Designing a space isn't merely about arranging furniture or selecting colour schemes; it's about crafting an immersive experience that resonates with the very essence of those who inhabit it.
坐落在艾哈迈达巴德充满活力的城市景观中的The Nest 就是这种精神的一座丰碑。这个占地6500平方英尺的三层空间不仅仅是一个家,更是一个充满温暖和欢乐的避难所,体现了Ekta、Dhruv、Rianna和 Zoya的独特精神,这种精神一定会让人着迷。
The Nest, nestled within the vibrant cityscape of Ahmedabad, stands as a monument to this ethos. This 6500 sq ft, three-storey space is more than just a home, it's a sanctuary of warmth and joy, curated to reflect the unique spirit of Ekta, Dhruv, Rianna, and Zoya, a spirit that is sure to captivate and intrigue people.
从进入住宅的那一刻起,人们就被笼罩在一种奇思妙想和愉悦的氛围中。入口门厅装饰着才华横溢的Ujjval Noya 创作的个性化艺术品,俏皮地向人们展示了这座住宅不拘一格的美学风格。Kota地板上俏皮的图案引导来访者走向Driade 设计的三把 Roly Poly 椅子,它们曲线优美,吸引着来访者流连忘返。
From the moment one enters the home, they are enveloped in an atmosphere of whimsy and delight. The entrance foyer, adorned with personalised art by the talented Ujjval Noya, serves as a playful introduction to the home's eclectic aesthetic. Peppy patterns in Kota flooring guide visitors toward a trio of Roly Poly chairs by Driade, their curvaceous forms inviting guests to linger and unwind.
Harshita Jhamtani 定制的图腾矗立在一角,骨质镶嵌的抽屉柜则在诉说着远方的故事。就连玄关本身,其现代图案和深色胡桃木饰面,似乎也在召唤着客人进入一个充满奇迹和想象力的世界,激励和鼓舞着所有进入这里的人。
A bespoke totem by Harshita Jhamtani stands sentinel in one corner, while a bone-inlay chest of drawers whispers tales of distant lands. Even the entrance door itself, with its contemporary motifs and dark walnut finish, seems to beckon guests into a world of wonder and imagination, inspiring and uplifting all who enter.
A bespoke totem by Harshita Jhamtani stands sentinel in one corner, while a bone-inlay chest of drawers whispers tales of distant lands. Even the entrance door itself, with its contemporary motifs and dark walnut finish, seems to beckon guests into a world of wonder and imagination, inspiring and uplifting all who enter.