远处即可感受到其强烈的厚重感与力量感,彰显舞室的独特气质。The façade design of the Killer dance studio draws inspiration from the solidity and strength of boulders, enveloping the original structure in elements reminiscent of giant rocks. From a distance, one can immediately sense the strong sense of heaviness and power, highlighting the unique temperament of the dance studio.
▼Killers 外立面图 Killers facade©King
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▼Killers 外立面图 Killers facade©King
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▼Killers 外立面图 Killers facade©King
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▼Killers 外立面图 Killers facade©King
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▼Killers 外立面图 Killers facade©King
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▼主入口与休息区 Main Entrance and Rest Area
主入口左侧精心设置了休息吧台,为学员和舞者提供了一个课后社交的理想场所。入口门把手巧妙融合了 Killer 的首字母“K”,细节之处展现品牌标识。前台接待区的吧台与左侧巨石形成咬合关系,巨石背后实则为仓库区,便于工作人员储物。
The main entrance is thoughtfully adorned with a rest bar on the left side, providing an ideal space for students and dancers to socialize after classes. The entrance door handle subtly integrates the initial "K" of Killer, showcasing the brand logo in the details. The reception desk’s bar forms a interlocking relationship with the boulder on the left, which actually serves as a storage area behind the rock, facilitating the staff in storing items.
▼killers 主入口 killers main entrance©King
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▼killers 主入口 killers main entrance©King
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▼killers 主入口 killers main entrance©King
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▼killers 接待区 killers Reception area©King
▼休息区 Rest Are
Killer 在舞台上追求极致,舞台下则营造温馨氛围。特别设计的休息区为舞者提供了休息和社交交流的空间,体现了品牌对舞者的关怀。aKiller pursues perfection on stage, and creates a warm atmosphere off stage. The specially designed rest area provides dancers with a space for relaxation and social interaction, reflecting the brand’s care for its dancers.
▼Killer 休息区 Killer Rest Area©King
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▼Killers 休息区 Killers rest area©King
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▼Killers 休息区 Killers rest area©King
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▼Killers 休息区 Killers rest area©King
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▼Killers 休息区 Killers rest area©King
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▼Killers 休息区 Killers rest area©King
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▼Killers 休息区 Killers rest area©King
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▼服装零售区 Apparel Retail Area
进入 Killer 空间,舞者可通过吧台右侧的残墙窥见 Killer 自行设计和零售的服装产品,这一设计既展示了品牌风格,也为舞者提供了便捷的购物体验。Upon entering the Killer space, dancers can catch a glimpse of the clothing products designed and retailed by Killer through the partial wall on the right side of the bar. This design not only showcases the brand’s style but also provides dancers with a convenient shopping experience.
▼Killers 服装零售区 Killers clothing retail area©King
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▼Killers 服装零售区 Killers clothing retail area©King
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▼荣誉展示墙 Honor Wall
一面荣誉展示墙记录了 Killer 历届获得的荣誉,展现品牌辉煌成就。An honor wall documents the accolades received by Killer over the years, showcasing the brand’s brilliant achievements.
▼Killers 荣誉展示墙区 Killers Honor wall area
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▼石阵走廊 Stone Corridor
通往舞蹈室的走廊两侧被巨石包裹,仿佛置身于石林之中,增添了空间的神秘感与探索的乐趣。The corridor leading to the dance studios is enclosed by large stones on both sides, creating an atmosphere as if one is walking through a stone forest, adding a sense of mystery and the joy of exploration to the space.
▼Killers 石阵走廊 Killers Stone Circle corridor©King
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▼Killers 石阵走廊 Killers Stone Circle corridor©King
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▼Killers 石阵走廊 Killers Stone Circle corridor©King
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▼Killers 石阵走廊 Killers Stone Circle corridor©King
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▼RoomA 舞室与 RoomB 舞室
Room A Dance Studio and Room B Dance Studio
RoomA 舞室与 RoomB 舞室之间设有一个可移动的“活”墙体,可根据需要将两个空间合并或分隔,灵活适应不同规模的舞蹈课程和排练,最大可容纳 100 人。RoomA 舞室的 logo 设计独特,宛如冲破束缚的形象,象征着舞者的力量与自由。Between Room A and Room B dance studios, there is a movable "living" wall that can be used to combine or separate the two spaces as needed, adapting flexibly to dance classes and rehearsals of varying sizes, with a maximum capacity of 100 people. The logo of Room A is uniquely designed, resembling an image breaking free from constraints, symbolizing the strength and freedom of dancers.
▼RoomAB 舞室 The RoomAB Studio©King
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▼RoomAB 舞室 The RoomAB Studio©King
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▼RoomAB 舞室 The RoomAB Studio©King
▼RoomAB 舞室 The RoomAB Studio©King
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▼RoomAB 舞室 The RoomAB Studio©King
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▼RoomAB 舞室 The RoomAB Studio©King
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▼RoomC 舞室 Room C Dance Studio
An exclusive private lesson room, providing personalized teaching spaces for students.
▼RoomC 舞室 The RoomC Studio©King
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▼RoomD 舞室 The RoomDStudio©King
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▼RoomD 舞室 The RoomDStudio©King
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▼办公区©Office area©King
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▼办公区©Office area©King
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▼办公区©Office area©King
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Killer 舞室以其独特的设计语言,将力量感与创新精神融入每一个角落,从而塑造了一个激发灵感和释放个性的空间。从巨石包裹的外立面到灵活多变的内部结构,舞室的每个设计元素都与品牌的核心理念相呼应,旨在为舞者提供一个充满动力和创造力的环境。
我们预见,Killer 舞室将成为社区文化的新枢纽,不仅为街舞爱好者提供专业的训练场所,更将成为推动广州乃至华南地区街舞文化发展的新动力。展望未来,Killer 舞室将继续引领潮流,成为孕育新一代街舞艺术家的摇篮,为街舞社区带来无限的活力与创新。
Killers 平面图 Killers plan©King
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▼Killers 分析图 Killers chart©King
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▼Killers 分析图 Killers chart©King
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▼Killers 分析图 Killers chart©King
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▼Killers 平面图 KillersPlane graph©King
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▼Killers 完工实景图 KillersFinished actual scene drawings©King
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项目名称:killers 舞蹈工作室
Project Owner: Guangzhou Qile Si Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.
Project Name: Killers Dance Studio
Project Type: Dance Studio Design / Commercial Space Design
Project Location: Haizhu Zhihui, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China
Completion Time: November 2024
Chief Designer: King
Photography: King
Construction Company: Guangzhou Gaoshi Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd.
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