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2024/12/26 13:35:54
Project background
世界园艺博览会是一项国际盛事,旨在展示全球园艺领域的最新成就。自 1999 年以来,中国已成功举办了九届,对国家的经济、文化、旅游和环境产生了重要影响。2024 年世园会来到四川成都,主题为“公园城市,美好人居”,以绿色发展为实践,塑造可持续的未来。
The World Horticultural Exposition, is an international event aim to showcase global achievements in horticulture. Since 1999, China has successfully hosted nine editions, significantly influencing the nation’s economy, culture, tourism, and environment. Chengdu was selected to host the 2024 World Expo, themed as “Park City, Beautiful Habitat” focusing on green development and creating sustainable future.
▼竹编桥与世园会鸟瞰图,Aerial view of Woven Bamboo Bridge in Expo’s Park © TYLIN International
▼锦云塔视野,The view from Jinyun Tower© Rashwan Khalil
Project Overview
The WovenBambooBridge is located on the northwest side of Moha Lake within the Expo park, serves as a crucial connection between key park districts, integrating seamlessly with the park’s natural environment. The bridge stands as an iconic landmark, blending functionality with aesthetic appeal, and is part of the pedestrian-traffic system of the Expo.
▼竹编桥鸟瞰图,Bird eye-view rendering of the Woven Bamboo Bridge © TYLIN International(China)
▼竹编桥夜景效果图,Woven Bamboo Bridge rendering© TYLIN International(China)
▼竹编桥,Woven Bamboo Bridge © Rashwan Khalil
设计灵感 Design Inspiration 竹编桥深受成都悠久的竹文化传统的启发,在崇州道明镇、邛崃平乐镇,竹编这一非物质文化遗产,以其精湛的工艺、独特的造型和浓郁的民间艺术风格而源远流长。竹编桥将传统竹编技艺转化为现代建筑形式,象征着历史传统与当代创新的融合。
The Woven Bamboo Bridge is deeply inspired by Chengdu’s long-standing bamboo culture. In many towns in Sichuan province, bamboo weaving is as an intangible cultural heritage which has a rich history characterized by exquisite craftsmanship, unique shapes, and a strong folk-art style. The Woven Bamboo Bridge transforms traditional bamboo weaving techniques into a modern architectural form, symbolizing the fusion of historical tradition and contemporary innovation.
▼设计灵感,Design inspiration© Katie Treggiden
By incorporating bamboo weaving elements, this bridge not only pays tribute to Chengdu’s cultural history but also aligns beautifully with the general theme of the World Expo, which showcases unique cultural elements. The design cleverly combines the light and dynamic forms of bamboo weaving with its flexible and sturdy characteristics, highlighting the sustainability and ecological values promoted by the Expo. This creates a harmonious balance between cultural expression and environmental sustainability.
▼概念设计过程,Conceptual design development process © TYLIN International (China)
▼竹编桥概念分析图,Conceptual analysis diagram of Woven Bamboo Bridge © TYLIN International (China)
Aesthetic Features
Inspired by traditional bamboo weaving techniques, the bridge’s exterior features an integrated, streamlined design resembling woven bamboo strips, connecting both river banks like a ribbon and forming an arched sunshade roof at the center. This roof, combined with the widened sections of the bridge deck, creates a comfortable viewing area for visitors to enjoy the impressive World Expo waterfall and take in stunning views of the iconic Jinyun Tower and Tianfu Eye. This design not only serves a practical function but also creates a distinctive visual tension, rich in Sichuan flair.
▼竹编桥与自然融合之美,Integration of Woven Bamboo Bridge with nature © Rashwan Khalil
The inner side of the bridge incorporates triangular bamboo weaving elements arranged in a diverse, gradient manner, skillfully blending traditional craftsmanship with modern design aesthetics. These aesthetic elements are anchored to the beams at the center of the bridge piers, creating a fluid and dynamic visual experience. Through parametric design, the shapes and specifications of the woven elements are meticulously optimized to ensure structural integrity and visual impact while optimizing construction costs.
▼竹编桥与摩诃湖一体融合,Integration of Woven Bamboo Bridge with lake © Rashwan Khalil
Structural Details
竹编桥全长 120 米,以独特的 S 形布局打破了传统直线桥梁设计的局限。编织结构不仅提升了桥梁的美学魅力,还与桥体的结构需求融合统一。主桥面宽度从 6 米逐渐扩展至中央的 12 米,为游客提供了宽阔的观景平台,同时保持了轻盈简约的形态。桥梁高出水面 12 米,确保了下方游船航行的畅通无阻。
The Woven Bamboo Bridge spans a total length of 120 meters, featuring a unique S-shaped layout that breaks away from the limitations of traditional linear bridge designs. The woven structure not only enhances the bridge’s aesthetic appeal but also seamlessly integrates with the structural requirements of the bridge. The main deck gradually widens from 6 meters to 12 meters at the center, providing a spacious viewing platform for visitors while maintaining a light and minimalist form. The bridge stands 12 meters above the water, ensuring unobstructed passage for boats beneath.
▼竹编桥正立面尺寸图,Dimension drawing of front elevation of Woven Bamboo Bridge © TYLIN International (China)
The bridge employs a steel frame structure with a variable cross-section, ensuring better support while minimizing the thickness of the deck. This design not only reduces material usage but also preserves the natural banks of the Jiangxi River as much as possible. Aesthetic elements inspired by bamboo weaving further enhance the visual integration of the bridge with the landscape, seamlessly blending traditional craftsmanship with modern engineering techniques.
▼平面和立面结构布局,Structural layout & elevation © TYLIN International (China)
▼平面和立面结构布局,Plane and elevation structural layout © TYLIN International (China)
Lighting Aesthetics
The lighting design of the Woven Bamboo Bridge is both subtle and effective. The fixtures are concealed within decorative elements rather than directly illuminating the bridge structure. At night, light filters through the ‘bamboo weave’ gaps, emitting a warm and gentle glow, resembling a translucent bamboo lantern suspended in the air. This light, reflecting off the shimmering waters below, creates a striking visual harmony. The effect not only enhances the bridge’s elegance and visibility at night but also establishes it as an architectural landmark within the Expo’s Park.
▼观景平台位于竹编桥中部,The observation platform at the middle of Woven Bamboo Bridge © Rashwan Khalil
▼视野与自然相通,Views from the Woven Bamboo Bridge © Rashwan Khalil
▼竹编桥与环境融为一体,The Woven Bamboo Bridge and its integration with nature © Rashwan Khalil
▼湖面视野透视图,The Woven Bamboo Bridge and lake © Rashwan Khalil
总结 Conclusion 成都世园会竹编桥巧妙地将天府传统竹编技艺与现代设计手法相融合,以形式语言与结构功能的高度统一,一气呵成地勾勒出飞跨于绛溪之上的新地标,充分展现了传统与现代、自然与人文相互交融的世园会办会主题与价值观。
The Woven Bamboo Bridge at the Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition skillfully integrates the traditional bamboo weaving techniques of Tianfu with modern design approaches. Through a seamless blend of form and function, it elegantly outlines a new landmark spanning the Jiangxi River. This design fully embodies the Expo’s theme and values, showcasing the harmonious fusion of tradition and modernity, as well as nature and culture.
▼夜景效果图,Night view rendering of the Woven Bamboo Bridge© TYLIN International (China)
项目名称:2024 成都世界园艺博览会·竹编桥
项目类型: 桥梁设计
项目设计:2022 年 9 月
完成年份:2024 年 3 月
设计团队:黄聪、Rashwan Khalil、蒲蔚然、夏宇、聂川然、陈启光、陆圣中、杨佳文、白洪茂、杜萌
建筑面积:696.5㎡,长 120m,宽 12m,高 12m
摄影版权:Rashwan Khalil, Katie Treggiden
Project name:2024 Chengdu World Horticultural Expo Bamboo Bridge
Project type:Architecture design
Design:T. Y. Lin International Engineering Consulting (China) Co., Ltd.
Design year:2022,09
Completion Year:2024,03
Leader designer & Team:Bill Cong Huang、Rashwan Khalil、Weiran Pu、Xia Yu、Nie Chuanran、Chen Qiguang、Lu Shengzhong、Yang Jiawen、Bai Hongmao、Liu Yang、Du Meng
Project location:Eastern New District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China
Gross built area:696.5㎡, length 120m, width 12m, height 12m.
Photo credit:Rashwan Khalil,Katie Treggiden
Clients:Chengdu Horticulture Expo Operation Development Co., Ltd.
Materials:Steel structrue、Aluminum plate、Concrete、Glass
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