Concrete 与 Moos 合作,Moos 是一个创新的住房概念,旨在为每个人提供高质量的住房。Moos Euterpe 是第一个完成的项目。Moos 这个名字来源于 Madness 乐队的经典歌曲《In the Middle Of Our Street》,象征着创建一个充满活力的社区,让每个人都能感到如同家一般的归属感。Moos 的使命是通过创造和建设高质量的住房,以社会和可持续的方式解决荷兰的住房危机。Moos 的预制住宅具有循环性和模块化设计,必要时可完全拆解并重新利用。
Concrete partners with Moos, an innovative housing concept aiming to create high-quality homes for everybody. Moos Euterpe is the first project to be completed. The name Moos stands for “In the Middle Of Our Street” – derived from the iconic song by Madness – and embodies the goal of creating a vibrant community where everyone feels at home. Moos’ mission is to solve the Dutch housing crisis in a social and sustainable way by creating and building high-quality homes for everyone. The prefabricated homes by Moos are circular and modular and, if necessary, fully demountable and reusable.
▼项目概览,overview of the project©Stijn Poelstra
▼建筑外观,exterior of the building©Stijn Poelstra
无论是为家庭、情侣还是个人设计住房,我们都始终把绿色未来放在核心位置。自 2020 年以来,Concrete 就成为 Moos 的合作伙伴,在概念、建筑设计和品牌建设上做出了重要贡献。目前,多个项目正在进行中,未来将建设大约 500 套住宅。
Our ambitions for a greener future are central, whether we are building for families, couples or individuals. Concrete has been a partner in Moos since its inception in 2020, contributing greatly to the development of the concept, architecture, and branding. Several projects are currently underway with approximately 500 homes being built in the near future.
▼住宅外观,exterior of the residence©Stijn Poelstra
Moos Euterpe:首个交付的项目
Moos Euterpe: First Building Delivered
Moos Euterpe 位于荷兰马斯兰,这是一个位于鹿特丹附近的小村庄,也是第一个完成的 Moos 项目。接下来是位于阿姆斯特丹的 Moos Appelweg,目前已完成 63 套住房。作为 Brasa Village 项目的一部分,Moos 已在阿姆斯特丹开始建设两个楼区,总共将建 149 套灵活的住房单元。而 Moos Kalkbranderij 项目也已部分完工,计划建设 97 套住房。
▼体块生成,massing genertion©Concrete Amsterdam
Moos Euterpe, located in Maasland a small village under the smoke of Rotterdam, is the first Moos project to be completed. The next is Moos Appelweg in Amsterdam, now finished with 63 homes. Moos as part of Brasa Village has started construction of two blocks with a total of 149 flex housing units in Amsterdam, while Moos Kalkbranderij is partially complete, with a total of 97 homes planned.
▼住宅集合,housing complex©Stijn Poelstra
Moos Euterpe 的建筑设计由 Concrete 和 Moos 联手完成,目标是打造一个能让居民自豪并促进社区联系的空间。Moos Euterpe 包含 30 个住房单元,旨在为学生、乌克兰难民和普通购房者提供不同规模的居住单元。整个建筑群由两座楼宇组成,两座楼宇相对而立,楼宇之间是一个花园,成为连接居民和促进社交活动的核心空间。建筑的外立面采用退台设计,走廊变为阳台,为居民提供了充分的空间进行个性化改造。除了满足个性化需求外,这一设计还强调了公共与私人空间的过渡,有助于促进邻里之间的互动。
The architecture, designed by Concrete and Moos, is driven by the goal of crafting a space that instils pride in residents and creates a sense of connection within community. Moos Euterpe accommodates 30 housing units, accomodating students, Ukrainian refugees, and regular home seekers for different sized unites. The complex is comprised of two buildings facing each other. In the middle of the two buildings there is a garden which acts as the connecting and social heart of the complex. The architecture incorporates a step-back facade, transforming galleries into verandas. This feature provides plenty of space for residents’ wishes and personalization. Beyond individual expression, this design element emphasizes the importance of the transition between public and private spaces, fostering connections between neighbors.
▼楼宇之间的花园,the garden between the buildings©Stijn Poelstra
▼走廊变成阳台,transforming galleries into verandas©Stijn Poelstra
Moos: Modular Housing Solutions
模块化设计能够提供多种类型和大小的住宅。因此,无论是个人还是家庭,都能在 Moos 找到合适的住所。模块的类型从单间公寓到四居室住宅不等。由于居民的生活需求各异且不断变化,Moos 致力于提供个性化选项,同时保证高质量的标准。因此,每套 2、3 或 4 室住宅都由两个模块组成。一是“基础”模块,包含所有基本生活设施,如睡眠、烹饪和洗漱等。另一个是“个人”模块,是一个可以自由配置的空间,居民可以根据自己的需求和生活方式进行个性化定制。个人模块通常是一个光线充足的休闲区,提供多种朝向,全天候都可以使用。与阳台的开放连接使得户外空间成为生活的延伸,增强了居住的舒适感。
The modular design allows for a wide variety of housing types and sizes. As a result, both individuals and families can find a home in Moos. Modules range from studios to four-bedroom houses. As residents’ living needs differ and are constantly evolving, Moos strives to offer personalisation options without compromising on high quality standards. Therefore, each 2, 3 and 4-bedroom home consists of two modules. One “basic” module accommodates all programmed basic necessities such as sleeping, cooking and washing. The other module is the “personal” module, a freely configurable space that can be used entirely according to the resident’s specific needs to live in his or her unique way. The personal module is a well-lit lounge area, making it a versatile place with multiple orientations and which can be used throughout the day. With its open connection to the veranda, the outdoor space also becomes an extension of living.
▼住宅周围景观,landscape near the housing complex©Stijn Poelstra
Moos: Creating a Lively Community
Moos 的愿景不仅是提供高质量和负担得起的住房,更着眼于打造一个充满活力的社区。公共区域在整体设计中得到了精心融入。例如,Moos 的公寓群内设有 Moos Plein,这是一个位于入口处的公共空间,居民可以在这里聚集。走廊和绿地被充分利用,成为互动空间。这些空间的设计旨在鼓励居民之间的互动与联系。
Moos’ vision is not only about creating high-quality and affordable housing but also place a spotlight on its community. Communal areas are thoughtfully integrated into the overall design. For instance, Moos apartment complexes include Moos Plein, a welcoming space at the entrance where residents can come together. The galleries and green spaces are activated into spaces for interaction. Thoughtfully designed and programmed, these spaces aim to encourage residents to connect and engage with one another.
▼走廊和绿地被充分利用,The galleries and green spaces are activated into spaces for interaction©Stijn Poelstra
Moos 不仅仅是提供房屋,它提供的是一个家,是居民可以引以为豪的地方。它不仅是一个居住的地方,更是个人成长和幸福的基石。Moos 让保障性住房重新回归社会。
—— Erikjan Vermeulen,Concrete 合伙人兼建筑总监
Moos provides more than just a house; it provides a home, one that residents can take pride in. It’s more than just a place to live; it’s a solid foundation for personal growth and well-being. Moos creates a sense of belonging, making social housing social again——Erikjan Vermeulen, partner and head of architecture at Concrete.
▼走廊和绿地被充分利用,The galleries and green spaces are activated into spaces for interaction©Stijn Poelstra
Moos: Circularity and Modularity
Moos Euterpe 是第一个完成的 Moos 项目。接下来是位于阿姆斯特丹的 Moos Appelweg,目前已完成 63 套住房。作为 Brasa Village 项目的一部分,Moos 已在阿姆斯特丹开始建设两个楼区,总共将建设 149 套灵活的住房单元,而 Moos Kalkbranderij 项目也已部分完工,计划建设 97 套住房。Moos 是一个旨在通过提供高质量住房产品解决荷兰住房短缺的初创公司。这一目标通过创新的建筑策略得以实现,关键在于合作、模块化和循环利用。
“我们面临着巨大的建筑挑战和严峻的气候挑战,我们提供的正是解决这两者问题的方案。”—— Joost Hoffman,Moos 联合创始人
Moos Euterpe is the first Moos project to be completed. The next is Moos Appelweg in Amsterdam, now finished with 63 homes. Moosas part of Brasa Village has started construction of two blocks with a total of 149 flex housing units in Amsterdam, while MoosKalkbranderij is partially complete, with a total of 97 homes planned. Moos is a start-up whose goal is to tackle the housing shortage with a quality product in the Netherlands. This is achieved through an innovative construction strategy, based on partnership, modularity and circularity. “There is both a major construction challenge and an enormous climate challenge ahead of us, we offer a solution for both” ——Joost Hoffman co-founder Moos.
▼高质量住房产品,high quality housing product©Stijn Poelstra
Modular Construction: Fast, Cost-Efficient, and Demountable
住房的建设在工厂环境中进行,保证了理想的条件和高质量的标准。预制好的住宅单元随后被运输到施工现场,包括窗框、厨房、浴室、装饰和设备等。在现场,这些单元通过结构连接并堆叠,安装也采用即插即用的方式进行。这使得 Moos 项目的建设既快速又节省成本,同时保证高质量标准。此外,这种方式有助于减少废弃物并促进回收,符合 Moos 对可持续发展的承诺。
The construction of homes takes place in a factory setting, guaranteeing ideal conditions for optimal quality. The homes are then prefabricated and transported to the construction site, including window frames, kitchens, bathrooms, finishes and installations. Onsite, the units are constructively linked and stacked, and the installations are connected using a plug and play principle. This enables the rapid and cost-efficient construction of a Moos project while maintaining a high standard of quality. Additionally, it contributes to waste reduction and facilitates recycling, aligning with Moos’ dedication to sustainable development.
▼S 类型室内空间,S type housing interior space©Moos
▼XL 类型室内空间,XL type housing interior space©Moos
巧妙的堆叠系统使 Moos 住宅从单间公寓到四居室住宅均可提供,且采用阳台风格,建筑最高可达 8 层。Moos 还在拓展其模块和住宅平面图,包括单户住宅、走廊住宅和高达 70 米的住宅塔楼。模块化设计还允许 Moos 将公寓和低层住宅堆叠在一起,形成混合建筑,通过多种不同的平面设计满足不同需求。Moos 实现了对多样化社区建设的快速落地。
A clever stacking system allows for a wide range of Moos units ranging from studios to four-bedroom apartments in a veranda style and extending up to eight stories high. In addition, Moos is working to expand its modules and residential floor plans to include single-family ground-level residences, corridor residences and residential towers up to 70 meters high. The modular design also allows a Moosbuilding to stack apartments and low-rise homes into hybrid buildings. Combining various floor plans within a single structure, Moosfacilitates the rapid realization of construction projects. This allows it to meet diverse housing needs, from large to small and high tolow. Moos is able to realize complete neighbourhoods of great diversity.
▼样板间室内空间,mockup image©Moos
循环材料应用 Circular Materialization Moos 项目的混合和循环材料应用使其与传统建筑方式区分开来。传统材料被可持续、回收和再利用的材料所替代,这些材料来自我们的拆解合作伙伴。在无法使用回收材料的情况下,我们选择使用生物基替代品。例如,我们的地板采用回收混凝土,主要承重结构则使用交叉层压木材(CLT)。此外,Moos 还采用木制窗框并使用三层玻璃,以确保设计的能源友好性。
The hybrid and circular materialization sets Moos projects apart from traditional construction methods. Traditional materials are replaced by sustainable, recycled and upcycled materials harvested from our demolition partners. In cases where recycled materials are not feasible, we opt for biobased alternatives. For instance, our floors are crafted from recycled concrete, while Cross Laminated Timber walls serve as the primary load-bearing structure. Additionally, Moos utilizes wood window frames, filled with triple glazing, ensuring energy friendly design.
▼样板间室内空间,mockup image©Moos
Flexible yet Permanent
Moos 住宅虽然是永久性结构,但完全可拆卸,这使得它们也适用于临时住房项目,同时不影响长期居住的质量。这些临时住房也符合永久建筑的建筑许可要求,可以在未来迁移到新地点。Moos 提供临时住房回购保证,承诺在使用期满后回购这些住宅。这保证了循环利用并减少了对环境的影响。
Moos homes are permanent but nevertheless fully demountable, making them also suitable for temporary housing projects, withoutcompromising the quality of permanent habitation. These temporary homes also have a building permit in accordance withpermanent construction, allowing them to be reused in a new location in the future. Moos offers a take-back guarantee for temporaryhomes, committing to buy back homes after a period of temporary use. This guarantees circularity and reduces environmental impact.
▼样板间室内空间,mockup image©Moos
Moos 在一个协作型的合作伙伴生态系统中运作,区别于传统的自上而下的结构。在这种独特的合作方式中,不同公司根据各自的专业领域参与项目,且从早期阶段就开始共同合作。这使得合作伙伴共同承担交付产品和服务的整个生命周期责任。每个合作伙伴的优势得到最大化,从而确保 Moos 项目的高质量。
Moos operates within a collaborative partner ecosystem that differs from the traditional top-down structure. In this unique form of collaboration, different companies contribute with their expertise and are involved in the process from an early stage. As a result, the partners are sharing collective responsibility for the full life cycle of the delivered product and/or service. This maximizes the strengths of each individual partner, ensuring the quality of Moos.
▼样板间室内空间,mockup image©Moos
Moos 不相信集中化工厂,所有合作伙伴在自己已有的工厂制造半成品,之后,Moos 与合作伙伴一起,在 Moos 装配线上用一天的时间完成整座房屋的组装。合作伙伴负责按时、精细地组装并交付各自的组件。这种方式便于扩展,且最大化了现有生产能力的使用。
Moos does not believe in central factories. All partners manufacture the semi-finished products in their own established factories, after which Moos, together with the partners, assembles a complete house in one day on the Moos assembly line. The partners are responsible for the timely and careful assembly and delivery of their component. Easily scalable and maximising the use of existing production capacity.
▼施工过程,construction progress©Moos
Project: Moos Euterpe
Client: Moos – in the Middle Of Our Street
Office:Concrete Amsterdam
Address: oudezijds achterburgwal 78a1012 DR AmsterdamThe Netherlands+31 (0)20 5200200
Address: Doelpad,Maasland,The Netherlands
Project information
Architecture and interior design: Concrete Amsterdam and Moos
Project team concrete: Erikjan Vermeulen, Iwan Hameleers, Alain Fernandez del Rey, Matthijs Hombergen, Josep Garcia Trilles
Start design: Q3, 2022
Opening: Q4, 2023
Gross area: 2.000 m2
Total constructed area: 1.000 m2