

该项目所在处既不是一条街道,也不是一个广场,而是一处位于两个城市结构交汇处的被遗忘区域。简而言之,这里是城市肌理中的一处补丁。街角公园是艺术家 Kateřina Šedá 领导的 Brnox 区振兴项目的一部分,项目中包含了绘制 Zábrdovice 地区的旅游地图。该区是一个多元文化的大熔炉,目前正面临着巨大的城市化压力。
This space is neither a street nor a square; it is a leftover area situated at the intersection of two urban structures. Simply put, it’s a patch. The revitalization of the patch was part of a larger project called Brnox, led by artist Kateřina Šedá. This project maps the Brno district of Zábrdovice, a multicultural melting pot currently undergoing significant gentrification pressures.
▼项目概览,overview of the project ©BoysPlayNice
除了绘制区域性的旅行地图和编写旅行指南外,Brnox 区振兴项目还包括对该地区的一些艺术和建筑进行干预,包括设计导视系统、设计公共家具和特定地点的建筑改造。作为振兴项目中被选中的一处改造地,街角公园在被改造前是当地应急住房前的一块空地。
In addition to mapping the area through a guidebook, the project includes several artistic and architectural interventions within the district itself – from designing a wayfinding system and public furniture to the architectural transformation of specific sites. One of the selected locations was the patch in front of the local emergency housing.
▼街角公园与周边的环境,Street Corner Park and its surroundings ©BoysPlayNice
设计布局 Arrangement
虽然该项目位于 Brno 区中心 Cejl 街和 Vlhká 街交汇处的一块重要公共空间,但该地块长久以来一直是一个被忽视的泥泞角落。设计的目的是激活这片空间,使其更适合公众和周边居民的需求,改善他们没有足够公共空间的现状。
Although this is an important, exposed public space at the corner of Cejl and Vlhká Streets in the center of Brno, the patch had always been a neglected, muddy corner. The aim of the design is to cultivate the space, making it more habitable for both the general public and the residents of the emergency housing, who do not have any other sufficient communal space.
▼激活公共空间,Activating public space ©BoysPlayNice
The design divided the area into three sections, creating a gradient from soft to hardened surfaces. The surfaces reflect the original informal state – a lawn, a gravel lawn with public furniture, and a patch partially made of stabilized gravel and partially of water-permeable concrete. These areas do not have a clearly defined purpose, allowing for the widest possible range of activities. At the same time, the design offers spaces for interaction through several small elements. Here, people can stop, sit, have a snack, or play hopscotch. The area is bordered by a high steel curb and a concrete block to prevent parking, which used to be a common practice.
▼公园地面变化的梯度,A gradient from soft to hardened surfaces ©BoysPlayNice
▼高高的钢制路缘石,A high steel curb ©BoysPlayNice
▼各类活动所需的地面彩绘,Painted floors for various events ©BoysPlayNice
非正式性 Informality 街角公园的整个设计都借鉴了周边的环境美学。一条由混凝土枕木铺成的小路沿着之前破旧的人行道穿过草坪。公共家具由钢卷型材焊接而成,浓郁的棕红色让人联想到底漆。公园也保留了本地特有的乡土大型植物,包括一棵蔓生枫树、一棵大天堂树和一棵白桦树。另外,该项目还另外种植了一些树木,在公园中形成了一片绿树成荫的小树林。
The entire design draws from the aesthetics of the periphery. A path made of concrete sleepers follows the previously worn footpath through the lawn. The public furniture is made of welded steel rolled profiles, with a rich brown-red color reminiscent of a base coat. The original mature greenery, typical of peripheral areas, is preserved – a sprawling maple, a large tree of heaven, and a birch. Additional trees have been planted to create a small, shady grove.
▼借鉴周边的环境美学,The aesthetics of the periphery ©BoysPlayNice
▼混凝土枕木铺成的小路,A path made of concrete sleepers ©BoysPlayNice
▼茂盛的植物,Lush vegetation ©BoysPlayNice
公共家具 Public Furniture
All elements are custom-designed. The goal was to create comfortable furniture with increased resistance to damage. The welded steel rolled profiles are complemented by standardized black locust planks, which can withstand heavy use and are easily replaceable. The furniture is designed for various modes of use. An important feature is the new public lighting, which was previously absent and contributes to a sense of safety in the nighttime.
▼棕红色的公共家具,Public furniture in rich brown-red color ©BoysPlayNice
▼经久耐用的家具设计,Durable furniture design ©BoysPlayNice
▼公共家具艺术,Public furniture art ©BoysPlayNice
▼公共家具艺术细节,Public furniture art details ©BoysPlayNice
▼平面图,Plan ©BoysPlayNice
▼平台细部,Platform details ©BoysPlayNice
▼篮球架细部,Basketball-hoop details ©BoysPlayNice
▼秋千细部,Swing details ©BoysPlayNice
▼看台细部,Tribune details ©BoysPlayNice
ORA, Alžběta P. Brůhová
Jan Veisser, Jan Hora, Barbora Hora, Klára Mačková, Maroš Drobňák
Alžběta P. Brůhová
Social media:
Studio address: Rooseveltova 836/6, 669 02 Znojmo, Czech Republic
Project location: The Corner of Cejl and Vlhká Streets, Brno
Project country: Czech Republic
Project year: 2017-2020
Completion year: 2023
Gross floor area: 1106m²
Client: Brno-Center District