

As you are enjoying the scenery on a bridge, while someone upstairs is watching you. —Part of Article by Bian Zhilin
© 河狸景观摄影
Significance of bridges
Throughout history spanning thousands of years, bridges have served as not only transportation facilities but also carriers of life, for example, the famous Ponte Vecchio in Florence, Italy. There are many well-known covered bridges in traditional towns of western Sichuan. The Nanqiao Bridge in Dujiangyan, with its eave design, serves as a shelter protecting people from wind and rain. It is also the most vibrant public space and attraction in the locality, where people trade goods, enjoy tea, and appreciate the scenery.
▼漂浮公园鸟瞰,aerial view of the floating park© 河狸景观摄影
Bridges are also places where people repose their emotions. Numerous poems and films have been created with bridges as their central theme. As an ancient and special architectural form, bridges have degenerated into unattractive infrastructure in today’s urban life. Although the appearance of bridges has begun to receive widespread attention, the focus remains merely on engineering and shape designs. The decline in the status of bridges has diminished the significance of rivers. Heidegger once said, “The banks emerge as banks only as the bridge crosses the stream”. Today, rivers are sandwiched by concrete embankments and become passers-by passing through cities, losing their vitality. Therefore, restoring the significance of “bridges” also presents an opportunity to bring back the charm of rivers.
▼鸟瞰,aerial view© 河狸景观摄影
▼漂浮公园,overview of the park© 河狸景观摄影
A floating park
这座位于成都交子金融区的步行桥会以怎样的方式来跨越锦江?它到底是一座桥还是一座公园?设计的起点就是不断地提出问题。首先回到城市结构的观察:锦江自北向南穿流而过,将交子金融商务区分为河东与河西两个长条形街区,东西方向延绵 2.5 公里长的交子绿带,被锦江分为两段,成为隔岸相望的公园。锦江与中轴绿带的十字型交汇处,便是城市空间的天然断点,需要建立一个强有力的连接。建设一座人行桥,不仅可以连接两岸街区,实现城市步行系统的贯通,也将交子绿带连为一体,实现与河流的“蓝绿交汇”。
▼蓝绿交织的十字绿心交汇点,the integration of the river and green belt© 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司
How should this pedestrian bridge in Chengdu Jiaozi Park Financial and Business District cross the Jinjiang River? Should it be positioned as a bridge or a park? In the process of design, such questions were continuously put forward. Based on the city’s urban structure, the Jinjiang River runs from north to south, dividing the financial and business district into two elongated blocks, one on the eastern side and one on the western side. The 2.5-kilometer east-west green belt is split into two parts by the Jinjiang River, becoming two parks facing each other across the river. The intersection of the Jinjiang River and the green belt on the central axis is a natural breakpoint in the urban space and needs to be bridged. Building a pedestrian bridge can not only connect the blocks on both banks, enabling a smooth walkway system but also link the two parts of the green belt, thereby achieving the integration of the river and green belt.
▼交子剧场,Jiaozi Theatre© 河狸景观摄影
交子绿带宽度约 150 米,作为绿带跨河的部分,桥面不能太窄,否则难以形成连续的绿轴。但若采用宽幅式断面,将不可避免地遮盖河道,投下大片消极的阴影。于是我们设想了一个“多孔”的桥,让阳光得以穿透桥面的孔隙照亮水面。
▼方案生成,scheme generation© 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司
The green belt is about 150 meters wide. As a part of the green belt crossing the river, the bridge deck should not be too narrow, otherwise it will be difficult to form a continuous green axis. However, if a wide deck is adopted, it will inevitably cover the river channel, leading to a large shaded area. Thus, a “multihole” bridge was designed, allowing sunlight to go through the openings in the deck and illuminate the water below.
▼凌空看台,floating platform© 河狸景观摄影
通过单元加法和开洞减法的混合,设计最终获得了“莲桥”的集合形态,多个“莲叶”悬挑单元实现了足够的覆盖宽度,圆盘之间又能够留出空隙,让阳光、风雨和视线穿行,人工桥梁与自然河流得以同频呼吸。9 个大小圆盘单元同形异构,面积从 300 到 1600㎡,其上种植乔木,与河岸绿地连接成片,成为一处漂浮的公园,悬于锦江之上,行走其间,“步步生莲”。桥体曲线灵动,虚实相间,桥面与倒影相映成趣,每一段悬挑的弧线阳台都成为人与河流对话的界面。
▼九个场景单元,nine scene units© 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司
The combination of additional elements and the reduction of openings finally resulted in a bridge featuring several “lotus leaves”. The lotus leaf-inspired cantilevered elements provide ample coverage width, while the gaps between the discs allow sunlight, wind, rain, and views to pass through. The artificial bridge and the natural river coexist harmoniously, breathing at the same rhythm. The nine discs of varying sizes are isomorphic and heterogeneous, with areas ranging from 300 to 1,600 square meters. Planted with arbors on the deck and connected with the riverbank green belts, the bridge transforms into a floating park on the Jinjiang River. Walking in it feels like stepping from one “lotus leaf” to the next. The bridge features flexible curves and a blend of the virtual and the real. The deck and the inverted reflection in water form a delightful contrast. Each cantilevered arc balcony serves as a platform for people to communicate with the river.
▼跨河中段镂空,central hollow section© 河狸景观摄影
▼廊下空间,covered public space© 河狸景观摄影
多元场景 Diverse scenarios
这是一处桥与公园的混合体,全长 498m,包括横跨河西、河东两条市政道路的引桥,以及跨越 120 米宽河面的主桥,还有与之垂直交叠的原有南北向的滨水绿道。为实现人行衔接与无障碍通行,步道系统分成三个标高系统:包括跨越河道与市政道路的上层,市政道路的中层,以及河堤绿道的下层。各层间通过坡道、楼梯与电梯连接。立体交通和分层绿化让人联想起曾经的巴比伦空中花园,作为对古代建造先驱的致敬,再现了“人在空中游”的景观梦想。
The structure is a combination of bridges and a park, with a total length of 498 meters. It encompasses the approach bridges crossing the municipal roads on both banks, the main bridge over the 120-meter wide river, and the original north-south waterfront greenway that vertically overlaps with it. To ensure seamless connectivity and unobstructed passage for pedestrians, the footpath system is organized into three elevation levels: the upper level, which crosses the river and municipal roads; the middle level, which is aligned with municipal roads; and the lower level, which connects with greenways along the riverbanks. Each layer is connected to the elevators through ramps and stairs. The three-dimensional transportation and layered greenery are reminiscent of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. As a tribute to ancient construction pioneers, the pedestrian bridge reproduces the dreamlike vision of “people traveling in the air”.
▼滨河步道与莲桥,riverfront passage and lotus bridge© 河狸景观摄影
成都生活开放闲适,欢迎人们的全时段参与。9 个圆盘单元既是一个整体,又是 9 处相对独立的活动场景。莲叶亭下的水吧,把酒临风,创造动人消费场景。24 小时无人图书馆提供周边社区小憩阅读的空间。圆环剧场顺应河岸高差,是户外表演的场所;幻彩水秀由喷泉和幻彩玻璃组合,是孩子们嬉戏的缤纷幻境。戏水花园,孩子们或躺或坐,绕水而逐,提供了与水“视、听、触”的多重体验。中段的桥面镂空成环,方便人们趴在洞口俯瞰河面。围绕圆环布置水帘,夜间开启光影秀,成为市民拍照打卡的热点。
Chengdu, known for its inclusive and laid-back lifestyle, welcomes tourists at any time. The nine discs not only form a complete whole but also offer nine relatively independent activity scenes. The water bar beneath the lotus-leaf pavilion offers a setting to enjoy the scenery while sipping a glass of wine, creating an impressive experience. The 24-hour unmanned library provides a space for reading for nearby residents. The circular theater, constructed according to the varying heights of the river banks, is a venue dedicated to outdoor performances. The fantastic water show features fountains and colorful glass displays, creating a colorful fairyland for children to play. In the water garden, children can participate in a variety of activities centered around the water, enjoying diverse visual, auditory, and tactile experiences. The middle section of the bridge deck is hollowed out into a ring, creating an ideal spot to overlook the river from within the opening. The water curtain is designed around the ring, where a light show is held at night, making it a hot spot for citizens to take photos.
▼市民观赏水幕 show,water curtain show© 河狸景观摄影
▼水幕秀场俯瞰,water curtain top view© 河狸景观摄影
Construction details
桥的结构形式从莲叶生长的茎杆中汲取灵感,采用非规则的双向刚构体系,莲叶间的大小孔隙在保证稳定性的同时,降低了结构的整体重量。桥面铺装采用 ER 彩色煅烧陶粒,增强铺装整体性的同时,避免桥梁钢结构热胀冷缩带来的地面开裂。
▼主桥桥型立面布置图,elevation© 四川西南交大土木工程设计有限公司
The structure of the bridge is inspired by the stem from which lotus leaves grow and adopts an irregular two-way rigid frame system. The varying sizes of openings between the lotus leaves ensure stability while reducing the overall weight of the structure. The bridge deck is paved with ER colorful expanded clay aggregate to enhance the pavement’s integrity and avoid ground cracking caused by thermal expansion and cold contraction of the bridge’s steel structure.
▼立体花园,three-dimensional garden© 河狸景观摄影
桥面种植 46 颗乔木,结合悬挑结构受力要求布置,宽大的树冠保障了绿量的连续,交子绿带生态得以跨河贯通。娜塔栎、鸡爪槭、枫香、乌桕、黄连木等彩叶乡土树种,丰富了桥上公园的季相变化,春夏绿意盎然,秋季绚丽多彩。
The bridge deck is planted with 46 arbors, which are arranged according to the stress requirements of the cantilevered structure. The expansive canopies of these trees maintain a continuous green landscape and the connection of the green belts across the river. Colorful native tree species such as Texas live oak, Japanese maple, Liquidambar formosana, Chinese tallow, and Chinese pistache enrich the seasonal landscape of the park on the bridge. The greenery is exuberant in spring and summer while colorful in autumn.
▼桥上绿树成荫,greenery on the bridge© 河狸景观摄影
彩虹连接了科学和美学的双重维度,被视为自然现象与人类情感间的桥梁。有没有可能在桥上再现自然界的彩虹胜景?我们通过对日照角度分析,模拟彩虹的形成条件,利用雾喷形成水幕,在特定的时间段折射太阳光,创造 30m 宽的人造彩虹。“遇见彩虹”成为与大众共情的交点,为“桥”这一古老类型注入了新的情节。
▼自然彩虹模拟研究,natural rainbow simulation analysis© 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司
The rainbow, a blend of science and aesthetics, is regarded as a bridge between natural phenomena and human emotion. Is it possible to recreate the natural rainbow scenery on the bridge? By analyzing the angle of sunlight and simulating the conditions necessary for the formation of rainbows, a water curtain was designed using mist spray, which can refract sunlight at a specific time to create an artificial rainbow with a width of 30 meters. “Meeting the Rainbow” serves as a focal point that resonates with shared emotions, adding new dimensions to the enduring significance of bridges.
▼遇见彩虹,encounter rainbow© 河狸景观摄影
▼幻彩水秀,colorful water show© 河狸景观摄影
交子莲桥塑造了一个都市微旅游的目的地,市民乘兴而至,解锁“桥”的新玩法。这座“漂浮公园”刷新了大众对于桥的认知,也为成都 IP——“公园城市”提供了新的解读文本和印证案例。
The lotus-shaped Jiaozi Overpass has emerged as an urban micro-tourism destination, attracting citizens to explore the new bridge. This “floating park” has refreshed the public’s understanding of bridges, and provided a new narrative and example for Chengdu’s IP as “a park city”.
▼夜景鸟瞰,night aerial view© 河狸景观摄影
▼立面图,elevation© 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司
设计时间:2021 年 5 月-2022 年 6 月
建设时间:2022 年 9 月-2024 年 5 月
桥梁结构设计:四川西南交大土木工程设计有限公司 :孟祥勇、张胡芝、李春燕
景观施工图设计:成都昱道景观设计有限公司: 龙昱杉、赵鑫源、羊彦
泛光设计:北京巍巍照明设计研究院有限公司 邹荣、王锐
摄影师:holi 河狸景观摄影