©Valode & Pistre
近日,GRDF(即 Gaz Réseau Distribution France)进驻塞纳-圣但尼省的圣但尼区的新办公大楼。
Recently, GRDF (Gaz Réseau Distribution France) moved into its new office building in the Saint-Denis district of the Seine-Saint-Denis department.
这个生态多元、面向未来的办公园区,极大限度减少了碳足迹,从材料入手,通过生态角度来优化设计方案,呈现法国 VP 绿色生态理念的同时,为使用者营造了健康及生态友好的工作环境。
This eco-diverse, future-oriented office campus significantly minimizes its carbon footprint by starting with materials and optimizing the design from an ecological perspective. It embodies Valode & Pistre architectural green ecological philosophy while creating a healthy and environmentally friendly workspace for its users.
©Valode & Pistre
©Valode & Pistre
GRDF 占地 25,000 平方米,是法国天然气公司总部的新办公楼。旨在应对地球能源及环境的挑战,将能源绩效、员工福祉和谐地融入城市景观。新的办公园区,不仅增强 GRDF 的吸引力,而且还将为可持续发展和创新的城市做出贡献。
GRDF, covering 25,000 square meters, is the new office building for the headquarters of the French natural gas company. It is designed to address global energy and environmental challenges by seamlessly integrating energy performance, employee well-being, and the urban landscape. The new office campus not only enhances GRDF’s appeal but also contributes to the sustainable development and innovation of the city.
©Valode & Pistre
项目将可持续发展置于首位,用木材建造,大概 8 到 9 层楼高。“大家可以从平面上感觉到其柱距很小,原因很简单,因为木结构建筑的承载力和结构选型有所限制。从节能减碳、维护地球运转的生态角度而言,理论上木材是最适合的建筑材料。”法国 VP 建筑设计事务所创始人、总裁让·皮斯特介绍说。
The project prioritizes sustainability and is constructed entirely of wood, standing approximately 8 to 9 stories tall. "You can see from the floor plan that the column spacing is quite small. The reason is simple: the load-bearing capacity and structural design of wooden buildings have certain limitations. From the perspective of energy saving, carbon reduction, and maintaining the planet’s ecological balance, wood is theoretically the most suitable building material," explained Jean Pistre, founder and president of Valode & Pistre architectural.
©Valode & Pistre
The site features a large garden at its core, with the design framed by gardens along the property boundaries, offering a fresh interpretation of the concept of multifunctional commercial and industrial buildings. It creates a comfortable outdoor landscape space, fostering an office environment where people and nature coexist harmoniously.
©Valode & Pistre
建筑利用其所处环境的局限性,为该地区公共空间的改造提供了一个思考起点,将可持续设计概念带入生活实践。这种设计意味着在满足功能和品质的同时,能够更有效地利用资源和能源,减少对环境的负面影响,并能够为社会和用户带来更多的价值。它是 Plaine 大街入口处的一个重要城市地标,将为这个区域注入新活力,并重新赋予其价值和魅力。
The building leverages the limitations of its surroundings to provide a starting point for reimagining the public spaces in the area, integrating sustainable design concepts into everyday life. This approach ensures that functionality and quality are achieved while using resources and energy more efficiently, reducing environmental impact, and delivering greater value to society and users. Serving as a prominent urban landmark at the entrance to Plaine Avenue, it will inject new vitality into the area, restoring its value and charm.
©Valode & Pistre
-02- 生态舒适的理想办公 IDEAL OFFICE SPACE
建筑由有序的体量组成,反映了项目的不同分区。北部是商务酒店,南部是 GRDF 总部。在布列塔尼路和加佐梅尔路上,不连续的体量加强了由多个建筑组成的岛屿的感觉。
The building consists of ordered volumes that reflect the different zoning of the project. To the north is the business hotel and to the south the GRDF headquarters. On the Rue de Bretagne and the Rue de Gazomel, the discontinuous volumes reinforce the feeling of an island made up of several buildings.
©Valode & Pistre
项目木结构的规则结构网格在建筑立面上清晰可见,使建筑的外部外观与建筑系统之间形成了强烈的一致性。该结构由 CLT 板地板和实木柱组成,确保了项目的生态自然。
The regular structural grid of the project’s timber framework is clearly visible on the building’s façade, creating a strong alignment between the external appearance and the architectural system. The structure, composed of CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber) floor panels and solid wood columns, ensures the project’s ecological and natural qualities.
©Valode & Pistre
The building’s volumes are divided by vertical gaps, creating visual transparency between the streets and courtyards. These gaps allow natural light to flood all vertical walkways and leisure spaces, such as winter gardens. The integration of nature with these spaces, combined with abundant natural lighting, merges architectural and landscape elements. This design portrays a vibrant, ecological, and sustainable vision of the future workplace.
©Valode & Pistre
From the street, a central open courtyard is visible, planted with numerous light, leafy trees that shine in the sunlight. The new headquarters offers users an exceptional working environment. The spacious entrance hall, wooden exterior walls, warm office areas, restaurants leading to the courtyards, a self-service cafeteria, and a gym all contribute to creating a highly attractive and superior environment.
©Valode & Pistre 种植的露台、位于建筑中心的露天花园和绿色屋顶,为众多物种提供了生物栖息地的同时,为人们提供了休闲空间,也提升了整体自然氛围。营造出一个舒适宜人的环境,让使用者在舒适工作的同时体验低碳、可持续的城市生活。
The planted terraces, the open garden at the center of the building, and the green roof provide habitats for numerous species while also offering recreational spaces for people. These elements enhance the overall natural atmosphere, creating a comfortable and pleasant environment. Users can experience a low-carbon, sustainable urban lifestyle while enjoying a comfortable workspace.
©Valode & Pistre
建筑和场地满足了长远愿景,共采用 9,070 立方米 CLT 实木,40%的供暖需求由绿色燃气提供,工程造价的 1%用于购买再利用和再生材料(WO2 签署了《普莱恩公社循环经济宪章》)。
The building and site fulfill long-term goals, using 9,070 cubic meters of CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber) wood. Forty percent of the heating demand is met by green gas, and 1% of the project’s cost is allocated for purchasing reusable and recycled materials (WO2 has signed the Plaine Commune Circular Economy Charter).
“Breizh”项目因其生态承诺而引人注目,旨在获得多项环境标志。该建筑致力于获得 BBCA Excellent、E2C2、HQE Very Performant 和 BREEAM Very Good 等认证。
The "Breizh" project stands out for its ecological commitment and aims to achieve multiple environmental certifications. The building is dedicated to obtaining certifications such as BBCA Excellent, E2C2, HQE Very Performant, and BREEAM Very Good.
©Valode & Pistre
通过这些举措,GRDF 为全球目前面临的环境问题提供方向,促进更加可持续的未来。也明确了其在天然气领域的领导地位,强调了其对能源转型和减少碳足迹的承诺。
Through these initiatives, GRDF provides direction for the global environmental challenges currently faced and promotes a more sustainable future. It also reinforces its leadership position in the natural gas sector, emphasizing its commitment to energy transition and reducing carbon footprints.Reference:4.GRDF s’installe à Saint-Denis : Focus sur le nouveau site et ses enjeux immobiliers:https://comptoirdesboislocaux.fr/amenagement-interieur/grdf-sinstalle-a-saint-denis-focus-sur-le-nouveau-site-et-ses-enjeux-immobiliers/推荐阅读:
VP 观点 | 杭州大会展中心 WELL 认证背后的设计理念
法国 VP 构筑新时代“世界窗口”:深圳国际会展中心
海口国际免税城 | 建筑美学 x 体验设计
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