置入光影:一个工作室 / 张大为建筑工作室+左通右达建筑工作室
二层画室 ©张大为建筑工作室
设计单位 张大为建筑工作室+左通右达建筑工作室
项目地点 北京郊区
建成时间 2018 年 12 月
建筑面积 300 平方米
2016 年春,我们收到委托,把一个顶层的复式公寓改造成工作室。
In the spring of 2016, we were commissioned to renovate a top-floor duplex apartment into a studio.
轴测图 ©张大为建筑工作室+左通右达建筑工作室
Unlike new construction projects, this renovation task involves utilizing the existing site, building, and structure for creative purposes. With a mindset of not blindly pursuing innovation and moderation, we carefully extracted valuable functions from the original house, allowing them to continue existing. We then optimized these functions, recombined them, and presented a more reasonable and efficient way of utilization.
概念模型 ©张大为建筑工作室+左通右达建筑工作室
一楼会客室 摄影:陈颢
In order to avoid the new structure’s weight directly resting on the existing floor and causing damage, we carefully studied the information on the existing building and conducted precise calculations. Ultimately, relying on the existing concrete beams, we strictly implemented post-installed anchor bolts and erected new steel beams to support the additional weight and disperse the forces onto the existing concrete columns.
构思草图 ©张大为建筑工作室+左通右达建筑工作室
施工过程 ©张大为建筑工作室
一层走道 摄影:陈颢
大楼梯 摄影:陈颢
When the combination of the old and the new forms a cohesive whole, a visual magic effect is created. A suspended box, visually detached from the original floor, floats in the air, fulfilling the mission of light while also generating an atrium space that runs through vertically.
雪中的中庭 摄影:业主
中庭 摄影:陈颢
中庭 ©张大为建筑工作室
改造项目的重点在于在原有建筑基础上建立新的秩序。我们将一楼打造成了客厅和展示区,二楼则成为私密的工作区。为了创造在上述基础上更具有体验感的空间动线,我们将楼梯隐藏在中庭背后,从而为二楼提供更好的私密性。通过采用 1.5 米的平面网格系统,我们重新调整空间的比例,通过 5 比 6 的比例关系协调和确认局部空间与整体的关系。
The focus of the renovation project is to establish a new order on the basis of the existing building. We have transformed the first floor into a living room and exhibition area, while the second floor serves as a private workspace. To create a more experiential spatial flow on the aforementioned foundation, we have concealed the staircase behind the atrium, providing better privacy for the second floor. By adopting a 1.5-meter grid system, we have readjusted the proportions of the space and coordinated the relationship between specific areas and the overall design, confirming harmony through a 5:6 ratio.
设计草图 ©张大为建筑工作室+左通右达建筑工作室
功能分布图 ©张大为建筑工作室+左通右达建筑工作室
二楼画室 摄影:陈颢
Many great works of art were created in soft or dim lighting, which is different from the bright spaces pursued by modernist architecture. As "In Praise of Shadows" describes, beauty in darkness brings peace to the soul, and soft lighting makes perception sensitive and delicate.
光影 ©张大为建筑工作室
二层画室 摄影:陈颢
Light and shadow are interdependent, and the key to handling lighting issues is to give appropriate tone relationships. We used the courtyard of the studio as a negative space filled with natural light, embedded in the interior of the building, allowing daylight to diffuse into the interior. The walls were painted in a light gray close to white to further reduce the visual stimulation caused by the reflection of natural light. As a result, there is a certain middle tone relationship between the courtyard under the sky and the quiet interior. The imagination of the space extends outward with the natural light, weakening the sense of oppression caused by the distance of the courtyard, like a window leading to an imaginary world.
二层会客厅 摄影:范意任
二层画室 ©张大为建筑工作室
二层走道 ©张大为建筑工作室
Although the current assembly-line construction approach has been widely adopted, it often suffers from a significant problem of lack of collaboration and individualistic work among different trades, leading to excessive waste and rework. To address this issue, we can adopt a non-linear construction method that anticipates process difficulties in advance, optimizes the construction sequence, leverages the strengths of various specialized teams, compensates for their respective shortcomings, and avoids leaving issues for other teams to deal with. For example, while bricklaying is in progress, pre-installing door and window frames can be done to facilitate bricklaying and ensure the precision of door and window installation, thereby reducing rework and improving quality.
光影中的陈列 ©张大为建筑工作室
In today’s society, people desire to achieve maximum results in the shortest amount of time and with the lowest possible cost, which has had a significant impact on the architecture industry. Standardization and commercialization are becoming increasingly prevalent, which has greatly affected the field of architectural art. This reminds me of Duchamp’s concept of "readymade" art, which involves the recombination, collage, and transformation of existing mature materials and resources. By combining craftsmanship and preserving the traces of human labor, architecture can become more personalized and unique.
方盒子夜景 ©张大为建筑工作室
一层平面图 ©张大为建筑工作室+左通右达建筑工作室
二层平面图 ©张大为建筑工作室+左通右达建筑工作室
三层平面图 ©张大为建筑工作室+左通右达建筑工作室
场地剖面图 ©张大为建筑工作室+左通右达建筑工作室
设计时间:2016 年 4 月—2018 年 4 月
建设时间:2018 年 3 月—2018 年 12 月
建筑面积:300 平方米