

Construction works at the Shenzhen Institute of Fincancial Technology have begun installing its sculptural façade. Located on a narrow site in the centre of Shenzhen’s Futian district, the tower’s composition is defined by its surrounding urban environment.
Annual paths of the sun’s rays across the site have been mapped and modelled, with set-backs introduced into the tower’s volume to optimise the amount of direct sunlight reaching the district’s streets and public plazas.
▼项目鸟瞰,Ariel view of the project©Xue Liang
▼项目鸟瞰渲染图,rendering of the ariel view©Zaha Hadid Architects
深圳金融科技研究院是中国人民银行数字支付和跨境支付网络的重要组成部分。作为深圳这座科技创新先锋城市的核心机构,研究院担负着孵化和评估金融科技的使命。这些技术不仅助力深圳继续保持数字创新的领先地位,更推动了全球经济的发展。由扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所设计的深圳金融科技研究院塔楼,将支持研究院不断扩展,以满足中国金融科技行业的快速发展需求。据预测,该行业在未来十年将以接近 20%的年增长率稳步增长。
The Shenzhen Institute of Financial Technology is integral to the digital and cross-border payment networks of the People’s Bank of China. A key institution for Shenzhen, the city at the forefront of China’s technological innovation, the institute serves as an incubator and evaluation centre for the financial technologies which ensure Shenzhen’s continued success in developing new digital advancements that drive the global economy. The Shenzhen Institute of Financial Technology Tower designed by Zaha Hadid Architects will accommodate the institute’s ongoing expansion to serve China’s fintech industry which is anticipated to grow at almost 20% each year throughout the coming decade.
▼项目鸟瞰渲染图,rendering of the ariel view©Zaha Hadid Architects
新塔楼高 199 米,共 46 层,将容纳研究院的研发实验室、技术交流中心、数据中心、培训校园,以及管理、支持和行政部门。大楼地处中国科技产业的核心区域,与深圳地铁站相邻,交通便捷。
The institute’s research and development laboratories, technology exchange, data centres, training campus, together with management, support and administrative departments, will be housed within the new 199m (46-storey) tower situated at the heart of China’s tech industry and served by adjacent stations of the city’s metro system.
▼项目街景,street view of the project©Xue Liang
这座建筑面积为 76,000 平方米的塔楼坐落于福田区中心,这里聚集了众多中国最具创新力的科技公司。建筑的设计由周边的城市环境主导,通过对全年太阳光路径的模拟和分析,塔楼体量中引入了退台设计,以确保街道、公共广场及周边建筑获得更多的阳光直射。
Located on a narrow site in the centre of Shenzhen’s Futian district, home to many of China’s most innovative technology companies, the 76,000 sq. mtower’s composition is defined by its surrounding urban environment. Annual paths of the sun’s rays across the site have been mapped and modelled, with set-backs introduced into the tower’s volume to optimise the amount of direct sunlight reaching the district’s streets, public plazas and existing neighbouring buidings.
▼塔楼体量中引入了退台设计,with set-backs introduced into the tower’s volume©Xue Liang
The varying degrees of transparency and colour of the tower’s façades are informed by these distortions within the building’s volume. Composed of vertical and angled glazing mullions crafted in black and bronze colours, the façades emphasise the unique geometries generated by the design’s formal contours.
▼独特几何美感,the unique geometries©Xue Liang
A series of interior atria link together floors to promote interaction and collaboration. Foliage within these connecting atria filter air contaminants while the rooftop garden provides a variety of sheltered spaces for events, exhibitions, gatherings and personal relaxation.
▼中庭空间渲染图,interior atria rendering©Zaha Hadid Architects
The tower’s envelope incorporates high performance thermal insulation with external fins that provide self-shading. Detailed analysis of exposure to direct sunlight has informed the unique composition of each façade to mitigate solar heat gain.
▼塔楼外立面,The tower’s envelope©Xue Liang
A smart building system will learn to predict the tower’s user patterns and occupancy levels throughout the day. Automated by AI, this system incorporates hybrid natural ventilation and will continually adjust the tower’s services for the optimum comfort of occupants at maximum energy efficiencies. Recycled steel and aggregates procured from local suppliers contribute to reducing the embodied carbon of the tower’s structure.
▼塔楼外立面,The tower’s envelope©Xue Liang
Project Team
Architect: Zaha Hadid Architects
Design: Patrik Schumacher
ZHA Project Director: Joris Pauwels
ZHA Project Associate: Yitzhak Samoun
ZHA Project Leads: Ping-Hsiang Chen, Alejandro Garcia Gadea
ZHA Site Team: Simon Yu, Jinqi Huang, Yushan Chen
ZHA Project Team: Iraklis Kourounis, Biagio Amodio, Maria Vergopoulou, Sharan Sundar,Beatrice Cordella, Nessma Al Ghoussein, Cristina Barrios Cabrera, Samantha Pavic
ZHA Competition Project Director: Joris Pauwels
ZHA Competition Associate: Yitzhak Samoun
ZHA Competition Project Architect: Yazhu Liang
ZHA Competition Project Leads: Alejandro Garcia Gadea, Haohao Chen
ZHA Competition Team: Iraklis Kourounis, Maria Vergopoulou, Sharan Sundar, SamanDadgostar, Lorena Espaillat Bencosme, Uli Blum
Local Architect: CSWADI (SD – PD Stage) / CABR (CD Stage)
Structural Engineers: CSWADI (SD – PD Stage) / CABR (CD Stage)
Quantity Surveyor: Hua Lun Cheng Construction Consultancy
General Contractor: China Construction Second Engineering Bureau
Façade Engineering: SPES
M&E Engineering: CSWADI (SD – PD Stage) / CABR (CD Stage)
MEP: CSWADI (SD – PD Stage) / CABR (CD Stage)
Fire Engineer: Shenzhen Electronics Institute Design Consulting Co., Ltd
Landscape Consultant: CSWADI
Site Supervision: CSCC
Project Management: CSCC