

背景 Background 图尔高街(Thurgauerstrasse)地块位于莱奥岑巴赫(Leutschenbach)的动态发展区域,与奥利孔(Oerlikon)、西巴赫(Seebach)和施瓦门丁根(Schwamendingen)等成熟住宅区相邻。从 1990 年代起,这片区域的商业建筑逐渐被综合用途开发和服务业建筑取代。这一趋势在图尔高街西部地块得到了延续,该地块占地约 65,000 平方米,是苏黎世市最大的一片未开发土地储备之一。未来几年,这里将按照 2000 瓦社会原则,建成一个充满活力的综合开发项目,包括商业空间和约 800 套可负担公寓。项目中心将规划一个社区公园,作为当地居民的休闲空间。作为该项目的开端,由 Bollhalder Walser Architektur 设计的新图尔高街学校综合体于 2024 年 8 月中旬正式投入使用。
The Thurgauerstrasse site is located in the dynamic development area of Leutschenbach, immediately adjacent to the established residential areas of Oerlikon, Seebach and Schwamendingen. Numerous mixed-use development and service sector buildings are replacing the commercial buildings that characterized this area up until the 1990s. This is now continuing with the Thurgauerstrasse West site, which with an area of around 65,000m2 is one of the City of Zurich’s largest undeveloped land reserves. Over the next few years, a new lively mixed development with commercial space and around 800 affordable apartments will be created, based on 2000-Watt Society* principles. At its heart will be a planned neighbourhood park as recreational space for the local population. By way of a prelude, so to speak, the first completed building is the new Thurgauerstrasse school complex by Bollhalder Walser Architektur, which opened in mid August 2024.
▼建筑外观,exterior of the building©Lukas Murer
功能 Use 新学校综合体占地约 10,000 平方米,可容纳约 400 名学生,包括一所小学(配有食堂和管理辅助空间)、两所幼儿园以及一个双层体育馆。设施涵盖 18 个教学班级、音乐教室、工作坊、图书馆、多功能室,以及用于设备管理、清洁和物业服务的配套房间。此外,学校还配备了小学和幼儿园的独立游乐场、全天候运动场、攀爬架、植物园以及放学后向社区开放的户外设施。未来,学校使用的草坪运动场将整合进规划中的社区公园。
The new school complex for around 400 pupils consists of a primary school with a cafeteria and accompanying supervision rooms, kindergartens and a dual sports hall on around 10,000m2 of floor space. There is space for 18 school classes, two kindergartens, music rooms, workshops, a library and a multi-purpose room. There are also rooms for building systems, cleaning and caretaking services, as well as cloakrooms and toilet facilities. The school includes playgrounds for the primary school, separate playgrounds for the kindergartens, an all weather sports ground, a climbing frame, along with a plant garden and outdoor facilities available to the neighbourhood outside school hours. The grass sports pitch which will be used by the school in the future will be integrated into the planned neighbourhood park.
▼建筑外观,exterior of the building©Lukas Murer
建筑设计与结构 Architecture, design and structure
这座 L 形、长达 90 米的校舍充分利用了场地的长度,与繁忙的图尔高街及其大型建筑相协调,同时凸显了其在周边环境中的独特定位。朝向后方安静的单户住宅区和高层公寓的一侧,校舍呈现出低矮、体量较小的外观。结合学校与后方社区街道之间的多层次户外空间,包括游乐场和社交互动区域,共同构成了整个建筑群的核心。此外,这种狭长型建筑形式很好地融入了周围对比鲜明的环境。建筑的另一侧,长达 40 米的立面朝向规划中的社区公园。西北立面的结构性半庭院将建筑分割为更小的单元,形成集群式布局,从外部看更贴近儿童的尺度。同一高度的全天候合成运动场配有清晰的观众席位设计,进一步突出了校舍作为公共建筑的重要地位。
The Lshaped, 90meterlong school building makes full use of the site’s length, engages with the busy Thurgauerstrasse and its largescale buildings, and emphasizes its own positioning relative to its surroundings. In the direction facing the quiet residential area of single-family homes and apartment buildings higher up at the rear, the building gives the impression of being low and volumetrically small scale. Together with the playgrounds and social interaction areas in the multi layered outdoor space between the school and the neighbourhood street at the rear, it forms the centrepiece of the complex. Moreover, as a narrow building type, it blends easily into the very noticeably contrasting surroundings.
A second facade, 40 metres in length, forms an angular body embracing the planned neighbourhood park to the north. On the northwest facade, structural demicourtyards break the building up into smaller components. The resulting avant corps form the building’s cluster units, conveying a child friendly scale when viewed from the outside.
The all weather synthetic sports ground, on the same level as the Thurgauerstrasse, with clearly defined seating levels, enhances the site’s prestige value by underscoring the school building’s importance as a public building.
▼一层空间,ground floor space©Lukas Murer
▼一层空间,ground floor space©Lukas Murer
▼一层平面,ground floor plan©Bollhalder Walser Architektu
On the ground floor, at playground level, are the kindergarten and its separate outdoor area, along with the cafeteria and the multipurpose room, which face the park. The library, the music rooms and the psychomotor skills development room are also located here. In the main building on the two upper storeys are the six clusters, each consisting of three classrooms, two group rooms and a structurally separate support room. In each cluster, these classrooms are grouped around a common centre which serves as a social interaction zone, cloakroom and extended school space.
▼运动场,gym©Lukas Murer
▼教室,classroom©Lukas Murer
▼局部教室单元平面,detail cluster plan©Bollhalder Walser Architektu
The group rooms with hinged doors are situated next to the adjacent clusters, and in addition horizontal access through the building is enabled via these spaces. The handicrafts/curriculum support rooms are in the section of the building facing the park. The school personnel areas and the school administration and school offices are also located there. This section has its own staircase and lift access from the ground floor. In the basement of the building there is access to the sports area with the dual sports hall and to the regeneration kitchen. Also located there are the workshops.
▼与教室相连的公共空间,public space connects the classrooms©Lukas Murer
▼教室,classroom©Lukas Murer
▼活动教室,activity classroom©Lukas Murer
通达性 Access 学校建筑可通过格鲁本阿克街(Grubenackerstrasse)和图尔高街(Thurgauerstrasse)两侧进入。图尔高街一侧的入口专为来自东南方向的学生、教师和访客设计,进入后通过一条宽敞的楼梯可直达地面层的“内部林荫道”。通过这条通道,可轻松抵达建筑内的所有设施。
The school building can be accessed from Grubenackerstrasse via the playground and from Thurgauerstrasse. The latter entrance is used by children, teachers and visitors coming from the southeast. It leads via an attractive staircase to the internal “boulevard” at ground floor. All facilities can be easily accessed via this horizontal access area.
▼学校周边环境,surroundings©Lukas Murer
The design of the outdoor space plays an important role, as it contributes to environmental offsetting in this urban area. On the trellises along the inward facing frontal facades, there is dense ground planted vertical greening on large parts of the facades; in the demi-courtyards, cable climber systems bearing greening extend radially. The large roof—visible from every surrounding building —is also covered with extensive greening, as a fifth facade. This creates significant added value environmentally as well as aesthetically. A regular banded facade, independent of the structural design, gives the building its characteristic outward appearance, and also allows mounting of cost effective, standardized photovoltaic panels behind rear ventilated corrugated poly carbonate facade sheets on the parapets.
▼室内空间,indoor space©Lukas Murer
建筑外观采用规则的带状立面设计,与内部结构独立,这不仅便于安装成本低廉的标准化光伏板,还通过波纹聚碳酸酯板隐藏了光伏组件,形成半透明效果。这一设计在不同时间和光线条件下呈现出多样化的视觉体验。太阳能立面通过自发电满足建筑约 50%的年用电需求,建筑预计年用电量约为 34 万千瓦时。按照苏黎世市的相关规定,校舍达到了 Minergie-P-ECO 标准的能耗要求。
▼墙体剖面,wall section©Bollhalder Walser Architektu
This semi transparent facade is only perceptible at second glance and provides scope for multiple interpretations, as the building appears quite different depending on the time of day and light conditions. The solar facade reduces energy consumption during operation, with self consumption of approx. 50 %, based on the school complex’s estimated annual consumption of approx. 340,000kWh. In accordance with City of Zurich guidelines, the energy values specified in the Minergie-P-ECO standard are achieved.
▼室内公共空间,indoor public space©Lukas Murer
▼场地平面,site plan©Bollhalder Walser Architektu
▼地下室平面,basement plan©Bollhalder Walser Architektu
▼二层平面,first floor plan©Bollhalder Walser Architektu
▼三层平面,second floor plan©Bollhalder Walser Architektu
▼立面,elevation©Bollhalder Walser Architektu
▼剖面,section©Bollhalder Walser Architektu
▼细部,detail©Bollhalder Walser Architektu
Location:Thurgauerstrasse 55, 8052 Zurich
Client:City of Zurich
Overall management/architecture/construction management:Bollhalder Walser Architektur AG
Civil engineering:Borgogno Eggenberger + Partner AG Landscape planning Pauli Stricker Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH
Electrical planning:Walter Salm, Meier & Partner AG HVAC planning Wirkungsgrad Ingenieure AG Building automation planning Boxler Engineering AG
Building physics:Bakus Bauphysik & Akustik AG
Catering planning:Planbar AG
Fire protection planning:Conti Swiss AG
Colour design:Atelier Burkhard & Fata
Signage:Onari Projects GmbH
Total construction costs:53.5 million
Construction costs (BKP 2/m3):830/m3
Utilization factor Not applicable (design plan applies)
Building volume (SIA 416):50,000 m3
Floor area (SIA 416):10,000 m2
Energy standard:Minergie-P-ECO
Heat generation:Brine to water heat pump
Chronology – 2017: Competition– 2018: Start of planning– 2021: Start of construction– 2024: Completion