Round Hill 住宅丨美国康涅狄格丨Monica Fried Design

2025/01/04 22:56:57
隐藏在一片青翠山坡的现代优雅风格住宅Round Hill,由工作室Monica Fried Design设计完成。业主是一对夫妇,经过多年的找寻,将这片土地打造成了他们的住所,浪漫且悠然。
Round Hill, a modern and elegant house tucked into a verdant hillside, was designed by studio Monica Fried Design. The owners are a couple who, after years of searching, turned this land into their home, romantic and relaxing.
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Round Hill住宅坐落于美国康涅狄格州Greenwich这片风景优美的土地之上,设计师Monica Fried在保留现有土地的同时,重新对住宅进行改造,旨在为业主塑造一个浪漫美学与现代设计相结合的完美空间,享受自然美好。
Round Hill House is located on a scenic plot of land in Greenwich, Connecticut, USA. While retaining the existing site, designer Monica Fried reinvented the house, aiming to create a perfect space for the owners to combine romantic aesthetics with modern design and enjoy the beauty of nature.
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Monica Fried
The studios design philosophy is to give each one
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Entering the room, the California style is relaxed. All the main Spaces of the house are consistent with the overall house, but at the same time there is something special, which brings a sense of surprise to each room.
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由工匠 David Wohl 制作的弧形石膏楼梯欢迎访客进入Round Hill住宅。一旁放置着从1stdibs上淘来的石灰石桌子与 Vonnegut/Kraft 椅子,椅子上铺着Castel马海毛软垫。上方悬挂着定制的Ovature Studios吊灯,为空间带来一种宁静与平和的意境。
A curved plaster staircase made by craftsman David Wohl welcomes visitors into the Round Hill House. Limestone tables from 1stdibs and Vonnegut/Kraft chairs are lined with Castel mohair upholsters. Custom-made pendant lights from Ovature Studios hang above, bringing a sense of serenity and peace to the space.
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墙上挂着一副极具艺术感的混合媒体作品,出自艺术家Diana Al-Hadid之手。
橡木地板上铺设着棋盘格纹图案,与相邻餐厅的 Farrow - Ball Off-Black 油漆色调形成鲜明对比。
At the front door, a 1970s steel bench provides a convenient place to rest. On the wall hangs a highly artistic mixed-media piece by artist Diana Al-Hadid. The oak floor is laid with a checkerboard pattern that contrasts with the Farrow - Ball Off-Black paint tones of the adjacent dining room.
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家庭客厅里,Andy Warhol的作品悬挂在Molteni - C沙发的上方,Avenue Road的椅子与J.M. Szymanski茶几、Stahl Band吊灯以及Beauvais地毯相映成趣。柔和的色调与和谐的氛围,赋予空间专属的美妙旋律。
In the family living room, Andy Warhol pieces hang above Molteni - C sofas, and Avenue Road chairs set against J.M. Szymanski end tables, Stahl Band chandeliers and Beauvais rugs. The soft colors and harmonious atmosphere give the space its own beautiful melody.
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厨房里的橡木橱柜来自 All Star Woodworking,营造出一种轻松惬意的氛围。Fair的早餐桌搭配 Modernab Gallery的复古椅与远处墙壁上的Allied Maker灯具相得益彰。餐厅的椅子和餐具柜皆来自Stahl Band。Paul Matter吊灯悬挂在用 BAS Stone 大理石制作的定制餐桌上方,而壁灯则来自 Orphan Work。
The oak cabinetry in the kitchen is from All Star Woodworking, creating a relaxed atmosphere. Fairs breakfast
table is complemented by Modernab Gallerys vintage chairs and Allied Maker light fixtures on the far wall. The dining room chairs and sideboards are from Stahl Band. Paul Matter chandeliers hang above a custom dining table made from BAS Stone marble, while wall lamps come from Orphan Work.
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餐厅外设有一个由JEM Woodworking设计的吧台,配有一个酒柜和一个湿吧台。吧台台面采用 BAS Stone 生产的 Nero Portoro 大理石。复古的 Peter Celsing 壁灯与 Studio Henry Wilson 五金配件相得益彰。
Outside the restaurant there is a bar designed by JEM Woodworking with a wine cabinet and a wet bar. The counter tops are made of Nero Portoro marble by BAS Stone. Vintage Peter Celsing sconces complement Studio Henry Wilson hardware.
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Crosby Street Studios的地毯为主卧室增添了几分宁静。
一张来自 Colony 的沙发椅提供了一个休闲场所。
带 Waterworks 材料的Cocoon浴缸是主浴室的亮点,LAviva Home的Harbour壁灯作为点缀。
Crosby Street Studios carpet adds a bit of peace to the master bedroom. A sofa chair from Colony provides a place to relax. The Cocoon tub with Waterworks material is the highlight of the master bathroom, and LAviva Homes Harbour wall lights serve as embellishment. Add a little interest to the space.
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The courtyard adjacent to the main space offers canopy shade and additional space for relaxation. When the weather is fine, you can invite friends and family to enjoy the outdoors.
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对于业主而言,Round Hill住宅不仅是一处休憩的场所,更是寻求安宁、自由与自然建立更深层次联系的精神庇护所。在此融入美好的自然之中,感受自然的节奏与力量。以优雅的设计和诗意的哲学,拉近人与自然的距离。
For the owners, Round Hill House is not only a place to rest, but also a spiritual refuge in search of peace, freedom and a deeper connection with nature. In this beautiful nature, feel the rhythm and power of nature. With elegant design and poetic philosophy, we narrow the distance between people and nature.
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