西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio

2024/12/22 11:27:55
Heatherwick Studio:由 Heatherwick Studio 设计的全新商务区在西安盛大启幕,此项目向这座中国古都的匠人精神以及陶瓷技艺致敬。
Heatherwick Studio:A new district designed by Heatherwick studio has opened in Xi’an, honouring the Chinese city’s legacy of craftmanship and ceramics.
▽西安 CCBD 为城市贡献一座未来文化遗产 ©Qingyan Zhu
西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-3
西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-4
The Xi’an Centre Culture Business District (CCBD) is located south of the city’s historic centre between the ruins of the Temple of Heaven and the prominent Shaanxi TV tower. The district blends a retail podium with walkable streets, terraces and open plazas, offices, apartments, accommodation, green spaces, and a vertical park.
▽项目空间布局图 ©Qingyan Zhu
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西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-9
该区域占地 155,000 平方米,陶瓷是其中的核心元素。幕墙、立柱以及曲梁上应用工艺考究的陶瓷板,向著名的秦始皇兵马俑致敬。设计团队与当地匠人紧密合作,制作出 10 万多片拥有独特釉面的陶板;经过 2000 多次实验烧制,包括建造 1:1 立柱样板,最终呈现出的幕墙为建筑外观平添趣味,精致曼妙,让陶板从视觉和触觉上都给人带来美的享受。
Ceramics are at the heart of the 155,000m² neighbourhood, with crafted tiles cladding the facade, columns and curving beams, a nod to the ancient capital’s famous Terracotta Army. The design team worked closely with local makers to produce more than 100,000 tiles with a unique glaze. Following over 2,000 experiments, including constructing 1:1 mock ups of the columns, the resulting facade brings interest and intricacy to the exterior of the buildings and invites visitors not just to look at but also touch the tiles.
▽陶瓷板 ©Luis Sacristan
西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-13
▽陶瓷板立面施工 ©Raquel Diniz
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西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-16
▽陶瓷板用做立面材料 ©Qingyan Zhu
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Heatherwick studio 创始人 Thomas Heatherwick 说:“我们很高兴在西安设计了一个商务区,给这座城市提供一处非凡的全新公共空间。设计并非简单地放置几栋建筑,用铺装和绿植填充其中空间,而是在多个层次打造前所未有的立体城市景观,市民可以在这里穿行环游,见面交流。”
Thomas Heatherwick, Founder of Heatherwick studio, said:”Here in Xi’an, we were excited to create a commercial district which gave the city an extraordinary new piece of public space. Instead of simply making different buildings, and paving and planting the spaces between them, there was the opportunity to craft an unexpected three-dimensional urban landscape on many levels, where citizens of the city can promenade and meet each other.
▽多个层次打造立体城市景观 ©Qingyan Zhu
西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-22
▽施工图 ©Raquel Diniz
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▽施工图 ©Raquel Diniz
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▽完工图©Qingyan Zhu
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Pursuing our interest in people’s human scale experience of places, we also had the chance to integrate many special constructional details, to help make the project as engaging as possible for people to walk around.
▽广场的银杏叶造型铺装和树池©Qingyan Zhu
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The goal of the whole project was to find a joyful and contemporary way to respond to the history of Xi’an, and bring people together.
▽项目以现代的方式对西安的深厚历史底蕴做出回应 ©Qingyan Zhu
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西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-37
通向生命之树的街道在中央广场聚拢,自然而然地形成一处集聚之地。这是一处纵向公园,访客可随着架空的 56 个“叶片”露台向上攀爬,一路经过从高山苔原到干草原的古丝绸之路生态区。生命之树从地下层拔地而起,共 57 米高,让人们在屋面、露台、以及街道高度俯瞰整个开发项目,也将城市景观一览无余。
The outdoor streets of the district converge at the central plaza where the Xi’an Tree, a vertical park, creates a natural gathering point. Visitors can ascend its 56 elevated ‘petals’, or terraces where a sequence of cascading gardens follows the biomes of the ancient Silk Route from the alpine tundra to the dry steppe. Standing over 57 meters high from the basement level the Tree offers views across the development with its varying levels of roofs, terraces and streets, as well as the city beyond.
▽生命之树平面、立面、细节图©Heatherwick Studio
西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-41
西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-42
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西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-44
▽生命之树项目的视觉中心 ©Qingyan Zhu
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西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-48
The district has been designed to offer visual complexity from three distances. At a city-scale, it appears as a new neighbourhood of the city with a distinctive skyline inspired by the roofs of the Chinese temples of Xi’an. At a street distance, the varying levels created by the interlocking frames and landscape terraces provide different vantage points of the central plaza as well as the city around it. Finally, at door-level, the design offers a sensory experience in its use of materials and nature, such as ceramic planters and soft-edged stones in the paving patterns.
▽项目充分利用自然景观和材质肌理,为人们带来不同尺度下的极致感官体验 ©Qingyan Zhu
西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-52
西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-53
Heatherwick studio 合伙人兼项目组主管 Mat Cash 说:“为了赶上快速城市化的人口需求,全世界都在建造超大规模的开发项目,但它们往往过于庞大、单调、缺乏特色,无法真正服务于群众。与之相对立的,我们想在该西安项目中注入这座城市在历史中沉淀的精华、多样性以及肌理感,让商务区向城市的匠造传统致敬,追溯陶瓷的历史文脉;邀请人们用触觉探索釉面电梯按钮、门把手,以及手工打造的木扶手和座椅。我们希望它将成为西安的一部分,传承数十年,让到访的人们在此度过难忘的时光。”
Mat Cash, partner and group leader at Heatherwick studio said:“Super large-scale developments are being built all over the world to satisfy rapidly urbanising populations. By their very nature they are often overbearing, singular and devoid of character – they do nothing for people they are meant to serve. As a counterpoint, we wanted to infuse our project in Xi’an with the spirit, variety, and texture that happens naturally in cities over time. The district pays homage to the city’s tradition of making and its historic connection to ceramics. It is a place which invites you to reach out and touch it – with glazed lift buttons and door handles to hand-carved timber handrails and seats. We hope it will be a place that feels immediately a part of the city and where visitors to the neighbourhood will want to spend time in the decades to come.”
▽回收陶瓷做的电梯按钮部件 ©Raquel Diniz
西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-57
▽项目建筑立面图©ACF 域图
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西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-60
▽施工过程图 ©Raquel Diniz
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西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-63
西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-64
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西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-66
Xi’an CCBD’s public spaces opened to visitors in December 2024.
西安 CCBD 公共空间已于 2024 年 12 月向公众开放。▽项目图纸©Heatherwick Studio
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西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-75
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西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)丨中国西安丨Heatherwick Studio-77
项目名称:西安中央文化商务区 (CCBD)Xi’an CCBD
项目地点:中国西安 Xi’an, China
客户:华润置地有限公司 China Resources Land (CR Land)
竣工时间:2024 年 12 月
设计总监:Thomas Heatherwick
项目主管:Mat Cash
项目负责人:Luis Sacristán Murga, Simon Winters, Angel Tenorio
项目经理: Consuelo Manna, Jimmy Hung
技术主管: Nick Ling, Maura Ambrosiano
合作方:GP Architects (A&B 塔楼), Lacime (C&D 塔楼), KPF (原总体规划和塔楼设计),10 Design(商业规划),Andre Fu Studio(酒店室内设计) ,Territory Studio(生命之树投影和视听设计)
顾问:Arup (幕墙工程), RBS (结构工程), WSP (MEP 工程), KTP (生命之树结构工程), CFT (生命之树幕墙工程), WTD 纬图(执行景观设计), Landworks (原景观设计), Speirs+Major (灯光), MIR (视觉效果), Devisual (视觉效果), Slashcube (视觉效果), Robotics Plus (工程),Robotics Plus(生命之树 3D 设计协调)
本地执行设计院:JZFZ (总 LDI),KTF (幕墙 LDI),Sky Design (室内 LDI),Green (景观 LDI),HDA (灯光 LDI)
陶瓷厂商:HEDE (北裙房),TOB (南裙房),Yi Design (电梯按钮)
建筑 Architecture:
Adam Brown, Alfredo Chavez, Almu Rodrigue, Anjie Gu, Aziz Hoque, Blue Tuohy, Cong Wang, Consuelo Manna, Eric Lim, Erich Breuer, Fanos Katsaris, Francis Ng, Freddie Lomas, Hannah Parker, Hannah Steenson, Helen Siu, James Ness, Jethro Rebollar, Ji Qi, Jimmy Hung, Ko-Cheng Liu, Kong Hoang, Linus Cheng, Luis Sacristán Murga, Luke Plumbley, Manuel Ramos, Marwah Osama, Mat Cash, Matthew Magee, Meera Yadave, Michael Kloihofer, Nick Ling, Remi Phillips-Hood, Sherry Xiao, Silvia Rueda Cuellar, Simon Winters, Simone Berardelli, Sonila Kadillari, Steven Howson, Victoria Dong, Vito Sugianto, Willow Tang
景观 Landscape:
生命之树 Xi’an Tree:
室内 Interiors:
Agnes Kerecsanin, Aleksandar Bursac, Alice Dousova, Andre Kong, Ayumi Konishi, Aziz Hoque, Beau Lawrence, Blue Tuohy, Bori Kovacs, Carrick Blore, Charlotte McCarthy, Chen He, Chen Yue, Consuelo Manna, Edward Milton, Emric John-Sawyer, Ezgi Terzioglu, Fanos Katsaris, Flavio Sousa Monteiro, Francesca Morroni, Francesca Valentino, Freddie Lomas, Hannah Francis, Harriet Gargrave, James Harris, Jimmy Hung, Ji Qi, Joe Brennan, Karim Hallak, Kelvin Lam, Krina Christopoulou, Liang-Yu Sung, Lijing Zhou, Marcus Hawk, Mark McKee, Mary Suen, Martynas Kasiulevicius, Matthew Heitel, Mat Cash, Maura Ambrosiano, May Tang, Moira Geddes, Natasha Trumic, Nick Ling, Noa Guy, Olga Rienda, Oliver Zhu, Paul Brooke, Pennie Dawes, Ragavendran Gowrisankar, Silvia Rueda Cuellar, Simone Berardelli, Sofia Hagen, Thomas Thornton, Xirong Zheng
西安 CCBD 以现代的方式对西安的深厚历史底蕴做出回应,打造未来遗产。
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