Casa Cook El Gouna 酒店丨埃及丨Common Architecture

2025/01/06 22:26:30
Common Architecture 是一家位于南非德班的设计公司,由创意总监兼首席设计师 Mark Bellingan 和室内设计师 Leigh Bellingan 共同领导。该工作室以其高度协作的设计方法和对细节的关注而闻名,将建筑、室内设计和环境融为一体,创造出功能性与美学兼备的空间。
Common Architecture 坚信设计应植根于场地的独特性,并反映使用者的需求和文化背景。他们的作品注重通过简洁的形式和天然材料,展现出一种永恒而朴实的美感。无论是私人住宅、商业空间,还是酒店和度假村项目,Common Architecture 的设计始终追求功能性、可持续性和情感共鸣。
Casa Cook
El Gouna
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在埃及的红海沿岸,Casa Cook El Gouna 融合自然美景与现代设计,重新定义了该地区地中海风格酒店的标准。这座度假村如同从沙漠景观中升起的海市蜃楼,为追求灵感与宁静的旅客提供了一个感官舒缓与心灵充电的理想目的地。
On Egypts Red Sea coast, Casa Cook El Gouna blends natural beauty with modern design, redefining the standard for Mediterranean style hotels in the region. Rising like a mirage from the desert landscape, this resort offers an ideal destination for relaxation and spiritual recharge for travelers seeking inspiration and tranquility.
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P. 04Casa Cook El Gouna 由 Common Architecture 打造,坐落于 El Gouna 沿海小镇,距离赫尔格达国际机场仅 20 分钟车程。这里的建筑与景观设计从当地地形汲取灵感,由创意总监 Remo Masala 领衔,结合区域建筑传统与现代美学,让度假村与自然环境融为一体。简洁的木板条建筑、绿色仙人掌的点缀以及温暖的灰色、棕色和米色调,让这片沙漠绿洲充满和谐美感。
Casa Cook El Gouna, by Common Architecture, is located in the coastal town of El Gouna, just a 20-minute drive from Hurghada International Airport. Inspired by the local topography, the architecture and landscape design, led by creative director Remo Masala, combines the regional architectural tradition with a modern aesthetic to integrate the resort into its natural environment. Simple wooden slatted buildings, green cactus accents and warm shades of gray, brown and rice lend harmony to this desert oasis.
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每间客房和别墅都体现了对细节的关注。天然亚麻布、手工木质边桌和陶瓷灯具为室内空间增添质感,而室外淋浴、私人泳池和 Marshall 扬声器则为旅客提供了极致的舒适体验。从共享泳池的普通套房到带私人泳池的两卧别墅,这里既适合浪漫度假,也适合家庭入住。
Attention to detail is reflected in every room and villa. Natural linens, handmade wooden side tables and ceramic light fixtures add texture to the interior Spaces, while outdoor showers, private pools and Marshall speakers provide ultimate comfort. From modest suites with shared pools to two-bedroom villas with private pools, this is ideal for both romantic getaways and families.
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酒店的核心是 Kitchen Club,这里既是餐饮中心,也是社交空间。宽敞的中央庭院、长桌布局和开放式厨房设计呼应了分享的主题,为客人提供与亲友共度美好时光的场所。菜单融合阿拉伯风味与国际美食,打造出独特的埃及风格厨房。白天,客人可以在海滩泳池边享用午餐,伴随五彩风筝冲浪者的表演享受清新调制的香草鸡尾酒。
The heart of the hotel is the Kitchen Club, which is both a dining hub and a social space. The spacious central courtyard, long table layout and open kitchen design echo the theme of sharing, providing guests with a place to spend quality time with friends and family. The menu blends Arabic flavors with international cuisine to create a unique Egyptian-inspired kitchen. During the day, guests can enjoy lunch by the beach pool and refreshing vanilla cocktails accompanied by colorful kite surfers.
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P. 22Casa Cook El Gouna 的水疗中心是放松与休憩的理想场所,配备土耳其浴室、蒸汽浴室和桑拿,提供多种专业的东方护理服务。设计注重光线与空间的结合,为客人营造宁静的氛围。无论是深度按摩还是悠闲的游泳,都会让人感受到身心的放松与治愈。
The spa at Casa Cook El Gouna is an ideal place to relax and unwind, with a Turkish bath, steam room and sauna, offering a variety of professional Oriental treatments. The design focuses on the combination of light and space to create a peaceful atmosphere for guests. Whether it is a deep massage or a leisurely swim, it will make people feel relaxed and healing.
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除了度假村内的惬意时光,Casa Cook El Gouna 还提供丰富的户外活动。从双体船游览泻湖到骑马探险,再到乘坐四轮摩托车深入沙漠,每项活动都将自然与冒险完美结合。特别推荐的四轮摩托车之旅通向皮利谷,这里曾是海洋海床,如今保留着珊瑚化石和贝壳痕迹。夜幕降临时,客人可以在贝都因人的篝火旁品尝传统茶点,欣赏壮丽星空与远处 El Gouna 的灯光。
In addition to relaxing hours inside the resort, Casa Cook El Gouna offers a wealth of outdoor activities. From catamaran excursions into the lagoon to horseback riding expeditions and deep into the desert on a quad bike, every activity combines nature with adventure. The specially recommended quad bike tour leads to the Pili Valley, a former ocean bed that today retains fossilized coral and shell traces. As night falls, guests can enjoy traditional refreshments around a Bedouin bonfire, admiring the spectacular starry sky and the distant lights of El Gouna.
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El Gouna 是一个现代奇迹,30 年前,这里还是一片沙漠,如今却成为一座拥有 10 公里海岸线、20 座岛屿和宁静泻湖的小镇。由 Orascom Development 打造,这里不仅有高尔夫球场、餐馆和超市,还举办一年一度的 El Gouna 电影节,吸引了 Youssra 等区域明星,展现了其文化与娱乐的多样性。
El Gouna is a modern wonder. 30 years ago, it was a desert, but today it is a small town with 10 kilometers of coastline, 20 islands and a tranquil lagoon. Created by Orascom Development, it not only hosts golf courses, restaurants and supermarkets, but also hosts the annual El Gouna film festival, which attracts regional stars such as Youssra and showcases its cultural and entertainment diversity.
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Casa Cook El Gouna 酒店巧妙结合了埃及的壮丽自然景观与世界一流的设计美学,为旅行者提供了一个融合文化、放松与冒险的完美度假胜地。无论是希望在现代奢华中寻得平静,还是想探索红海和沙漠的自然奇迹,Casa Cook El Gouna 都能满足您的一切期待。在这里,放下烦忧,与自然和内心深度连接。
Casa Cook El Gouna skillfully combines Egypts stunning natural landscape with a world-class design aesthetic to provide travelers with the perfect getaway for culture, relaxation and adventure. Whether you want to find peace in modern luxury or explore the natural wonders of the Red Sea and the desert, Casa Cook El Gouna has everything you need. Here, let go of worries and connect deeply with nature and the heart.
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撰文 WRITER :L·xue 校改 CORRECTION : W·zi
设计版权 DESIGN COPYRIGHT : Common Architecture
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