

A constrained site
Located in Taiyuan Xiaodian district, the project consisted of the refurbishment of two floors of a commercial podium, part of a standard real-estate housing complex. The scope of the intervention extended on the area of three existing shops and aimed to unify them into a single Whisky and cocktail bar. The space, mainly facing Jinyang street also had a discreet access from the back to pedestrian commercial street.
overview © 言隅-刘星昊
Due to the presence of the apartment building on the top, the space was heavily constrained by the structure, which loadbearing walls were slicing up the space into small entities, but also by various pipes and shafts crossing the space from side to side.
▼外立面及入口,Facade and entrance© 言隅-刘星昊
A new material for the facade
Facing the heterogeneity of the existing situation and surroundings, the work on the façade was essential to allow the new project to exist in the cityscape. We choose to remove all existing facade claddings and to recreate a new facade that would oppose the usual light cladding of commercial facades. We worked on a cast-in-place concrete facade that will assert its presence in the context by its materiality. The concrete as a material allowed us to create a monolithic facade that brings a new texture in the city and also provides a long-lasting cover for the existing building.
The main facade of the building was composed with three concrete arches extending on the two floors of the building, asserting the project’s identity and catching attention within its context. The Concrete Arch was then repeated and transformed in various ways to become a figure that would constitute the identity of the project.
▼巨大的混凝土拱形结构,three concrete arches© 言隅-刘星昊
Open bar
The project development aimed at the creation of a bar for the city, a gathering place opened to its surroundings. To emphasis the orientation of the space towards the street, the bar area was covered with a concrete arch ceiling, a curved suspended slab, cast in place, that also allowed to dissimulate the service spaces in the back and all the machinery and pipes from the existing building.
▼混凝土弧形天花板覆盖的吧台,concrete-covered bar© 言隅-刘星昊
Focusing on a strong dialogue between the project and the city, the ground floor of the bar was conceived with a long concrete bench along the facade usable on both sides and a set of folding windows that would allow to remove physical barriers with the street.
▼一层概览,ground floor overview© 言隅-刘星昊
Intimacy gradation
Leaving the bustling first floor with its urban atmosphere, a sculptural helicoidal steel staircase leads to the second floor where the project developed into a more intimate ambiance. A system of steel shelves was developed to create subtle separations between spaces and generate intimate alcoves while offering a showcase space for whisky bottles.
▼雕塑效果螺旋楼梯,Helicoidal Stairwith Sculptural Effect© 言隅-刘星昊
Made from the boundless repetition of a single identical element, the showcase shelf created an interesting pattern that became the second strong identity element of the project.
▼威士忌酒架及二层楼梯通道,Whisky Cabinet and 2F StairAccess© 言隅-刘星昊
▼威士忌酒架及壁炉,Whisky Cabinet and Fireplace© 言隅-刘星昊
To accentuate the alcove feeling, three of the independent spaces were covered by a concrete arch wrapping the space from wall to ceiling and allowing the cast-in design of benches and fireplaces.
▼二层雅座区,2FLounge© 言隅-刘星昊
▼二层公共空间,2FPublicArea© 言隅-刘星昊
▼黄铜壁炉,Yellow Brass Fireplace© 言隅-刘星昊
Original materiality
▼二层私人包厢,2F Private Room© 言隅-刘星昊
▼雅座区入口,Lounge Entrance© 言隅-刘星昊
▼红砖楼梯间,Brick Staircase© 言隅-刘星昊
▼经典黄铜灯具,Timeless BrassLighting© 言隅-刘星昊
▼一层轴测,1F axon© JSPA Design
▼二层轴测,2F axon© JSPA Design
▼三层轴测,3F axon© JSPA Design
▼二层平面图,2F plan
© JSPA Design
▼剖图,section© JSPA Design
项目类型:建筑(外立面)设计/ 室内设计
设计团队:JSPA Design 卓汉建筑设计
主持设计师 : Johan Sarvan
总面积:664 ㎡
一层室内面积 :295 ㎡
二层室内面积:369 ㎡
Project Name: The Whisky Bar ——Taiyuan NUMQUAM REVETOR Whisky Bar
Location: Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China
Project type: Architectural(Façade)Design / Interior Design
Design Team:JSPA Design
Principle Designer: Johan Sarvan
Structure:Jiang Jie’s Team
Photographer:Liu Xinghao
Videographer:WM Studio
Total area:664 ㎡
1F Indoor area:295 ㎡
2F Indoor area:369 ㎡
Materials brand:SARVAN- Furniture, Lighting