亚太首家Tapestry精选酒店是位于中国台北市中正区幸福里的台北时代寓所 。
The first Tapestry hotel in the Asia-Pacific region is Taipei Era Residence, located in Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan.
樟树是该区域最显著的亮点,其提炼的“赛璐珞”是最初制作胶卷的原料,而台湾在全盛时期曾向全世界提供了80%的胶卷原料,这段历史成为CCD设计酒店的重要灵感来源 。
The camphor tree is the most prominent feature of the area, and its refined cellul
oid was the original material for making film rolls. Taiwan used to provide 80% of the worlds film roll material during its heyday, which became an important inspiration for the CCD design hotel.
色彩缤纷,如同台北的第一抹阳光,点亮旅人的双眸,活泼的色调、有趣的摆设家具及艺术品,给旅客带来独特记忆。挑高8米的空间呼应此地百年前曾为仓库的历史,大量木材质和金属的运用则呼应过去樟树林和铁工所的存在 。
Colorful, like the first ray of sunshine in Taipei, it brightens travelers eyes. Vibrant colors, interesting furniture and artwork give travelers unique memories. The 8-meter hi
gh space echoes the history of the area being a warehouse over a century ago, and the extensive use of wood and metal pays tribute to the existence of camphor forests and ironworks in the past.
Designed as a private movie theater, the room number is designed as the film reel spool, and the interior continues to use wood, iron, metal, and concrete molds, and uses the dance of wood frames and light to create a unique atmosphere.
起伏的音调线性图案将客人引向房间入口,房间入口由悬浮的低音炮启发的盒子隔开,演绎精致的工业风,各处细节如皮革镶嵌的床头板引用了一组板条式谷仓门、装饰性滑轮、带孔的迷你吧门和壁挂式工业壁灯等,都与酒店的主题故事紧密相扣 。
corridor is lined with undulating tonal linear patterns that guide guests to the room entrance, which is separated by a box inspired by suspended subwoofers, showcasing refined industrial style. Details such as leather inlay on the headboard, a set of board-and-batten barn doors, decorative wheels, a perforated mini-bar door, and w
all-mounted industrial wall lamps all tie in closely with the hotels thematic story.