

2024 年 12 月 6 日,Audo Copenhagen 在中国的首次概念家居展览「一室,一世界」正式启幕,与设计家具集合品牌 YEPOM 携手,于成都 Gallery Legume 画廊呈现一场凝练而有机的空间叙事,见证北欧设计与东方文化的完美交汇,共创一份足以跨越文化边界的社区意识。
On December 6th 2024, Audo Copenhagen held its first official exhibition "A Sense of Community" in Chengdu at Gallery Légume in collaboration with partner YEPOM. It showcased a refined and organic narrative of space, celebrating the perfect convergence of Nordic design and Eastern culture. The goal was to create a community with a global consciousness that transcends cultural boundaries.
开幕当日,Audo Copenhagen 的品牌及设计总监 Joachim 莅临现场,带来品牌故事的精彩讲述,并与本地设计同道及生活博主们分享灵感,深入探讨中国和北欧的设计文化内涵及未来趋势。
During the opening party, Joachim, Brand and Design Director of Audo Copenhagen, was present at the event. He shared the brand’s story with attendees. The event included a discussion with local design colleagues and lifestyle bloggers, exploring the cultural nuances of Chinese and Nordic design and future trends.
Joachim 表示,本次展览的空间设计灵感源自哥本哈根的 Audo House,但更多融入了中国传统的美学元素,并期望在此传递出 Audo 一以贯之的品牌愿景——以温柔的极简主义,筑建理想生活社区。
Joachim highlighted that the spatial design of the exhibition drew inspiration from Audo House in Copenhagen but also incorporated traditional Chinese aesthetic elements. He expressed the hope that the exhibition would convey the brand’s enduring vision, which is to create a utopian community through the soft minimalism aesthetic philosophy.
本次展览划分为七个相互交织的叙事空间,共同在 Audo 的家居氛围中完成对中国生活方式的书写。以展示北欧设计传承的「源流」为始,到提供休息与社交的客厅「交汇」「共生」和餐厅「归属」,再到与两家本地美学品牌合作的「一花」「一茶」,最终抵达隔绝纷纭的冥想室「一息」。
The exhibition completes the description of Chinese lifestyles within the domestic setting. It begins with the Icons room which showcases the heritage of Nordic designs, progresses to the living and dining rooms that provide spaces for resting and interacting, to the two workshops in collaboration with local artisans, and culminates in the meditation room.
Audo Archives
Deep and diverse history and design assets
Audo Copenhagen 有着深厚而多元的历史积淀与设计资产,包括 Ib Kofod-Larsen,Arthur Umanoff, Vilhelm Lauritzen 等大师的传世之作,以及 Mogens Lassen 和 Flemming Lassen 极富开创性的设计序列。
Audo Copenhagen 拥有丰富多样的设计资产遗产,包括 Ib Kofod-Larsen、Arthur Umanoff 和 Vilhelm Lauritzen 等知名大师的作品。此外,该品牌的产品组合还包括 Mogens Lassen 和 Flemming Lassen 的创新设计。他们开创性的设计系列证明了该品牌的遗产。
从记录灵光初现的设计手稿,到承载不凡理念的经典座椅,它们彼此交映,又似交谈。近百年的时间脉络在此变得具象,从中得以窥见 Audo 品牌基因的源起与延伸。
From the initial sketches of the Spirit to the iconic seating designs, each piece is a reflection of the brand’s enduring vision. Over a century of evolution is encapsulated in this room, showcasing the roots and growth of the Audo Copenhagen.
Audo Living Rooms
Progressive fusion of Scandinavian design traditions and multicultural elements
从斯堪的纳维亚这一地理原点出发,Audo 以热情而包容的创作姿态,持续扩充设计风格的“版图”:无论是不同民族的鲜明特色,还是现代元素的别样诠释,都源源不断地在 Audo 更多充满实验性的作品中交汇。
Starting from the geographical origin of Scandinavia, Audo Copenhagen continues to expand the ‘territory’ of design styles with a passionate and tolerant creative attitude: the distinctive features of different nationalities and the different interpretations of modern elements are constantly intersecting in more and more of Audo’s experimental works.
当融合巴西现代主义的 Brasilia 休闲椅、从日本宣纸灯笼中汲取灵感的 Hashira 台灯共同出现在一个房间中时,设计元素上的冲突感反而派生出一种微妙的和谐——生活本身,即是多元文化的公约数。
When the Brasilia lounge chair, a fusion of Brazilian modernism, and the Hashira table lamp, inspired by Japanese rice paper lanterns, appear together in a room, the clash of design elements creates a subtle harmony, reflecting the fact that life itself is a multicultural convention. Audo Living Rooms. 设计师与品牌共生共创的探索旅程。
A journey of discovery where designers and brands co-exist and co-create
除了对经典的承袭与延展,Audo 始终保持开放的创作生态,不断携手诸如 Norm Architects,Nick Ross,Danielle Siggerud 等与品牌相契合的设计工作室和前沿设计师开启共生共创的探索旅程。
In addition to inheriting and expanding upon the classics, Audo has always maintained an open ecosystem of creativity, and has continued to collaborate with design studios and cutting-edge designers such as Norm Architects, Nick Ross, Danielle Siggerud, and others who fit the brand’s vision of a symbiotic journey of discovery.
作为 Audo 最密切的设计合作伙伴之一,Norm Architects 旨在创造出细致入微、恒久隽永的设计。无论是整体建筑层面的风格把握,还是聚焦到家具单品的细节呈现,Norm Architects 都意图经由多重感官,在空间、物体和图像之间达成一种协调的平衡感。
As one of Audo’s closest design partners, Norm Architects aims to create meticulous and timeless designs. Whether it’s the overall architectural level or the detailing of a single piece of furniture, Norm Architects strives to achieve a harmonious balance between space, objects and images through a multi-sensory experience.
Norm Architects 新作 Eave Seamline Modular Sofa,以大胆又精细的模块化设计,在直线与弧线的流畅衔接中,为整个空间注入更多可变性。
The new Eave Seamline Modular Sofa by Norm Architects is a bold yet delicate modular design that injects more variability into the entire space with the smooth connection of straight and curved lines.
Audo Restaurant
Giving daily life a sense of ritual with the soft minimalism aesthetic Philosophy
“温柔的极简主义”是 Audo 始终秉持的核心理念,在“极简”的设计逻辑下,不止于使用价值,更意味着情绪价值——对于 Audo 餐厅而言,就是创造一种无可替代的“归属感”与“仪式感”。
“soft minimalism” is the core concept of Audo, under the logic of ‘minimalist’, not only the value of use, but also the emotional value - for the Audo restaurant, it is about creating an irreplaceable sense of belonging and ritual.
Androgyne 餐桌以简约而柔和的线条凸显天然材料的迷人质感,完美衬托出桌上的餐具、菜肴和那些于此发生的难忘瞬间。当生活被赋予仪式感,入座的片刻,即是对自我归属的寻回。
The Androgyne table, with its simple and soft lines, emphasizes the fascinating texture of natural materials, perfectly complementing the tableware, the dishes, and the unforgettable moments that take place there. When life is given a sense of ritual, the moment you take your seat is the moment you find your place in the world.
Pop-up Floral Shop
Oriental aesthetics are displayed in Nordic vases.
携手花艺美学品牌 Uphill 上山,以一系列姿态各异的 Audo 花瓶进行花艺装置创作,让东方美学在全新的容器中绽放新生。
The exhibition has engaged with a local floral boutique Uphill to decorate the space with floral arrangements in Audo’s vase collection.
Audo Tearoom
In the tea fragrance curl up, suddenly a wisp of Zen.
Tearoom by Jiuyue Tea House will provide an opportunity for visitors to sit back in Audo dining settings to relax and enjoy traditional Chinese tea rituals.
Audo Meditation Room
In a meditation retreat into the flow of the mind.
特邀艺术家林銮崇之作《观》,与 Audo 的极简美学共同勾描一隅静思之所,在一呼一吸间,回归对身心的观想。
Artist Lin Luan chung’s painting “Observation” is invited to set up a room for meditation together with Audo’s minimalist furniture. In the space of one breath, one returns to the contemplation of body and mind. Interiors:AudoCopenhagen Photos:Seven