

When a building becomes a collective memory of a city, the meaning it carries is unique. Whenever people mention it, they always share stories of their interactions with the building, recalling its most striking transformations from that era.
▼外观,exterior view© yuuuunstudio
南京路上的七重天大厦正是这样一座饱含情感的老建筑。如今,大宛携手拥有三百年匠心与传统的老字号品牌吴良材,共同为 2024 年的新一代打造属于南京路的全新集体记忆。
The Qichongtian Building on Nanjing Road is such a building, rich in emotion and history. Today, Dayuan has Partnered with liangcai Wu, a time-honored brand with over 300 years of craftsmanship and tradition, to create a new collective memory for the 2024 generation—one that belongs to Nanjing Road.
▼gif via 1719 吴良材新视场空间插画,Dynamic Illustration of via·1719 Wu Liangcai New Vision Field© DAYUAN DESIGN
01 历史建筑的新生 The Revival of Historic Architecture
七重天大厦建于 1922 年,是一座融合现代主义与装饰艺术风格的历史建筑。从昔日吸引名流雅士的社交场所,演变为如今象征上海文化的名片,这座建筑焕发出别样的风采。
The Qichongtian Building, built in 1922, is a historic structure that blends modernist and Art Deco styles. Once a social hub for the elite, it has transformed into a symbol of Shanghai’s culture, exuding a distinct charm.
▼“新视场”眼镜艺术装置与夜晚的七重天大厦,”New Vision Field” Eyewear Art Installation and The Seventh Heaven Building at Night © yuuuunstudio
Drawing inspiration from the mechanical eyeglasses with a traditional Chinese flair, Dayuan has infused this venerable “elder” with a touch of modernity, allowing it to joyfully gaze upon the busy street corner like a playful child. This not only marks a brilliant debut for Liangcai Wu’s new retail space but also represents a bold attempt to merge trendy culture with historic architecture.
▼新视场,New Vision Field© DAYUAN DESIGN
In this building steeped in history, Liangcai Wu has shed its traditional image and reshaped itself as a vibrant “Liangcai Factory.” This tangible scene of new productive power merges seamlessly with the brand’s deep-rooted Chinese aesthetic, showcasing a vitality that’s uniquely its own.
▼入口的艺术装置与眼镜工厂工艺流程展示,Art Installation at the Entrance and Eyewear Factory Craft Process Display© yuuuunstudio
This curatorial retail space has brought new opportunities and energy to Liangcai Wu. Along with a rich array of eyewear-related art installations, the space also incorporates flexible display cabinets and furniture, breaking through spatial constraints and opening up possibilities for future diverse transformations.
▼新视场传送带装置,Factory Conveyor Belt Installation© yuuuunstudio
02 品牌故事
The Brand Story
▼千百镜,Thousand Mirrors© DAYUAN DESIGN
Upon entering the building, the air shower art installation at the entrance activates, gently blowing away any dust and creating the feeling of stepping into a sterile factory environment. To the right, the ‘Thousand Mirrors’ installation, made from optical lenses, uses dynamic light and shadow refraction to craft a captivating, flowing visual experience, subtly guiding visitors toward the beginning of their ‘Factory Journey.’
▼空间主入口风淋装置与千百镜装置,Air Shower and Thousand Mirrors Installations at the Main Entrance© yuuuunstudio
▼古董眼镜展陈与互动体验区,Antique Eyewear Exhibition and Interactive Experience Area© yuuuunstudio
在中庭区域,大宛通过缓缓移动的传送带,将吴良材的品牌故事与历史串联起来。沿传送带顺时针行走,可以看到品牌的创新产品和 pop-up 活动,象征技术的发展与革新;逆时针行走,则通过古代研磨器具与古董眼镜的陈列,追溯悠远的历史,展现工艺情怀与传统智慧。
▼定制陈列道具插图,Illustration of Tailored Display Props© DAYUAN DESIGN
In the atrium area, Dayuan uses a slowly moving conveyor belt to weave together the brand story of Liangcai Wu with history. Walking clockwise along the conveyor belt, visitors encounter the brand’s innovative products and pop-up events, symbolizing technological progress and innovation. Walking counterclockwise, they are taken on a journey through ancient grinding tools and antique eyewear displays, tracing a rich history and showcasing the craftsmanship and traditional wisdom of the past.
▼中庭动态传送带区域,Dynamic Conveyor Belt Zone in the Atrium© yuuuunstudio
▼传送带展陈道具细部,Display Props Detail on the Convey© yuuuunstudio
▼古董眼镜陈列细部,Antique Eyewear Display Detail© yuuuunstudio
03 策展式展陈 Curated Exhibition Display “工厂之旅”从一个特别设计的“研磨器”装置开始,其灵感源自距今五千多年的仰韶文化玉石工坊。这不仅是对古老工艺的再现,更是对品牌创始人吴良材先生匠心精神的致敬——从雕琢玉器到精制眼镜,三百年的传承在此延续。▼研磨器,Grinding Machine© DAYUAN DESIGN
The “Factory Journey” begins with a specially designed “Grinding Tool” installation, inspired by the jade workshops of the Yangshao culture, dating back over 5,000 years. This is not only a recreation of ancient craftsmanship but also a tribute to the founder of the brand, Mr. Wu Liangcai, and his dedication to the art of craftsmanship—from carving jade to crafting fine eyewear, a 300-year legacy continues here.
▼策展区域,Curatorial Exhibition Area© yuuuunstudio
▼“研磨器”装置细节,”Grinding Machine” Installation Detail© yuuuunstudio
The exhibition design combines Chinese aesthetics with modern factory elements, using a variety of materials such as fabric, wood, perforated metal, and scaffolding to create a layered, adjustable space that offers greater flexibility for the display.
▼多层板与脚手架结合的展陈道具,Display Props Made from Multi-layered Panels and Scaffolding© yuuuunstudio
▼多种结构组合形式的策展区域,Curatorial Area with Various Structural Combinations© yuuuunstudio
▼座椅细部,Seating Detail© yuuuunstudio
04 模块化与多功能 Modularity and Multi-functionality
The layout of the multifunctional area is also highly flexible. Whether for daily tea breaks, brand pop-up events, or lecture salons, the space can be quickly adjusted to accommodate diverse needs.
▼可移动道具与综合活动区,Movable Fixtures and Multi-functional Activity Area© yuuuunstudio
▼多功能区 收银/取镜/维修,Multi-functional Area: Checkout, Pickup & Repairs© yuuuunstudio
▼金属道具细部,Details of the Custom Metal Fixtures© yuuuunstudio
综合活动区的艺术装置《Project 1719》灵感来源于近视者模糊视野的体验。通过在玻璃表面覆盖一层水雾感贴膜,模拟近视的视觉效果。内部采用左右移动的设计,编程控制雾面通电玻璃逐片变清晰,旨在让观众体验从模糊到清晰的视觉蜕变。
The art installation ‘Project 1719’ in the multifunctional area is inspired by the blurred vision experienced by those with myopia. A fog-like film is applied to the surface of the glass to simulate the visual effects of nearsightedness. The internal design features movable components, with programming controlling the fogged glass to gradually become clear, allowing viewers to experience the transformation from blur to clarity.
▼《Project 1719》动态演示图,Dynamic Illustration of “Project 1719” © DAYUAN DESIGN
05 工业风橱窗 Industrial-Style Window Display
In this project, the street-facing window displays and the entrance design are also highlights. To complement the building’s overall style and its industrial interior aesthetic, Dayuan uses industrial pipes as light fixtures, with light flowing through the pipes to convey a dynamic sense of factory production.
▼新视场外立面动态插画,Dynamic Illustration of the Exterior Façade© DAYUAN DESIGN
The lights, like electric currents, flow from outside into the entrance, drawing attention. At night, six uniquely styled window displays, combined with music and lighting, present a dazzling light show every hour, captivating pedestrians along Nanjing Road.
▼夜晚的外立面门头与艺术橱窗,The Exterior Facade Signage and Art Display Windows at Night© yuuuunstudio yuuuunstudio
通过策展型商业空间的规划设计,大宛希望“via·1719 吴良材新视场”能够打破传统零售的界限,将顾客从被动的观察者转变为主动的参与者。这里开放互动的理念,引导消费者在多维度的体验中深入挖掘品牌故事。吴良材不仅是商品的象征,更承载着历史、工艺与创新的力量,提醒人们珍视并传承深厚的文化内涵,在现代生活中不断寻找传统与未来的平衡。
Through the planning and design of this curated retail space, Dayuan aims to break the boundaries of traditional retail with “via·1719 Wuliangcai New Vision,” transforming customers from passive observers into active participants. The open and interactive concept guides consumers to deeply explore the brand story through multi-dimensional experiences. Liangcai Wu is not just a symbol of products but also carries the power of history, craftsmanship, and innovation, reminding people to cherish and pass on profound cultural heritage while continuously seeking a balance between tradition and the future in modern life.
▼策展、零售与展览集合区域,Curatorial, Retail, and Exhibition Collection Area© yuuuunstudio
▼静态传送带展陈与零售区域,Static Conveyor Belt Display and Retail Area© yuuuunstudio
▼中庭阶梯 立面插图,Elevation Illustration of the Atrium Staircase© DAYUAN DESIGN
▼平面布局图,Floor Plan © DAYUAN DESIGN
项目名称丨「via·1719 吴良材新视场」
项目面积丨800 平方米
空间设计丨大宛设计 Dayuan Design
艺术策展丨上海信罗迹创意服务有限公司 SPACElogic、上海圆周率文化传播有限公司
艺术装置丨大宛设计 Dayuan Design、陆步清、张鹏飞、肖恒
品牌策划丨圆周率品牌创新 PI
橱窗设计丨因内设计(上海)有限公司、张又堃、大宛设计、Terence Lai、顾晨忆、上海圆周率广告有限公司、陈梦洁
Project Name: via·1719 Wu Liangcai New Vision Field
Project Location: Shanghai, China
Project Type: Commercial Design
Project Area: 800 square meters
Project Owner: Shanghai Sanlian (Group) Co., Ltd.
Interior Design: Dayuan Design
Art Curating: SPACE logic (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., PI Brand Communication
Art Installations: Dayuan Design, Lu Buqing, Zhang Pengfei, Xiao Heng
Brand Planning: PI Brand Communication
Planning and Design Support: East China University of Science and Technology, Old Brand Polishing Plan Studio
Construction: Shanghai Jixiang Exhibition Display Services Co., Ltd., Beijing Brothers Tongchuang Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.
Window Display Design: Innerdesign (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Zhang Youkun, Dayuan Design, Terence Lai, Gu Chenyi, PI Brand Communication, Chen Mengjie
Window Display Installation: Shanghai Jixiang Exhibition Display Services Co., Ltd., Innerdesign (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shiyi Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.
Sculpture Production: Shanghai Liyanjing Environmental Art Design Co., Ltd.
Multimedia Light Show: Zhang Qi
Prop Production: Dihua Art & Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.