杭州开物创新大厦位于古墩路与申花路交叉口,是杭州城西最后未开发土地之一,紧邻浙江大学紫金港校区东门主入口,靠近地铁 2 号线虾龙虶站,而周边多为传统的办公楼和住宅区。作为城西及浙大的地标门户建筑,项目综合了办公、零售、多层停车场、展览空间和广场等多个功能,旨在为周边企业、学术机构及社区提供一个全新的知识交流和互动平台。
Situated at the crossroads of GuDun Road and ShenHua Road in West Hangzhou, Hangzhou KAI Innovation Office Complex occupies one of the last undeveloped plots in the area. Adjacent to the main entrance of Zhejiang University Zijingang Campus and with close proximity with Xia Long Wei Metro Station (Line 2), the project is surrounded by conventional office buildings and residential areas. Designed as a landmark gateway for the university district and the broader West Hangzhou region, the complex integrates office spaces, retail, multi-level parking, exhibition areas, and plaza into a vibrant hub for knowledge exchange and community interaction.
Overall view© Rex & Aaron Photography
The initial brief envisions two separate office towers to be owned by joint-venture developers, aiming to break the limitations of traditional office designs and provide diverse leasing solutions. Given its strategic location, the developers sought a design that would position the project as an iconic gateway to the university district while meeting the diverse needs of businesses, students, and local residents.
▼项目鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view© Rex & Aaron Photography
▼俯瞰,Overlooking© Rex & Aaron Photography
设计理念 Design Vision
透过设计条件、用户及场地分析,设计团队从研究学术、商业和社区领域的共生关系开始,探索一个知识交流、社区互动及企业展示的公共场所。在 60 米的建筑高度限制和有限的地块面积下,以“共享融合”为核心理念,通过打开建筑空间的中庭布局,不仅提供优质高效的工作空间,更希望促进目标客群,如大型企业总部、中型企业、科技初创公司及大学周边共享办公的各种合作与互动,务求成为一个共享共创共生的新型办公综合体。
▼体块分析图,volume analysis © AaaM Architects
▼功能及业态分析,function and business analysise© AaaM Architects
The design team began by exploring the symbiotic relationships between academia, commerce, and community, seeking to create a shared public space for knowledge exchange, communal interaction, and showcase/exhibition. Within a very compact site and under the 60-meter height restriction, the team proposed an innovative “co-shared” integration concept. The design opens up the building frontage with a central courtyard, allowing a public landscape to climb in. It not only optimizes the spatial efficiency and quality for the office but also fosters dynamic exchanges between corporate headquarters, mid-sized businesses, startups, and co-working spaces.
▼街道测视角,Street view© Rex & Aaron Photography
建筑与空间描述 Architectural and Spatial Features
▼建筑动线分析图解,Building movement analysis © AaaM Architects
The project’s spatial strategy integrates urban connectivity and functional efficiency. Dual lobbies on the east and west provide access for pedestrians and vehicles, while a dedicated plaza on the east side connects seamlessly to the adjacent civic green belt, accommodating subway commuters and retail visitors. The west side entrance serves vehicular traffic, linking directly to drop-off areas, public parking, and underground carparks.
▼建筑立面,Facade© Rex & Aaron Photography
▼中庭分析图解,atrium analysis© AaaM Architects
▼中庭及社会停车场分析,atrium and public parking lot analysis © AaaM Architects
By opening up the massing at the center of the building, the central courtyard was transformed into a large public gateway. This dramatic architectural gesture establishes the project as a landmark but also creates a welcoming courtyard that connects retail spaces on the lower levels with office and communal areas above. A multi-level stepped landscape runs from the ground floor to the fifth floor, linking various zones, including dining terraces, social steps, performance plaza, and knowledge gardens, etc., providing a new work & leisure experience for office workers and surrounding communities.
▼立面近景,Facade close view© 万科、Rex & Aaron Photography
▼立面近景,Facade close view© Rex & Aaron Photography、万科
▼塔楼分析图,tower analysis © AaaM Architects
This vertical and horizontal interconnection reimagines the traditional tower form into a series of stacked and offset blocks. Office spaces are layered across the eastern and western wings, interconnected at higher levels to form continuous loops, creating flexible spatial options for companies of various sizes and development stages. The lower floors cater to co-working spaces, with a signature double-height glass bridge linking the two towers while upper floors serve small and medium-sized enterprises as well as corporate headquarters. The courtyard interior walls feature shared functional pods and platforms, that could be used as meeting rooms, lounges, lecture halls, meditation space, gym, cafe, sky garden or even observatory deck overlooking the university, offering diverse layouts to meet each tenant’s specific needs.
▼幕墙细部,Curtain wall details © Rex & Aaron Photography
▼幕墙细部,Curtain wall details © 万科
Materiality reinforces the design’s ethos of integration and contrast. A strip-pattern design with varying size and proportion was adopted for facades, plaza paving, and landscape furniture, forming a unique urban aesthetic. The inner facade of the central courtyard was designed with earthy brown grilles, contrasting with the light silvery metal exterior facade while outlining the core’s contours. Warm-toned wood accents on the courtyard steps provide a welcoming touch, inviting office workers, university students, and local residents to come in for interaction.
▼大台阶,The big stairs© Rex & Aaron Photography
Sustainability Approach
建筑从整体规划到幕墙设计都充分考虑可持续发展的需要,打开庭院不单为建筑内外空间提供了充足的自然采光和通风,有效降温省能,更为各层办公企业创造视线交流的可能性,贯彻互动空间的概念。外立面为窗墙系统,并结合了视野引导和太阳路径,令建筑更为节能环保。用于东/西立面的遮阳垂直构件 45 度旋转,和水平角度的隔层铝板,均可以控制太阳角度,减省能耗。结构设计也考虑到减少现场施工,缩短工期需要,采用了一种混合系统设计,利用现浇钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙结构和装配整体式楼盖体系,在 5~6 层以及 11~14 层设有连接体,设计时连接方式采用刚性连接,连接体结构采用钢管空腹桁架,并在桁架端跨设置跨层斜腹杆,既满足结构受力要求,又实现了内部空间最大利用,为未来弹性的办公空间提供基础。
From planning to façade, sustainability informed every aspect of the design. The open courtyard allows social interaction and visual linkage within the building, and also maximizes natural light and ventilation, reducing energy consumption for cooling and lighting. A sophisticated window wall facade system features a combination of vertical 45-degree louvers and angled aluminum panels to optimize shading and reduce solar heat gain. Structurally, the building uses a hybrid system combining cast-in-place reinforced concrete with prefabricated components, streamlining construction and reducing onsite labor. The steel truss connections between towers support large-span spaces, enabling flexible interior layouts that adapt to future needs.
▼俯瞰室外平台,Overlooking the outdoor terrace © Rex & Aaron Photography
▼仰视连廊,Looking up at the corridor © Rex & Aaron Photography、万科
设计挑战与机遇 Challenges and Impacts
在设计初期,在有限的地块面积与高度限制下,对建筑功能如办公、零售和公共空间整合提出了较高要求,同时希望可以为市场提供多元化办公产品。团队首先对办公市场及用户未来趋势进行巨细无遗的分析,通过多轮的建筑体量与户型研究,并与甲方共同协作讨论,从而得出最终方案。项目建造期间历经疫情与经济周期中的市场变化,透过系统性的成本优化过程,设计团队在结构、外立面以至灯光等设计中进行调整,杭州开物创新大厦最终历经 1500 多个日夜,通过建筑、景观、结构、设备、施工、运营等专业团队通力合作,协助甲方按时按预算完美落地。
Designing within tight site constraints and height limits demanded a creative balance between program, functionality and form. Extensive analysis of market trends and users’ needs, and thorough studies on massing and unit typology informed the project’s final layout, while collaborative discussions with the client ensured alignment with broader objectives. With the global pandemic and the economic downturn, a systematic value engineering process was established to prioritize items for further optimization of the design. These challenges were overcome through close coordination between the design, project management and construction teams, ensuring cost-effective delivery and timely within 1500 days.
▼立面入口处,Entrance© Rex & Aaron Photography、万科
Impact and Legacy
项目开放后,即便在经济低迷时期,所有空间均已迅速出租。该地标贯彻“共享融合”理念,已成为杭州城西一个 24/7 的互动社交场所,为企业家、大学生和社区服务,同时提升了区域活力与社区归属感。项目亦成功突破传统办公楼的功能限制,打造了多元化的生活与工作场景,重新定义了联合办公与城市公共空间的关系,为新型办公综合体树立了又一设计标杆。
Since its completion, Hangzhou KAI Innovation Office Complex has quickly achieved full occupancy, even amid economic challenges. Its design has redefined the concept of mixed-use workspaces, creating a 24/7 social hub and knowledge exchange platform that serves different types of entrepreneurs, university students, and local residents. While enhancing region vibrancy and strengthening the sense of belongings of the community, the project has successfully redefined office tower typology by creating diverse work and living scenarios, setting a new benchmark for mixed-use office complex.
▼夜览,Night view© Rex & Aaron Photography
▼区域分析图,site plan© AaaM Architects
▼建筑一层平面图,master plan© AaaM Architects
▼东面立面图,east elevation© AaaM Architects
▼南面立面图,south elevation© AaaM Architects
▼环保幕墙分析图解,environmental protection curtain wall analysise© AaaM Architects
▼幕墙分析图解,curtain wall analysis © AaaM Architects
主创建筑师:彭展华, 陈树仁, 萧健伟
概念方案阶段 – 林建均, 罗嘉慧, 文天龙, 孙舒雯, 陈天丰
深化设计阶段 – 罗嘉慧, 汤嘉健, 潘乐芊, 唐锶铧, 郑佩琳, 马婉仪, 高天羽, 谭珈善
场地地址: 杭州西湖区 申花路/ 古墩路交叉口
业主单位:杭州万科, 西湖投资有限公司
设计院: 中国联合工程有限公司
完工日期:2023 年 2 月
面积:36,000 平方米
摄影师:Rex & Aaron Photography, Hangzhou Vanke
Project Name: Hangzhou KAI Innovation Office Complex
Chief Architect: Bob Pang, Shuyan Chan, Kevin Siu
Design Team: Schematic Phase – Kenji Lam, Charlotte Law, Francis Man, Sherman Sun, Fion Chan
Design Development Phase – Charlotte Law, JiaJian Tang, Ruth Poon, Victoria Dong, Lum Cheng, Jesse Ma, Brandon Kau, Claire Tam
Project Type: Mixed Use
Location: ShenHua Road/ GuDun Road, West Lake District, Hangzhou
Client: Hangzhou Vanke, West Lake Investment Co. Ltd.
LDI: China United Engineering Corporation (CUC)
Lighting Consultant: JStudio Lighting Design
Completion Date: 2023
GFA: 36,000 sqm
Photographer: Rex & Aaron, Vanke Hangzhou