在 798 艺术区年复一年向东发展的时候,酒仙桥科技园也在按部就班向西推进。直到一天,他们在彼此之间的最后一块用地上相遇,于是艺术、人文、科技、绿色有了一次正面交融的机会。设计没有附和任何一方的建筑形式,而是从时空织补和融合的思路,创作属于这个时代的科技办公建筑。
While the 798 Art District was expanding year after year to the east, the scope of the Jiuxianqiao High-Tech Campus was also extending to the west. Until one day, the two campuses met on the last piece of land between the sites. Then there was a chance for art, humanities, technology, and green to meet head-on. The design is not attached to either side’s architectural form. It starts with the idea of temporal and spatial weaving and fusion. We want to create an office building that belongs to this era.
▼从 798 艺术区东望科技总部,From the 798 art Zone East looking technology headquarters© 魏刚
▼798 油罐广场与网易科技总部的曲线和直线,798 tank Square and NetEase technology headquarters curve and straight line© 魏刚
艺术区边的城市更新 Urban renewal by the art district
798 艺术区东侧破旧不堪的菜市场成为危房,根据北京 2035 总体规划,原有建筑需要拆除成为城市绿地和公共服务设施,因此产生了这块稀缺的新建筑用地。而它的使用性质不可避免地突出了景观绿化、人民服务、艺术创新这三个基因。
Coincidentally, immediately to the east of the 798 Art District, a dilapidated old vegetable market had become a hazardous building due to disrepair. According to Beijing’s new 2035 masterplan, the original buildings needed to be demolished to become urban green spaces and public service facilities, thus creating this scarce site for new construction. Due to the context of this particular site, the functional needs of the campus were to increase the landscape greenery, to serve the people, and to achieve artistic innovation.
▼从 798 空中廊道一览网易科技总部天际线,View the skyline of NetEase Technology headquarters from the 798 aerial gallery© 魏刚
▼798 工业广场遥望网易科技总部,View NetEase Technology headquarters from 798 Industrial Square© 魏刚
▼从 798 高炉之上北望网易科技总部,Looking north from 798 blast furnace NetEase Technology headquarters© 魏刚
NetEase Technology headquarters and industrial park formation dialogue© 魏刚
Eco-friendly near-ground space
The project site is very long and narrow. We avoided creating a sense of enclosure of the building within the site stretching over 300 meters from north to south. The four towers in the art district are staggered so that the view, landscape, sunlight, and air are not disturbed by each other. The art center and restaurants are interspersed with a fully integrated environment. A north-south boulevard connects them.
▼从艺术中心看网易科技总部梧桐大道,From the Art Center: A View of NetEase Technology Headquarters and the Sycamore Avenue© 魏刚
▼网易科技总部充满绿意的近地空间,The Ground-Level Spaces of NetEase Technology Headquarters Are Lush with Greenery© 魏刚
The first floors of all the buildings are permeable and continuous, with sunken courtyards and green slopes enriching the relationship between the buildings and nature. During the annual exhibition season, the art center, office lobbies, restaurants, and the campus plaza can become excellent exhibition venues.
Audi China Headquarters and NetEase Technology Headquarters© 魏刚
▼德国辛德勒餐厅与网易科技总部,German Sindler Restaurant and NetEase Technology Headquarters© 魏刚
轻盈流畅的建筑形象 Light and Flowing Architectural Aesthetic
建筑造型饱满圆润,为 X²+Y²=1 函数的平面,楼层转角部位采用不对称的缩进处理,使建筑的形体轮廓轻盈优雅。建筑幕墙采用白色退晕的釉面玻璃处理,增添了建筑的自然维度和抽象性。我们希望可以带给观者一组能够代表当代审美和工艺的新建筑群体,它应该是轻盈的、通透的、优雅的、流畅的。
The corners of the building plan are asymmetrically indented to make the building’s shape and contour lighter and more elegant. The façade is glazed glass with a white receding halo, adding to the building’s naturalness and abstraction. We want it to be a group of buildings representing contemporary aesthetics and craftsmanship. It should be light, airy, elegant, and fluid.
▼从高铁上望见朝阳中的网易科技总部,NetEase Technology Headquarters Seen from the High-Speed Train in the Morning Sun© 魏刚
▼网易科技总部自由流转的曲面空间,The Free-Flowing Curved Spaces of NetEase Technology Headquarters© 魏刚
健康优雅的办公空间 Healthy and Elegant Office Spaces
位于 A 区的四栋办公建筑均已荣获 LEED 金级认证,展现了国际一流的绿色节能水准。每栋办公塔楼高度 60 米,其平面通过核心筒偏置,中部让给通高的共享中庭,使大楼获得了充足的自然采光和通风,以及愉悦的公共区,人们日常所有的交往路径均沐浴在阳光中。
▼轻盈优雅的办公门厅,Light and Elegant Office Lobby© 魏刚
▼网易科技总部与自然融合的首层大堂,The Ground-Floor Lobby of NetEase Technology Headquarters Blending with Nature© 韩金波
开放共享的未来模式 An Open and Shared Model for the Future
The 798 FLC adopts a new office model that nourishes the work environment with art and culture, a natural landscape, and open-sharing concepts, hoping to promote multi-dimensional interactions among people. Nowadays, no one wants to be stuck in a solid workspace, and people always go to the office for better communication. We want to create an office environment that provides as many interactive places and multi-functional shared spaces as possible.
▼开放共享的办公中庭,Open and Shared Office Atrium© 魏刚
The workplace should be green, healthy, and intelligent, facilitating a comfortable and flexible mix of employees and active meetings. It should also be inspiring, humanistic, and artistically inspired. The lounge area has delicious catering and coffee to look forward to.
▼网易科技总部活跃舒适的办公层,The Dynamic and Comfortable Office Floors of NetEase Technology Headquarters© 韩金波
Art Center Engages in Dialogue with the Art Park
▼景观中的网易科技总部艺术中心,NetEase Technology Headquarters Art Center Within the Landscape© 魏刚
▼艺术中心与 798 艺术区比邻而居,Art Center Neighboring the 798 Art District© 魏刚
To this day, classic art, represented by easel painting, is beginning to pale in comparison. The maturity of digital technology and artificial intelligence has historically liberated productivity and imagination. It is this idea of the extreme in the aesthetics of contemporary art that we follow. Within the difficult framework of design quotas, we search for contemporary, inspiring, and constructive design elements that give architecture its soul.
▼明亮的艺术中心前厅,Bright Lobby of the Art Center© 魏刚
▼静谧的阶梯展厅通往下沉空间,Serene Step Exhibition Hall Leading to Sunken Spaces© 魏刚
▼逐渐升起的艺术中心展厅,Gradually Ascending Exhibition Hall of the Art Center© 魏刚
▼城市区域位置图,Urban Area Location© 北京市建筑设计研究院
▼城市景观中的网易科技总部,NetEase Technology Headquarters in the Urban Landscape© 北京市建筑设计研究院
▼总平面图,Site Plan© 北京市建筑设计研究院
▼首层平面图,Ground Floor Plan© 北京市建筑设计研究院
▼办公平面图,Office Floor Plan© 北京市建筑设计研究院
North-South Elevation and Section Drawings of the Campus© 北京市建筑设计研究院
▼办公建筑幕墙细部大样,Detailed Drawings of Office Building Curtain Wall© 北京市建筑设计研究院
项目名称:北京 798 艺术区网易总部
项目地点:北京市 朝阳区 酒仙桥
建筑面积:146,850 平方米
绿色认证:LEED 金级