

The Alumuna Residences are situated on a challenging L-shaped site and are activating its dual street frontage to the adjacent neighbourhood. With the majority of the building’s form contained inboard, the approach is to achieve as much movement as possible on the two narrow facades – one on Johnston Street and the other on Rouse Street. Drawing from ideas of kinetic sculptures, the facades present as a dramatic concertina whose appearance is constantly changing through the day.
▼项目概览,general view © Willem-Dirk du Toit
▼东立面,east facade © Willem-Dirk du Toit
▼北立面,north facade © Willem-Dirk du Toit
The two façades are monochromatic studies in natural materials; concrete, timber, black steel and bronze mirrored glass. Book-matched by recessed timber cladding flanking the ground and penthouse level, the glass building appears to float between. Across the four apartment levels, the glazed façades subtly angle back and forth to create a play with reflectivity and refraction, with sightlines from outside distorted and intentionally obscured.
▼玻璃部分看似漂浮在中间 © Willem-Dirk du Toit the glass building appears to float in the middle
▼前后弯折的角度形成丰富的反射与折射 © Willem-Dirk du Toit the angles back and forth create a play with reflectivity and refraction
▼入口,entrance © Willem-Dirk du Toit
Entering through the natural timber-clad ground level, residents are welcomed into an immersive and atmospheric lobby. The deliberately theatrical sense of entry references the concertina of the façade and immediately draws the focus deeper into the building. The custom abstract art installation along the primary linear wall adds a sense of texture in its form and depth through the patina of its dark bronze materiality and the warm glow of the amber accent lighting. The bronze carries through the foyer, creating a sense of transition leading to the apartments.
▼古铜色材质的光泽和温馨的琥珀色灯光,the dark bronze materiality and the warm glow of the amber accent lighting © Willem-Dirk du Toit
▼深色调的电梯厅,lift lobby with dark palette © Willem-Dirk du Toit
Counteracting the dynamism of the façade, the peaceful interior experience is emphasised by curving details that support movement through space. Natural materiality continues inward, with marble kitchen bench elements sitting sculpturally upon light timber flooring. Highly detailed joinery and storage offer concealment of supporting elements, emphasising a sense of refinement within. Sitting above the boutique apartments is the Penthouse, finished in an elevated palette of darker timber and natural stone finishes.
▼享有城市景观的室内空间,interior space with urban landscape © Willem-Dirk du Toit
▼客厅,living room © Willem-Dirk du Toit
▼厨房,kitchen © Willem-Dirk du Toit
▼曲线元素,curved elements © Willem-Dirk du Toit
▼深色木材和天然石材饰面 © Willem-Dirk du Toit darker timber and natural stone finishes
The Alumuna Residences offer a sculptural and dynamic façade reflecting composed glimpses of the neighbouring context. Ideas of visual abstraction created through a singular material and its interplay with light, offer a multitude of experiences along the streetscape.
▼平面图,plans © Wood Marsh
▼立面图,elevations © Wood Marsh