Casa Laranjeiras位于里约热内卢州的帕拉蒂(Paraty),是专为追求亲近自然的家庭设计的周末住宅。该住宅四周环绕着大西洋森林,与环境融为一体,为人们提供了身临其境的热带景观体验。
Located in Paraty, in the state of Rio de janeiro, Casa Laranjeiras is a weekend residence designed for a family seeking closeness to nature. Surrounded by the Atlantic Forest, the house stands out for its integration with the environment, offering an immersive experience in the tropical landscape.
The architectural design follows a minimalist approach, featuring simple, geometric volumes. The structure is organized into two distinct blocks: one for the bedrooms and another for the social and service areas. Large openings connect the internal spaces to the exterior, promoting a fusion between indoors and outdoors, allowing for cross ventilation and abundant natural light.
The transition between the blocks is made through an organically shaped walkway clad in biriba wood, a material that enhances the natural aesthetic and integration with the surroundings. This pathway, in addition to being functional, provides a visual and sensory connection with nature, expanding the feeling of continuity with the surrounding landscape.
The materials were selected to reinforce the integration with the site. The dry pink concrete, natural wood, and stones harmoniously interact with the greenery of the forest. The color palette and textures contribute to the house's subtle camouflage within the natural setting, emphasizing an architecture that respects and values the environment.
Casa Laranjeiras 不仅仅是一个栖身之所。在这里,时间变得缓慢,简约变得诗意,建筑与自然元素交织在一起,无声地拥抱在一起。在这里,建筑与自然景观融为一体,仿佛它一直都在那里,等待着那些追求自然宁静的人们。
Casa Laranjeiras is more than a shelter. it is a space where time slows down, where simplicity becomes poetry, and where thebuilt and natural elements intertwine in a silent embrace. Here, architecture dissolves into the landscape, as if it has always been there, waiting to welcome those who seek, above all, the peace of nature.