

Possessed by memory
I have always liked a line from Zhuangzi’s Qi Wu Lun: "After ten thousand lifetimes, a great saint will come once again, and those who know his solution will meet him at dusk." This line is not difficult to understand, but experts still have different interpretations, but I think I will only choose one name. My interpretation is that even after going through countless lifetimes, there will always be those who know the solution. Such people will appear, just like the night meets the day, the moon meets the stars.
I think there is a sense of certainty and comfort here, with a blend of ancient and modern brilliance. From the perspective of the ancients, no matter what, believe in future generations; From the perspective of future generations, who said that at this moment, I am not in harmony with the ancients? I thought of Lu Ji again. He wrote in Wen Fu: "Observing the past and present in a moment, and pacifying the four seas in a moment."
If Zhuangzi tells a story of waiting, what I want to tell is the story after waiting.
-Mr. Xie
Design is the process of transforming ideas and clues into visual, tangible entities. Design is not only about aesthetics, but also a combination of functionality and practicality.
When we are designing commercial spaces, we often talk about strategies, how to maximize business, and utilitarianism as principles. But this time the space is different from previous experiences, useless rather than useful. The owner originally planned to extend the internal product shooting experiment scene of the company, and constantly adjusted the strategy during the construction process. At the final moment of completion, we had not given a true definition of the space. Rather than saying that it was not enough to express itself as a buyers shop, art space, or private art reception room, I would rather say that it was not yet completed. As Mr. Xie said, waiting for the story to happen here is also waiting for the unknown future.
I like the unfinished state, which allows for adjustment and fault tolerance. Just like the moment an artist completes a work, losing the meaning of the work itself, it is as boring as life leading directly to death. Exploration is the maximization of the meaning of lifes existence, and this space is a phased presentation of the owners self exploration in the present. People cannot only have desires, they need ideals, and more importantly, they need love. The definition of love - I think it is adding the clue of time to the process of desire realization.
我们在不足 150 平的空间搭建了三维场域,入口圆形黑色玄关处仅有一盏微光燃起内心的希望,光影照耀着钢板建构的空间名牌 ANDWITHEN,正如 A SPACE FOR.....是时间凝固的书页打开时间的未知故事。
We built a three-dimensional field in a space of less than 150 square meters, and at the circular black entrance, there was only a faint light igniting hope in our hearts. The light and shadow shone on the steel plate constructed space brand ANDWITHEN, just like A SPACE FOU It is a book page frozen in time, opening an unknown story of time. The black ring is equipped with two hidden doors. Walking to the left is ideal, and walking to the right is life. Opening the door to enter is an industrialized construction method, with a fully exposed steel structure that brings a sense of strength, which is in stark contrast to the construction method of collecting old grain silo beams and wooden structures. It is both new and old. Follow the rotating steel ladder to the small world of the spiritual core in the mezzanine - Room One. The dim space is adorned with the faint light of window paper, instantly creating a peaceful atmosphere. We hopes to design some interesting furniture in the continuation of space, which is another attempt we have been exploring the extension of spatial furniture.
Time is a dimension in the creative process that influences the evolution of design, the selection of materials, and their use.
从 wemarch 公司办公总部到谢先生与书房,再到今日“未完成”的艺术空间 andwithen 与其後,正是时间上的线索。在下一篇章的住宅部分,是探索创意工作者职住一体新的生活方式。我们一起期待在这里之后发生的故事,有趣的生命价值将在有趣的空间里延展时间。
From the office headquarters of Wemarch company to Mr. Xie and his study, and then to today’s unfinished art space and within, it is the clue in terms of time. In the residential section of the next chapter, we will explore a new way of life for creative workers that integrates work and residence. We look forward to the stories that will happen here, and the interesting value of life will extend time in an interesting space.
平面布置图 ©水丁集
项目名称 | andwithen gallery 与其後
项目地点 | 杭州 博亚时代中心
项目类型 | 商业空间
主创设计 | 张晓军
设计团队 | 叶紫东,陈任,程成,倪旭辉
项目面积 | 150㎡
主要材料 | 砾晶石,老木梁,钢,玻璃砖
设计时间 | 2023.10-2023.12
建成时间 | 2024.9
张晓军 / 创始人
杭州水丁集设计 WATER TEAM DESIGN 由张晓军先生创立于杭州,是集小型建筑与室内空间一体的设计研究型机构。
Master Work