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Buda 磨坊改造项目丨匈牙利布达佩斯丨építész stúdió

2024/12/16 17:44:41
Buda 磨坊位于布达佩斯市中心以南 3 公里处,靠近 Kopaszi 大坝。这片区域的磨坊建筑建于 1910 年代初期,由 Szilárd Zielinski 设计,他是 Hennebique 型钢筋混凝土结构在匈牙利的代表。这些建筑曾是多瑙河沿岸迅速发展的制粉工业的一部分。1912 年至 1945 年间,磨坊按计划运营,直至二战期间,原磨坊建筑被摧毁。谷物筒仓保持了原貌,但该区域的功能被迫改变。原来的面粉筒仓被改造为辊磨设备的技术中心,从而承担了磨坊的角色。后来,新建的面粉筒仓仍然屹立至今。磨坊一直运营到 2000 年代初,此后 20 年,这片区域被废弃,建筑物逐渐荒废,状况日益恶化。Buda 辊磨公司旗下的 Buda 辊磨坊见证了匈牙利制粉工业的兴衰,其建筑风格传承了工业遗产的功能与地理特性,而如今,其周边环境再次发生变革。
The area of the Buda Mill is located 3 km south of the city center of Budapest, next to the Kopaszi-Dam. The mill buildings were built in the early 1910s, and designed by Szilárd Zielinski; the Hungarian representative of Hennebique-type reinforced concrete structures. These buildings were part of a rapidly growing milling industry along the Danube. Production continued as planned between 1912-45 until the original Mill building was destroyed during World War II. The grain silo retained its original form, but the area was forced to change its function. The former flour silo was repurposed to accommodate the technology of a roller mill, thus taking on the role of the mill itself. The new flour silo, which still stands today, was added later. The Mill operated until the early 2000s. For the past 20 years, the site has been abandoned. The buildings were left empty and their condition began to deteriorate. The Buda Roller Mill of the Buda Roller Mill company has experienced the boom and the decline of the Hungarian milling industry. Its architectural character carries the industrial heritage of the function and the location, while its environment is transforming again.
▼项目外观,exterior of the building©Milán Rácmolnár
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▼项目远景,distant view of the building©Gergely Kenéz
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építész stúdió 和 Valyo 团队正在携手合作,使这一长期沉寂的区域重新焕发生机。辊磨坊项目作为这一地区的补充性举措,有望成为快速发展的社区的文化中心。项目规划始于研究计划,形成了以筒仓、磨坊及其间中央空间为核心的建筑概念。2023 年,当地政府对该区域实施变更禁令,以限制新开发项目的密度并增加绿地比例。在此临时阶段,辊磨坊项目提出了实验性的场地利用方案,重点打造品牌形象、吸引合作伙伴,并探索创造性使用空间的方式。2024 年秋,由 Valyo 组织的一周临时节庆活动,使辊磨坊区域成为布达佩斯文化地图上的重要一站。építész stúdió 团队随后继续规划短期和中期的空间利用方案,同时兼顾长期的区域愿景。首要任务是开放一层的室内外区域,用于举办多种活动。
▼历史照片,historic photo©Hengermalom
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The építész stúdió and Valyo teams are working together to bring the area back to life after its long hibernation. The Roller Mill project is a gap-filling initiative in the area that could emerge as the cultural hub of the rapidly developing neighborhood. The planning began with a study plan, which formed the basis of an architectural concept focusing on the silo, the mill, and the central space between them. In 2023, the local government placed the area under a change ban, to limit the density of new developments and increase the proportion of green spaces. During this temporary phase, the Roller Mill project proposed experimental uses for the site, focusing on brand building, attracting partners, and exploring creative ways to use the space. A one-week pop-up festival organized by Valyo in the fall of 2024 put the Roller Mill area on the map of Budapest’s cultural places. The task of építész stúdió continued with the planning of space usage options for short- and medium-term operations while keeping in mind the long-term territorial vision. The first step in this was to open up the ground-floor indoor-outdoor areas for different events.
▼建筑入口,entrance of the building©Bálint Kaszics
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原建筑群的标志性元素——高耸的谷物筒仓和前身为面粉筒仓(后改为磨坊)的建筑——仍然被保留。筒仓由 3×12 个圆柱形结构组成,每个高度 25 米,直径 4.75 米。其下方是地下一层宽敞的三拱式大厅,上方是一条狭长的空间带,设有全景露台。磨坊建筑被首都保护为历史纪念碑,是早期钢筋混凝土建筑的典范,其设计逻辑沿袭了传统的木质和钢结构特点。主要梁之间密集的支撑排列,使得仅 10-12 厘米厚的钢筋混凝土板成为可能。同时,柱子的设计越往上越显轻巧,符合承重系统的需求。磨坊的运行也在建筑上留下了可见痕迹,例如地板上的密集穿孔。
The towering grain silo and the former flour silo (later a mill) remain as iconic elements of the original complex. The silo consists of 3×12 cylindrical structures, each 25 meters tall and 4.75 meters in diameter. Beneath them lies a spacious three-aisled hall at basement level, and above them, a narrow strip of space with a panoramic terrace. The mill building is protected as a historical monument by the capital. It is a prime example of early reinforced concrete architecture. Its design follows the logic of older wooden and steel structures. Key features include dense rows of supports between the main beams, which allows for a thin, 10-12 cm reinforced concrete slab. On the other hand, the pillars become increasingly filigree as they move upwards, in accordance with the load-bearing system. The mill’s operations left visible marks, such as dense perforations in the floors.
▼高耸的谷物筒仓仍然保留着,The towering grain silo were remained©Gergely Kenéz
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Buda 磨坊改造项目丨匈牙利布达佩斯丨építész stúdió-16
▼设计逻辑沿袭了传统的木质和钢结构特点,Its design follows the logic of older wooden and steel structures©Gergely Kenéz
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▼设计逻辑沿袭了传统的筒仓特点,Its design follows the logic of silo structure©Gergely Kenéz
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Repurposing old industrial buildings is challenging. Their unique and monumental designs, tailored for production processes, often conflict with modern functional, energy, and safety requirements. Many such remaining spaces are best used as covered public areas. The festival was an architectural space experiment. It was a test for the ideas that came up, using minimal architectural interventions to enhance usability and support the brand building.
▼夹层设计,mezzanine level design©Gergely Kenéz
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Buda 磨坊改造项目丨匈牙利布达佩斯丨építész stúdió-26
▼夹层细部,mezzanine level detail©Gergely Kenéz
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Central Square
The central square is surrounded by buildings on three sides. This open space serves as the primary event venue, connecting the two iconic landmarks, the mill and the silo. This area offers the greatest capacity in the vicinity, with the silo’s facade doubling as a projection surface. It is envisioned as a tree-lined public square linking to the planned Danube promenade.
▼中央广场,the central square©Gergely Kenéz
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▼中央广场,the central square©Gergely Kenéz
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▼中央广场入口,the central square entrance©Gergely Kenéz
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Indoor spaces
小型空间(200 平方米):位于磨坊夹层,突显历史结构,可举办小型活动,如工作坊、表演和装置艺术。
大型空间(700 平方米):筒仓宽敞的大厅适合举办音乐会、展览、市场和装置艺术活动。
Small Space (200 m²): Located on the mill’s mezzanine, this area highlights the historic structure and hosts smaller events like workshops, performances, and installations. Large Space (700 m²): The silo’s spacious hall accommodates concerts, exhibitions, markets, and installations.
▼磨坊夹层的小型空间,small space located on the mezzanine level©Gergely Kenéz
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▼筒仓宽敞的大厅,The silo’s spacious hall©Milán Rácmolnár
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▼筒仓宽敞的大厅,The silo’s spacious hall©Gergely Kenéz
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筒仓入口 Silo entrance
Three large openings were opened fully on the silo’s facade, visually connecting the central square with the silo’s interior. A turquoise curtain marks the entrance, also serving as a key visual element. The closed silo doors are covered by polycarbonate panels, allowing a glimpse of the series of silo funnels inside.
▼一道绿松石色幕布标志着入口,A turquoise curtain marks the entrance©Gergely Kenéz
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画廊 Gallery 进入筒仓大厅后,首先到达新楼梯的平台,可以俯瞰宽敞的三拱式空间。从这个画廊空间,楼梯分两侧下行至地下大厅。楼梯形成了下层活动的吧台区域,位于中央位置,将空间分为两个独立的功能区。
Upon entering the silo hall, we reach the landing of a new stair, where we can view the expansive three-aisled space. From this gallery space, the stairs descend to the basement level in two directions. The stairs define the counter area for events on the lower level, positioning it centrally and dividing the space into two distinct functional zones.
▼可以举办多种活动的空间,space for various activities©Tamás Nagy
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▼可以举办多种活动的空间,space for various activities©Zsuzsi Simon
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▼一层及地下室平面图,ground floor and basement floor plan©Hengermalom
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Architect: építész stúdió – Zsolt Félix, Richárd Hőnich, Tamás Ábrahám, Detti Kolossváry
Year: 2024
Location: Budapest
Photos (architecture): Gergely Kenéz
Photos (event): pop-up festival (1)_photo by Zsuzsi Simon, pop-up festival (2)_photo by Tamás Nagy, pop-up festival (3)_photo by Milán Rácmolnár, pop-up festival (4)_photo by Milán Rácmolnár, pop-up festival (5)_photo by Bálint Kaszics
Collaboration: Valyo
Pop-up festival website
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