▲从入口看室内空间 Entrance View
项目背景 Project Background
LUCKY WORLD is an innovative lottery retail space that integrates three businesses: China Sports Lottery, China Mobile Service and China Farm Organic Food. The primary challenge of this project was to harmoniously incorporate these three brands within the same space. Through the strategies of brand integration, visual cohesion, and spatial transformation, we created a dynamic, multi-functional leisure space that promotes business synergy.
▲中国农垦弧形展架 China Farm Display
▲中国体彩形象墙 Lottery Logo Wall
品牌融合 Brand Integration
While each of the three brands has its own distinct identity, they share common underlying values. Sports Lottery represents lucky life, China Mobile embodies smart life, and China Farm symbolizes quality life. Drawing from these ideas, we distilled their shared essence of a “good life” as the foundation of the design. The vibrant choice of “TIGER ORANGE” as the brand color communicates joy, energy, and positivity to every customer.
▲中国移动展示墙 China Mobile Display
▲入口 Entry
视觉统一 Visual Cohesion
LUCKY WORLD faced several environmental challenges: a north-facing orientation with limited natural light and a parking lot at the front. To counter these, we focused on creating a bold visual impact. Three full-height orange installations organize the space: the Sports Lottery logo wall, the curved China Farm display shelf, and the China Mobile shelf wall. These “Tiger Orange” elements not only light up the space but also draw attention from up to ten meters away, enhancing a strong brand statement and a dynamic commercial atmosphere.
▲从右至左体彩、农垦、移动三组通高装置 Three Full-Height Installations from right to left : China Lottery, China Farm, and China Mobile
▲外立面 Facade
▲弧形农垦展柜插入夹层空间 Full-Height Curved Shelf Span From 1st Floor To Mezzanine
空间整合 Space Transformation
The space of LUCKY WORLD is long and narrow, and a straightforward division into three business areas would have resulted in an isolated experience. Instead, through analysis of each business’s operational needs, we restructured the space around the interplay of open and private zones. The curved, full-height shelf displaying China Farm products acts as both a divider and an integrator, weaving the various functions together. Inspired by the form and motion of a lottery ball, the curved layout and fluid circulation unify the three business areas. This approach transforms LUCKY WORLD into “A UNIVERSE” where each business retains its identity while remaining interactive.
▲场地原始条件 Before
▲从中国体彩区看向中国移动展示墙 View from China Lottery to China Mobile Display Wall
▲夹层会议室看向固定工位 Meeting Room on Mezzanine Floor
▲彩票求和轨迹的意向 Ceiling with an Ambient of LUCKY UNIVERSE
Diverse Experience
休闲玩家在吧台来杯“幸运咖”和几张即开型彩票,坐在窗边享受 5G 冲浪和午后时光。资深玩家选择专业投彩区,安静地研究走势图和投注策略。在中国移动区办理通信业务的顾客,同时享受着中国农垦提供的有机食品和饮料,并可直接在 APP 下单,或许又中了一张彩票…
LUCKY WORLD offers a variety of experiences catering to different customer needs. Casual visitors try their luck with scratch-off tickets while enjoying a cup of “Lucky Coffee” by the window. Serious lottery players immerse themselves in the professional lottery area, where they can study charts in a focused environment. At the China Mobile area, customers can handle their service while tasting organic snacks and drinks from China Farm, easily placing orders through the mobile APP—perhaps even winning a lottery ticket in the process.
▲从中国移动服务区看向专业投彩区 View From China Mobile Service To Lottery Charts
▲开放休闲区 Open Seating Area
By integrating these diverse functions, LUCKY WORLD is more than just a lottery retail space. The design reflects our ambition to create a vibrant space that celebrates life’ joy, energy, and the thrill of luck.
▲专业投彩区 Lottery Charts Study Area
▲会议室和工作区的灵活隔断 Flexible Partition Between Meeting Room & Work Space
Project Info
地点:石家庄长安区中山东路 443 号建华城市广场外铺 1F-5
室内设计/视觉设计:ICD 明之顾问
摄影版权:©ICD 明之顾问
Project: LUCKY WORLD Lottery
Client: Hui10 Inc
Location: 1F-5, No. 443 Zhongshan East Rd, Jianhua City Plaza, Chang’ an district, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China
Interior Design/Visual Design: I Collective Design (ICD)
Principal Design: ZHANG Zhen, ZHANG Minghui
Area: 200㎡
Materials: Frosted Acrylic Sheet, Perforated Metal Panel, Painted Plywood, Cork Board
Design: 05/2024
Photography:©I Collective Design (ICD)