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单向空间丨中国北京丨CG DESIGN

2024/12/09 17:44:16
单向空间是一个集实体文化空间、全媒体原创内容出版、文化沙龙、文创礼品为一体的综合性文化创意机构,项目位于北京郎园 Station 园区内。它的前身是上世纪 60 年代的北京纺织仓库,而如今,这里已经成为五环内城市文化交流社区。单向空间北京总部将园区内 D3 仓库东南区域临近园区主干道的两层空间改造成为集办公和书店于一体的综合空间,希望借此打造一个思想文化与行动力交融的青年精神示范社区。项目总计 800 平米,在这里将主要呈现书店空间的设计。
OWSPACE(One Way Space) is a comprehensive cultural and creative organization that integrates physical cultural spaces, original multimedia content publishing, cultural salons, and creative gifts. The project is located in Beijing’s Langyuan Station Park. Its predecessor was a textile warehouse built in the 1960s, but today it has become a hub for cultural exchange within the Fifth Ring Road. Beijing headquarters of OWSPACE transformed the southeastern section of the D3 warehouse within the park, adjacent to the main thoroughfare, into a two-story integrated space combining office and bookstore functions. The goal is to create a model community for young people that blends intellectual culture with actionable energy. Covering a total area of 800 square meters, the primary focus here is on the bookstore space’s design.
▼项目外观,The building’s exterior© 吴昂
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How to preserve the essence of history within a modern narrative has always been a central question for OWSPACE. The design of its Beijing headquarters continues this line of thought: the building’s exterior retains its original red brick walls and overall appearance, while large glass windows on the east and south sides extend the space outward. These operable folding windows are set within black metal frames, and when fully opened, they dissolve the physical boundary between the interior and exterior. This flexibility mirrors the essence of culture and ideas—it is expansive and capable of being conveyed to other contexts.
▼建筑外观保留了原有的红砖墙和整体面貌,the building’s exterior retains its original red brick walls and overall appearance© 吴昂
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Red brick walls, cement column bases and door frames, green plants, gray floors, and warm lighting—all these elements from the old warehouse have been deliberately preserved in their original, unadorned state. Black, on the other hand, is a signature color that OWSPACE has developed over the years to define its unique style.
▼书店门头,Bookstore facade© CG DESIGN
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▼书店标识,Bookstore signage© 刘肖楠
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Two tall red brick walls, perpendicular to the building’s facade, form the entrance to the space. Inside the bookstore, the design continues to explore the seamless integration of original building materials with new ones, focusing on their structural cohesion and practical adaptability in spatial division and functionality. The aim is to maximize the versatility of the architectural structure to meet the operational needs of the bookstore.
▼空间的入口,entrance to the space© 吴昂
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兼具收银功能的咖啡吧台正对书店入口,除了收银,它还具有展示和收纳商品的功能。入口右侧则是一面由黑色钢板制作的直通建筑顶部的书墙,它附着于原建筑的墙面之上,在「行动即答案」的主题下,420 本名人传记陈列于此,单向空间希望通过这种方式让到来的每一位客人寻求「行动」的力量。
The coffee counter, which also serves as the cashier, is positioned directly opposite the bookstore entrance. In addition to handling transactions, it functions as a display and storage area for merchandise. To the right of the entrance is a black steel book wall that extends to the top of the building, mounted against the original wall. Under the theme “Action is the Answer,” 420 biographies of notable individuals are displayed here. Through this feature, OWSPACE aims to inspire every visitor to seek the power of “action.”
▼书墙,Book wall© 吴昂
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▼俯瞰书墙,Overlooking the book wall© 刘肖楠
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Stepping to the left of the counter leads you fully into the space, where a square planter hosts a cluster of vibrant, thriving plants stretching upward from the inner courtyard to the heights above. The cement edges surrounding the planter serve as both seating and storage surfaces. Overhead, the original floor slab has been removed, revealing exposed steel beams that direct the gaze all the way to the top of the building. Enlarged windows on the second floor further draw light into the space, making natural light one of the key elements that enhances the overall spatial experience.
▼植物景观与廊道空间,Plant landscape and corridor space© 吴昂
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▼植物池空间概览,square planter area overview© 吴昂
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▼向上伸展的植物,Upward-reaching plants© 刘肖楠
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The sunken space is the core area of the space. On one hand, it is designed to meet the needs of the upper floors by leaving enough headroom. On the other hand, it adds more layers and flexibility to the space, with the downward steps providing just the right level of comfort for sitting and reading. This area meets the combined needs of displaying products, reading, and hosting various salon events.
▼下沉空间区域,Sunken space area© 吴昂
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▼阶梯细节,Step details© 吴昂
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下沉空间的周边区域是一条 L 形的廊道,此区域以上的楼板也被完全打开,裸露的钢梁不仅使得颇具历史感的工业风更加凸显,也让空间的层次得到进一步变化和提升,光线最大限度地进入内部空间,客人可通过自然光的移动,感受空间内每个时刻的变化。
The surrounding area of the sunken space is an L-shaped gallery. The floor above this area has also been completely opened up. The exposed steel beams not only highlight the industrial style with a strong sense of history but also further enhance and elevate the spatial layers. Light enters the interior space to the fullest, and guests can experience the changes in the space at every moment through the movement of natural light.
▼廊道,Gallery© 吴昂
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▼廊道上方引入的光源,Light sources introduced above the gallery© 吴昂
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▼外延空间座位区,Seating area in the extended space© 吴昂
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▼外延空间景观带,Landscape zone of the extended space© 吴昂
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Between the two areas, several sets of innovative bookshelves made of perforated steel plates hang delicately, displaying books on both sides. These bookshelves are connected to the building’s structure and cleverly divide the two areas. They bring a sense of vertical variation to the space while ensuring that the areas are not visually blocked off from each other.
▼悬挂的书架将区域划分,Hanging bookshelves divide the area© 吴昂
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▼书架,Bookshelf© CG DESIGN
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▼书架细节,Bookshelf details© CG DESIGN
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To reflect this variation, the flooring of the space is treated with different materials. The gray floor is grooved and covered with pebbles, extending seamlessly into the outdoor plant landscape.
▼灰色地面和植物景观带贯穿到室外,gray floor extending seamlessly into the outdoor plant landscape© CG DESIGN
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下沉空间的一侧是两面呈 90 度的黑色冲孔钢板打底制作的书墙,高度直通二层。它依然是对空间结构与实用性相结合的尝试,既分割了物理空间,又没有完全阻隔视线。而掩映在书墙背后的金属阶梯可以去往二层的办公空间。
One side of the sunken space features a book wall made of black perforated steel plates arranged at a 90-degree angle, with a height that extends up to the second floor. It remains an attempt to combine spatial structure with functionality, as it divides the physical space without completely blocking the line of sight. Hidden behind the book wall, a metal staircase leads to the office space on the second floor.
▼冲孔钢板书墙的背后是楼梯间,Behind the perforated steel plate book wall is the stairwell© 吴昂
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▼书墙细节,Book wall details© 吴昂
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▼楼梯间内部,Stairwell inside© CG DESIGN
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▼直通二层的书墙上段,The upper section of the book wall leading directly to the second floor© 吴昂
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穿过一道走廊,则可以去往只对员工开放的办公空间,而二层的前段空间更像一个开放式露台,站在其中可以感受到楼梯间隔断书墙的完整性以及书店入口处高达 8 米的书墙。而向下俯瞰,一层廊道和下沉空间一览无余,空间的功能性与整体性在此时交相呼应,它是灵活流动的,也是恒久可持续的。
By passing through a corridor, one can reach the office space that is only accessible to employees. The front section of the second floor feels more like an open terrace. Standing there, one can experience the integrity of the staircase that divides the book wall and the impressive 8-meter-high book wall at the entrance of the bookstore. Looking down, the corridor on the first floor and the sunken space are fully visible. At this moment, the functionality and overall cohesiveness of the space resonate with each other. It is both flexible and dynamic, yet enduring and sustainable.
▼通往办公区的廊道,Corridor leading to the office area© CG DESIGN
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▼二层开放式露台,Second-floor terrace© CG DESIGN
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▼二层开放式露台,Second-floor terrace© CG DESIGN
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▼从二层看书墙 view of the book wall from the second floor© 吴昂、刘肖楠
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▼建筑原貌,Original appearance of the building© CG DESIGN
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▼施工过程,Construction process© CG DESIGN
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▼一层平面,Ground floor plan© CG DESIGN
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▼二层平面,First floor plan© CG DESIGN
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▼一层平面,Second floor plan© CG DESIGN
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▼东立面,East elevation© CG DESIGN
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▼南立面,South elevation© CG DESIGN
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▼剖面,Section© CG DESIGN
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项目设计:2023 年 5 月
完成年份:2023 年 12 月
项目地址:北京郎园 station Q3
建筑面积:800㎡,书店部分 300㎡
摄影版权:吴昂,刘肖楠,CG DESIGN
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