

Pernille Lind Studio 是一家位于伦敦的室内设计公司,由 Pernille Lind 领导,团队成员具备建筑、室内和家具设计的专业背景。公司以开放的心态和对挑战的渴望对待每个项目,强调实用性和对质量的承诺。设计超越了趋势,采用整体方法,与客户和制造商紧密合作。Pernille Lind Studio 的项目范围广泛,包括私人住宅、酒店、零售空间、工作场所和住宅开发。致力于深入挖掘每个项目的独特背景和故事,通过定制的室内设计方法,创造出既激发好奇心又满足客户需求的空间。公司还注重与当地供应商合作,将设计融入周围文化和环境中,为客户提供真实而独特的体验。
BV Residence
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BV Residence 是位于丹麦斯科兹堡的一栋经过精心修复的住宅项目,由设计师 Pernille Lind 主持完成。该住宅始建于 1930 年代,原由现代主义建筑师 Sven Risom 和 Christian tillisch 设计,是丹麦建筑历史的典范。通过此次修复,这座迷人的独立式住宅得以重焕光彩,完美融合了现代设计理念与中世纪建筑的华丽风格,为一家四口的丹麦家庭打造了一个兼具优雅与实用的家。
BV Residence is a beautifully restored residential project in Skorzburg, Denmark, led by designer Pernille Lind. Built in the 1930s, the house was originally designed by modernist architects Sven Risom and Christian tillisch and is an example of Danish architectural history. With this restoration, this charming detached house has been rejuvenated, blending modern design ideas with the ornate style of medieval architecture to create an elegant and functional home for a Danish family of four.
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Pernille Linds design begins with a deep historical study, meticulously restoring features of mid-20th century Danish architecture such as paneled interiors, soft curves and delicate brass details. Building on this, the design team drew on the principles of modernist masters such as Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe, blending historical elements with modern function through the clever use of materials, proportion and form.
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At the same time, in order to meet the needs of modern families, the interior of the house has been boldly transformed. The original layout has been redesigned to make the open kitchen and living areas more transparent, and the overall space is more in line with contemporary functional needs. These renovations do not destroy the historical integrity of the building, but through clever structural adjustments, such as hiding steel beams, optimizing load-bearing walls, etc., the modern and the historical are perfectly connected.
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P. 06 BV Residence 的材料选择以天然和可持续性为核心,同时兼顾与景观和气候的和谐关系。设计师从丹麦的自然环境中汲取灵感,将大海、沙滩和森林的元素融入到调色板中,柔和的蜂蜜色、暖灰色与不锈钢及黄铜等材质的碰撞,为空间注入了温暖与优雅。
The material selection of BV Residence has nature and sustainability at its core, while maintaining a harmonious relationship with the landscape and climate. Drawing inspiration from Denmark’s natural environment, the designers incorporated elements of the sea, sand, and forest into the palette, where soft honey and warm grey collide with materials such as stainless steel and brass to inject warmth and elegance into the space.
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定制的细木工设计是项目的亮点之一。细木工灵感来自 1930 年代的设计语言,运用了丹麦橡木、雕刻手柄等细节,将空间内不同区域以一致的弯曲曲线连接起来。同时,设计团队与当地的工匠和品牌合作,使用水磨石、大理石马赛克等高端材料打造厨房、浴室等核心区域,展现了工艺的精湛与现代功能的结合。
The custom joinery design is one of the highlights of the project. Inspired by the design language of the 1930s, the joinery uses details such as Danish oak and carved handles to connect the different areas of the space in a consistent curved curve. At the same time, the design team worked with local artisans and brands to create core areas such as the kitchen and bathroom using high-end materials such as terrazzo and marble mosaics, showing the combination of craftsmanship and modern functions.
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Among them, the sunroom design is dominated by contrasting dark materials and rich textures, inspired by the neighbouring Karen Blixen House and Museum, presenting a more exotic visual effect. Meanwhile, the design of the master bathroom and cloakroom is particularly striking, with colors inspired by mid-20th century classics, soft sky blue, pale yellow and avocado green adding a touch of retro romance to the space.
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The final presentation of BV Residence not only respects the historical background of the building, but also reflects the comfort and convenience of modern life. Through careful attention to every detail, the design team created a layered, warm and inviting home. Whether it is the transformation of the building structure, or the choice of furniture accessories, it reflects the seamless combination of function and beauty.
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Pernille Lind 在谈及这个项目时总结道:“这栋房子演变成了一个宜居的家,既充满历史的深度,又注入了现代的活力。空间自然流动,功能清晰明确,同时保留了丹麦设计传统的质朴实在与亲和力。”
Speaking about the project, Pernille Lind concluded: "The house has evolved into a livable home, full of historical depth and infused with modern vitality. The Spaces flow naturally and function clearly, while retaining the simplicity and affinity of the Danish design tradition."
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BV Residence is a profound tribute to the Danish architecture and design tradition, as well as an attempt at innovation. Based on history and inspired by modern times, it blends nature and life to provide its occupants with a residence full of personality and warmth.
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信息 | information
设计版权 DESIGN COPYRIGHT: Pernille Lind Studio