

诞生于火与冰之间的黄石山脉崎岖、偏远、荒凉,周边环绕着高耸的山峰,丰富而寒冷的山地地形维持着令人赞叹的生物多样性。黄石山度假村(Yellowstone Mountain Retreat)坐落其中,将独特的山地风格与优美的雪山环境完美融合,打造了一座精致又舒适的现代休闲场所。
Born between fire and ice, the Yellowstone Mountains are rugged, remote and inhospitable, surrounded by towering peaks and rich, cold mountain terrain that sustenance an impressive biodiversity. The Yellowstone Mountain Retreat is located here, combining a unique mountain style with a beautiful snowy mountain setting to create a sophisticated and comfortable modern retreat.
ellowstone Mountain Retreat是位于蒙大拿州的一座私人度假村,由Workshop APD团队设计完成。全面的室内装修,为空间注入了定制设计的优雅与永恒之美。从整体布局到局部细节,无不展示着他们对精致主义美学的深刻理解。
Yellowstone Mountain Retreat is a private resort in Montana designed by Workshop APD.The comprehensive interior decoration infuses the space with the elegance and timeless beauty of custom design. From the overall layout to the local details, they all show their deep understanding of the aesthetics of refinement.
Workshop APD
The green stuff is a baseline.
The interior design is sophisticated and comfortable, with soft and simple fabrics and tones. Extensive wood paneling paired with a melancholic finish and continuous limestone lines throughout the home add a serene depth to the home. The choice of furniture complements the architecture and offers views of the snowy mountains through the houses many Windows.
质朴别致的入口处,一张Pfeifer Studio制作的桌子与Stahl Band打造的凳子以及台灯相得益彰,交叉锯切的橡木墙上还挂着一幅Shawna Moore的画作。
At the
rustic entrance, a table by Pfeifer Studio comples Stahl Band stools and lamps, and a Shawna Moore painting hangs on the cross-sawn oak wall. Its bespoke stone floors and warm textured tones inject a modern touch into an ancient craft.
通过Shem Bishop建造的木楼梯,进入客厅,映入眼帘的是一副雪球般的场景。
客厅里的定制Workshop Collection沙发和Nuevo椅子之间放着一张Arhaus边桌。
Entering the living room through a wooden staircase built by Shem Bishop, a snowballing scene is greeted. An Arhaus side table sits between the custom Workshop Collection sofa and Nuevo chairs in the living room. Sofas choose soft earth tones, a small number of areas appear plaid patterns, transparent curtains add some interest and softness to the space, but also visually connect the space.
The adjacent dining room and kitchen are defined as a separate space through a wooden ceiling, and they complement the living room to create a feeling similar to the large living room, perfect for entertaining guests.
厨房岛台摆放着用Coraggio皮革装饰的Motivo Furniture凳子,桌上放置着Wolf的微波炉和壁式烤箱以及California Faucets制造的水龙头,而Sub-Zero的储酒柜与镶板冰箱则体现了业主对品质与美学的追求。不远处,Workshop APD设计的Desiron椅子围绕着一张定制的餐桌,餐桌上挂着一盏Pelle枝形吊灯,塑造出一种舒适的现代氛围。
The kitchen island features Motivo Furniture stools decorated in Coraggio leather, Wolfs microwave and wall oven and California Faucets on the tables, and Sub-Zeros wine locker and paneled refrigerator reflect the owners desire for quality and aesthetics. Not far away, Desiron chairs by Workshop APD surround a bespoke dining table with a Pelle chandelier hanging over it, creating a cosy, modern atmosphere.
由Plato Woodwork木制品、Montana Ironworks金属制品和Earth Elements石材组成的黑色吧台散发出优雅的永恒气质,不仅承载着具体功能,同时又十分的别致,饶有趣味。
Composed of Plato Woodwork woodwork, Montana Ironworks metalwork and Earth Elements stone, the black bar exudes an elegant and timeless quality that not only carries specific functions, but also is very chic and interesting.
在Jebara - Co.的地毯上,放置着一把Maiden Home扶手椅,温暖的面料软饰使人完全的放松身心。
he bedrooms as well as the lower lounge continue the soft material tones that are repeated throughout the home, creating balance. In the master suite, limestone flooring at the entrance appears around the fireplace and on the bathroom countertop, with a grainy fabric similar to that used in the living room. The brightly textured white carpet, almost like snow, and the bed like a sleigh. On the carpet of Jebara - Co., a Maiden Home armchair is placed. The warm fabric soft decoration makes people completely relax.
在Workshop/APD for Kallista定制的的浴缸里,可以尽情享受美景。而选
配的Hennepin Made吊灯与Four Hands桌子则相映成趣,提升了空间的整体品质。
Enjoy the view in the Workshop/APD for Kallista custom bathtub. The optional Hennepin Made chandelier a
nd Four Hands table complement each other, enhancing the overall quality of the space.
最终,Workshop APD团队打造了一座宁静与舒适,情感与细节共存的现代休闲度假场所,所有设计从山间出发,拥抱风景,呈现了一场美学、精致与永恒的盛宴。
In the end, the Workshop APD team has created a modern retreat where tranquility and comfort, emotion and detail coexist, all designed from the mountains and embracing the landscape, presenting a feast of aesthetics, sophistication and timelessness.