位于墨西哥太平洋沿岸的Casa Caimán,坐落于海洋与泻湖之间,犹如一处梦幻般的海滨建筑群,由当地建筑事务所Bloqe Arquitectura倾力打造,它展现了事务所创始人Jorge Esquer Luque及其团队对场地环境的敏锐感知和巧妙回应。
Located on Mexico's Pacific coast, Casa Caiman is a dreamlike waterfront complex set between the ocean and the lagoon, created by local architecture firm Bloqe Arquitectura, It demonstrates the sensitivity and responsiveness of founder Jorge Esquer Luque and his team to the context of the site.
Bloqe Arquitectura是一家专注于都市住宅项目的工作室,Casa Caimán度假村的落成标志着其首次涉足沿海建筑设计领域。他们将其擅长的细节表现、自然材料和内外空间的平衡,成功融入至Barra de Navidad开放的临海环境中。
Bloqe Arquitectura is a studio specialising in urban residential projects, and the opening of Casa Caiman marks its first foray into coastal architecture. They combine their expertise in detail, natural materials and the balance of interior and exterior Spaces into Barra de Navidad's open oceanfront environment.
Casa Caimán由三栋房屋和15栋别墅以及一个海滩俱乐部和餐厅组成,通过传统棕榈叶屋顶、色彩丰富的混凝土、巴拉塔木和洞石等一系列天然材料和雕塑般的几何造型来实现建筑与景观的互动。它们会随着时间的推移而发生变化,在阳光下营造丰富的视觉效果和感官体验。
Consisting of three houses and 15 villas, as well asa beach club and restaurant, Casa Caiman interacts with the landscape through a range of natural materials such as traditional palm leaf roofs, colourful concrete, balata wood and cave stone, and sculptural geometry. They change over time, creating a rich visual and sensory experience in the sun.
Bloqe Arquitectura从墨西哥悠久的建筑文化遗产里,从前西班牙时期的Uxmal建筑以及路易斯-巴拉甘(Luis Barragán)的现代作品中获得灵感,它们无不以庭院式布局、层次空间和光影的艺术运用而闻名。这种历史沉淀与现代生活相交织,使Casa Caimán成为一种特殊的情感载体。
Bloqe Arquitectura draws inspiration from Mexico's long architectural heritage, the pre-Spanish Uxmal buildings and the modern works of Luis Barragan, all of which are known for their courtyard layouts, hierarchical Spaces and artistic use of light and shadow. This historical precipitation is interwoven with modern life, making Casa Caiman a special emotional vehicle.