

北京师范大学珠海校区,是北师大建设“综合性、研究型、教师教育领先的中国特色世界一流大学”和“一体两翼”办学格局的重要组成部分。自 2019 年以来,在分校转型升级和低碳校园建设的大背景下,校方开始针对校园内既有建筑进行改造提升,元白楼的成功改造正是这系列改造工程的一部分。
Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai (BNU Zhuhai), is an important component of the construction of “a comprehensive, research-oriented, world-class university with Chinese characteristic and leading teacher education” and is a southern campus of the same level as Beijing campus, both of which are planned, progressed and presented as one university, in accordance with the university’s development strategy of “One University, Two Campuses” and the principle of “High Standard, New Mechanism and Internationalization”.Since 2019, amid the campus transformation and low-carbon development, the university has undertaken renovations of its existing buildings. The successful renovation of Yuanbo Building is one of these key projects.
▼山水之间的元白楼,Yuanbo building in harmony with the surrounding nature©吴清山
元白楼是北京师范大学珠海校区内的既有建筑。随着校区的发展,元白楼在外部形象、内部功能等方面均无法满足使用需求。改造设计中,通过新增屋顶连廊、跑道等方式,形成一气呵成、贯穿 15 个独立盒子的立体游走路径,将原本无趣的屋顶空间转化为感知自然的交往场所。此外,通过对原有建筑空间的梳理与再创造,营造多样交往空间,让建筑本身成为匹配未来设计学院教育模式的“行为激发器”,人与自然的联系、人与人的交往成为设计教育的重点。
Yuanbo Building is an existing structure on the Campus. As the campus has developed, the building’s external appearance and internal functions no longer meet the current needs. The renovation adds a rooftop corridor and track, creating a continuous pathway that connects 15 individual cubes and transforms the rooftop into a space for engaging with nature. The redesign also creates diverse interaction areas, turning the building into a “behavioral catalyst” that supports the educational model of School of Future Design, focusing on the connection between people, nature, and interactions.
▼元白楼屋顶立体游走路径夜景,Night view of the rooftop pathway©吴清山
北京师范大学珠海校区利用毗邻港澳的独特优势和创新氛围,旨在打造卓越教师尤其是国家急需学科师资培养的南方高地,服务港澳人心回归和“一带一路”倡议的人才培养基地,教育高精尖研究中心以及新兴学科、交叉学科培育基地。北京师范大学珠海校区被誉为亚洲最美山谷大学。校区位于凤凰山北麓,距离海边 6 公里。元白楼是校区内的既有建筑,位于校园核心湖畔景观带,由 15 个独立方形“盒子”组成,建筑共计五层。
▼北京师范大学珠海校区区位,location of the campus©THAD
Taking advantage of its unique geographical advantage of proximity to Hong Kong and Macao and its innovation strengths, Zhuhai Campus aims to build a southern highland for the training of excellent teachers, especially teachers in disciplines urgently needed by the country, a base for training talents to strengthen the rallying power of Hong Kong and Macao and to serve the “Belt and Road Initiative”, an advanced innovative center for education, and an incubation hub for emerging and interdisciplinary fields.The campus is renowned as the “Most Beautiful Valley University in Asia,” situated on the northern foothills of Phoenix Mountain, just 6 kilometers from the sea.Yuanbo Building occupies a key location in the linear plan of the campus. It consists of 15 independent square cubes and has a total of five floors.
▼元白楼位于校园核心景观地带,located in the core landscape area of the campus©THAD
自 2004 年左右投入使用之后,元白楼一直作为设计类院系的教学楼。随时间推移,该建筑外立面剥落涂料褪色,钢梯老化严重,建筑内院落杂草丛生,地砖破碎老化严重,大量室内功能闲置。经过系统性改造工程,元白楼已成为校园核心景观带上最美丽的一环,大量的室外空间和灰空间受到校内师生喜爱,新整合形成的展厅、中庭等空间融入了未来设计学院的日常教学工作。
Since its completion around 2004, Yuanbo Building has housed design departments. Over time, its façade deteriorated, with peeling paint, rusted steel stairs, and neglected outdoor spaces. After renovation, it has become the most attractive part of the campus, with popular outdoor areas and newly integrated spaces like exhibition halls and courtyards supporting the daily activities of School of Future Design.
▼改造前,before renovation©THAD
The renovation design focused on two key issues: (1) How to maximize the use of the existing building within the constraints of planning, budget, and timeline, while integrating it into the campus environment and enhancing its vitality? (2) In the era of virtual reality and digital media, how to create spaces that encourage face-to-face interaction, encouraging people to put down their phones and engage with one another?
▼改造后鸟瞰,Ariel view after renovation©战长恒
Facade Renovation Strategy under Time and Budget Constraints
The “skin-over-skin” approach was used to create a minimal disturbance while enhancing the building’s external appearance.
在不破坏原有墙面和屋面材料的基础上,通过干挂砖幕墙和 GRC 幕墙,为建筑穿上一层红白交叠的“新衣”,中央白色盒子顶部局部增设 U 玻,成为建筑群落的中心和制高点,使得混乱的元白楼群落成为一个具有向心感的整体。外围盒子为红砖幕墙,点缀白色格栅,呼应校园周边的红砖建筑。
▼外立面改造策略,facade renovation strategy©THAD
Without damaging the original facade and roof materials, a dry-hanging brick wall system and GRC cladding were added to give the building a new red-and-white “skin.” The top of the central white box was partially fitted with U-glass, becoming the focal point and high point of the complex, transforming the chaotic Yuanbo Building cluster into a cohesive, centered entity. The outer facades feature red brick cladding with white grid accents, echoing the surrounding red brick buildings on campus.
▼外立面改造后,facade after renovation©吴清山
▼改造后的立面形成丰富表情,renovated facade with rich visual expression©吴清山
Strengthening and Repeating Form Motifs to Enrich Cultural Identity
▼主入口改造模式分析,renovation model of the main entrance©THAD
▼入口空间改造前,before: the entrance space©THAD
There was a 3F platform connecting the middle cubes. Under the platform was a rectangular structure as the main entrance. By expanding the platform, a bigger entrance with a better sense of wholeness was created. The new triangle scuttles on the platform lead sunlight inside the dark entrance space.
▼入口空间改造后,after : the entrance space©战长垣
▼新增的三角形天窗为平台下空间带来自然采光,the new triangle scuttles lead direct sunlight inside the dark entrance space©吴清山
▼改造后的主入口夜景效果,Nighttime view of the renovated main entrance©吴清山
“Behavioral Catalyst” Aligned with the New Educational Model
哈佛大学校长德鲁•福斯特(Drew Faust)认为,大学中人与人的互动所带来的观点碰撞与交流,是构成大学教育不可或缺的要素。
In the words of German philosopher Jaspers, education is like one tree shaking another, one cloud pushing another, and one soul calling another. Harvard University President Drew Faust believes that the interactions and exchanges of ideas between individuals in a university are essential elements of higher education. Amid the digital era, this project seeks to reconnect design education with humanity and nature, fostering connections between individuals and the environment. We believe the true charm of a building lies not in the structure itself, but in the possibilities it creates.
“Cube within a Cube”: Space Regeneration and Ecological Transformation of the Central Box
▼中央盒子改造策略,Central cube renovation strategy©THAD
The central cube was originally an open space overrun with weeds. After renovation, a glass roof was added, transforming it into an enclosed grey space. A stair system was introduced, connecting multiple levels and incorporating large steps on the ground floor, making the staircase both a circulation and activity space. Now, the space serves as a venue for various events, such as concerts, fashion shows, and graduation exhibitions, fostering endless possibilities for the entire campus community.
▼“中央盒子”改造前后对比,Before and after: the central cube©(上:THAD;下:吴清山)
▼改造后形成多功能的中庭空间,Multi-functional atrium after renovation©吴清山
”Gardens within Courtyards”: A Square and a Circle, Creating Interdisciplinary Spaces for the Entire Campus
▼景观改造策略,Landscape renovation strategy©THAD
The two courtyards, initially passive voids, were redesigned into a square and a circle. The square courtyard features red brick seating around a preserved phoenix tree, while the circular courtyard includes a sunken stage, becoming the core space. The existing paths were reworked to create multiple entry points, inviting students and faculty into the courtyards, transforming them into vibrant campus hubs. Today, the square and circular courtyards host creative markets, cultural performances, and other events.
▼改造后的立面与自然和谐共生,renovated facade in harmony with nature©吴清山
▼院落空间改造后,after: two courtyards©吴清山
▼院落空间改造前后对比,Before and after: two courtyards©吴清山
▼地面景观和屋面景观与自然融合,The ground and rooftop landscapes blend with nature©吴清山
▼开放院落形成整个校园的活力场所,The open courtyards create vibrant spaces for the entire campus©THAD
“Seeing and Being Seen”: Outdoor Corridors and Stairs Creating Encounter Spaces
▼交往模式设计草图,Sketch of interaction space design©THAD
By reconfiguring the outdoor corridors and stairs, the design enhances connectivity and creates opportunities for interaction. The dynamic play of light and shadow makes these spaces popular for students to gather, while also serving as a source of inspiration for artistic creation.
▼丰富的室外连廊和楼梯创造大量的偶遇空间,Outdoor Corridors and Stairs Creating Encounter Spaces©吴清山
4. 建筑内部功能整合
Interior Function Integration
To meet the needs of the new teaching model, the interior spaces were integrated and redesigned. The two large auditorium classrooms on the ground floor were combined into a single, multifunctional exhibition hall, with large steps incorporated to create a versatile space for exhibitions and events.
▼展厅空间改造前后对比,Before and after:the exhibition space renovation©吴清山/未来设计学院
▼闲置的阶梯教室新增夹层作为交流空间,the new mezzanine level as the communication space©THAD
Unifying the Building Through a Continuous Pathway
Dragon of calligraphy: A continuous 3D loop between mountains and lakes
Yuanbo Building is named after Qi Gong, who was a famous calligrapher and educator, as well as a professor at the university. The old building consisted of 15 separate cubes. Originally, there were outdoor corridors and stairs between the cubes, but they didn’t connect all the cubes, leaving broken paths with inconsistent flow. In the renovation, inspired by the fluidity and spirit of Qi Gong’s calligraphy, new corridors and tracks were added to connect the broken paths, creating a seamless, three-dimensional pathway linking the roof and ground. Positioned with mountains to the back and water in front, the “Ink and Brush Dragon” pathway integrates harmoniously with the site’s natural ambiance, offering various perspectives to experience nature. The rooftop corridors are wrapped in perforated aluminum panels, illuminated at night, resembling a flowing dragon. Existing rooftop equipment and shafts are concealed with grilles, and areas are enhanced with lawn or wooden platforms, creating functional spaces that encourage diverse activities.
▼一气呵成、见山见水的立体路径效仿书法神韵,形成屋顶上的 “笔墨游龙”,Dragon of calligraphy©THAD
2. 新旧交织,融入校园穿行路径,打造校园艺术小路
Blending Old and New: Creating an Artistic Pathway
Yuanbo Building’s elevated main level had limited access via two narrow stone paths. The renovation widened the paths by combining new red brick path and existing stone path, adding platforms and seating with lighting to create welcoming spaces. These paths now integrate with the campus circulation and serve as a venue for art students’ outdoor reviews and exhibitions.
▼屋顶路径改造策略,Rooftop path renovation strategy©THAD
Renovation Strategies for Campus Buildings Aligned with Carbon Neutrality Goals
Yuanbo Building is a key part of the green renovation series at BNU Zhuhai. The project follows carbon neutrality goals throughout the design and operational phases, taking into account the building’s existing condition, budget, and timeline. It employs practical strategies to reduce carbon emissions in four areas: energy, construction, operation, and education, setting a benchmark for sustainable campus buildings.
Different shading methods based on shading analysis help reduce direct sunlight©THAD
Energy: High-efficiency air conditioning and operable windows allow natural ventilation during transitional seasons, reducing overall energy consumption.
Different shading methods based on shading analysis help reduce direct sunlight©THAD
Original graffiti art has been preserved to showcase these cherished memories©THAD
Construction: Openings were added at the base of the central cube to enhance ventilation along the prevailing wind path, creating a pleasant microclimate. A new skylight was introduced to provide usable indoor space and facilitate side ventilation, generating a wind-drawing effect. The façade incorporates various shading methods, such as grilles and window frames, customized for different building functions and orientations. These modifications reduce direct sunlight and lower cooling energy consumption in summer. The inner courtyard and surrounding areas retain many existing trees, preserving their carbon sequestration capacity. These strategies are cost-effective, balancing energy efficiency, functionality, and aesthetics.
▼基于通风模拟结果优化建筑立面开洞,Façade openings were optimized based on ventilation simulations©THAD
▼绿色改造策略,green renovation strategy©THAD
Operation: Water-efficient fixtures were installed, and landscaping uses water-saving irrigation. Indoor and outdoor study spaces leverage natural light and ventilation to reduce energy use. Education: The renovated Yuanbo Building is open to all, serving as a model for low-carbon design and raising awareness. As graduates move on to teaching roles nationwide, they spread the principles of sustainability.
▼图片及气象监测,graphic and climate monitor©THAD
Designing for a Better Future: Shaping Rural Aesthetic Education
After renovation, Yuanbo Building serves as the teaching building for the School of Future Design at BNU. School of Future Design, based on the existing strengths of Beijing Normal University, is rooted in the intersection of art, technology, and education. It aligns with the overall framework goals of the university’s “14th Five-Year Plan” development and construction. The School is dedicated to advancing the discipline of design with a focus on “design for better future.” The School engages in research and extensive interdisciplinary collaboration in the fields of humanities, art, design, and technology.
▼夜景鸟瞰,Ariel view at night©吴清山
Students from diverse backgrounds come here to receive education and become future teachers. After graduation, they return to their hometowns to share their knowledge and inspire others. With the rise of the School of Future Arts housed within Yuanbo Building, the graduates are equipped with the skills and motivation to contribute to rural education development. By providing a supportive and conducive environment, Yuanbo Building instills in our graduates a sense of duty and responsibility towards uplifting rural communities through education.
▼夜景鸟瞰,Ariel view at night©吴清山
As part of BNU’s “Future Design Seed Fund,” the “Art Education Program for Children in Difficulty” project focuses on rural areas with scarce educational resources. The project involves professionals guiding rural children to combine their everyday lives, cultural traditions, and new art perspectives through pilot education programs. This aims to fill the gap in aesthetic education in rural areas, fostering children’s observation, perception, and empathy. The initiative also collaborates with artists and educators to explore the path of aesthetic education for disadvantaged children.
The Yuanbo Building project has been warmly embraced by students and faculty both inside and outside the campus, setting a benchmark for campus development. It has become a model for the renovation of existing buildings, focusing on ubiquitous learning and carbon-neutral goals in educational architecture.
▼场地平面,site plan©THAD
▼一层平面,ground floor plan©THAD
▼二层平面,first floor plan©THAD
▼三层平面,third floor plan©THAD
▼四层平面,fourth floor plan©THAD
▼五层平面,fifth floor plan©THAD
▼屋顶层平面,roof floor plan©THAD
▼窗套节点,window detail©THAD
项目负责人丨张维 赵婧贤
建筑设计丨张维 赵婧贤 黄海阳 王越 李向苡 张啸乾 蔡明成 章宇贲 李若星 李诗琪 雷思雨
结构设计丨李青翔 李滨飞 祝乐琪 郭风建
给排水专业丨徐青 刘福利 刘玖玲
暖通专业丨韩佳宝 贾昭凯 于丽华
强电专业丨王磊 贾启超 韩晓燕 徐慧影 潘敏 崔晓刚
规划咨询丨黄健翔 龙瀛
绿色建筑丨杨涤非 陈怡琼 刘加根
夜景照明丨张昕 韩晓伟 赵晓波 王丹
摄影师丨吴清山 战长恒 赵婧贤
Project Name: Yuanbo Building, Hub of Art Teachers
Locacion: Zhuhai, Guangdong, China
Category: Educational Building
Site area: 27314 sqm
Floor area: 13,762 sqm
Design Time: 2019-2020
Date Completed: 2021
Design Company: Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University (THAD)
Client: Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai
Builder: Tianjin Tianyi Construction Group
Architects In Charge: Zhang Wei, Zhao Jingxian
Architecture Design: Zhang Wei, Zhao Jingxian, Huang Haiyang, Wang Yue, Li Xiangyi, Zhang Xiaoqian, Cai Mingcheng, Zhang Yuben, LI Ruoxing, LI Shiqi
Structure Design: LI Qingxiang, Li Binfei, Zhu Leqi, Guo Fengjian
Water Supply and Drainage Design: Xu Qing, Liu Fuli, Liu Jiuling
HVAC Design: Han Jiabao, Jia Zhaokai, Yu Lihua
Electricity Design: Wang Lei, Jia Qichao, Han Xiaoyan, Xu Huiying, Pan Min, Cui Xiaogang
Site Planning: Liang Sisi
Planning Consultant: Huang Jianxiang, Long Ying
Green Building Consultant: Yang Difei, Chen Yiqiong, Liu Jiagen
Night Lighting Design: Zhang Xin, Han Xiaowei, Zhao Xiaobo, Wang Dan
Architectural Photography: Wu Qingshan, Zhan Changheng, Zhao Jingxian