

On Bastekullen, just outside central Varberg on the Swedish west coast, stands the water tower Våga. This striking new landmark acts as a symbol of Varberg’s deep connection to the sea and the vital role of drinking water. With its distinctive silhouette and bold design, Våga is the only water tower of its kind in the world, with a unique structure showcasing a new way to design water towers.
瓦尔贝里(Varberg)正在迅速发展--自 2000 年以来,人口增长了约 30%,而且这一趋势没有减缓的迹象。随着城市的扩张,市政自来水公司Vivab必须满足日益增长的用水需求,因此需要一座更大、更现代化的水塔。
Varberg is growing rapidly – since 2000, the population has increased by approximately 30%, and the trend shows no sign of slowing. As the city expands, Vivab, the municipal water company, must meet the rising demand for water, creating a need for a larger and more modern water tower.
为了确保最佳设计,Vivab与瓦尔贝格市合作,邀请三家建筑公司提交设计方案。设计任务很明确:水塔将全部由混凝土建成,位于瓦尔贝格市中心以东的特拉斯洛夫(Träslöv)的巴斯泰库伦(Bastekullen)上,从 E6 高速公路上非常显眼。新结构可容纳10,000立方米的水,是其前身的五倍。
To ensure the best possible design, Vivab, in collaboration with the city of Varberg, invited three architecture firms to submit proposals. The brief was clear: the tower would be constructed entirely of concrete and situated on Bastekullen in Träslöv, just east of Varberg’s centre, highly visible from the E6 motorway. The new structure would hold 10,000 cubic metres of water – five times the capacity of its predecessor.
The new tower was not just intended to replace the old one – it was designed to become a new landmark, symbolising the power and sanctity of water, as well as its profound significance to the city.