

生命之树是西安华润置地国际文化商业中心(CCBD)的核心地标建筑。它位于西安万象城广场中央,从地下层拔地而起,由 60 片钢结构的巨型叶片组成,是一处 57m 高的纵向公园。叶子沿不同高度依次还原干草原、干沙漠、干燥灌木、温带阔叶林、山地森林、高山苔原、温带草原等 7 重生态特征,将横向的地理文化与气候表征以纵向维度去表达。
Xi’an Tree is the central landmark of the China Resources Land International Culture and Business Center (CCBD) in Xi’an. It is located in the center of The MixcPlaza and rises up from the subterranean level, consisting of 60 steel-structured giant leaves in a 57m-high longitudinal park. The leaves restore seven ecological features along different heights, such as Dry steppe, Arid Dessert, Xeric shrubland, Temperate Broadleaf Forest, Mountain forest, Alpine tundra, and Temperate steppe, in order to express the horizontal geo-cultural and climatic representations in a vertical dimension.
▼远眺生命之树,Overlooking the Xi’an tree ©三棱镜
2023 年 8 月,纬图在 Heatherwick Studio 的概念基础上,介入到生命之树的景观方案深化、优化工作中。基于 HS 提出的七个生态区构想,我们对“生命之树”所涉及的生态区特征进行抓取研究,分析不同生态区的质感、色调、植物状态、空间氛围感等,并与西安植物园共创梳理出适配西安的植物清单,利用不同表征的植物、铺装、覆盖物等元素,全方位展示其独有的生境表情。
In August 2023, WTD GROUP intervened to deepen and optimize the landscape scheme of Xi’an Tree based on the landscape concept of Heatherwick Studio. Based on the seven ecological zones proposed by HS, we captured the characteristics of the ecological zones involved in the tree, analyzed the texture, color tone, plant status, and spatial ambience of different ecological zones, and co-created with Xi’an Botanical Garden a list of plants suitable for Xi’an, and made use of plants, paving, and mulching elements with different characteristics to show its unique characteristics in a comprehensive way. Using different representations of plants, paving, mulch and other elements, the site will display its unique habitat expression in an all-round way.
▼生命之树夜晚的灯光秀,The light show at night of Xi’an tree ©三棱镜
Ⅰ. 寻求每一个生态区最典型的生境表情
Looking for the most typical features of each ecoregion
▼七个生态区,Seven ecological regions ©WTD 纬图设计
How to focus on a tree to tell the grand narrative of “One Belt, One Road”, reproducing the seven ecological zones? Xi’an is located in the Guanzhong Plain, with a warm-temperate semi-humid continental climate, cold and dry winters, and hot summers, coupled with a planting environment that is not geocultivated. The rich landscape design, with unconventional implementation conditions, brings many challenges to the landscape creation of the project.
▼一座空中“丝路花园”,An aerial “Silk Road Garden” ©Chill Shine 丘文三映
▼每一个生态区由 4-5 片不同的叶片组成,Each ecoregion is made up of 4-5 distinct leaves©三棱镜
▼生命之树将横向的地理文化与气候表征以纵向维度去表达,The project expresses horizontal geocultural and climatic representations in vertical dimensions ©三棱镜
▼台阶,steps ©Chill Shine 丘文三映
▼山地森林意向图&山地森林效果表达-过程稿,Mountain forest intention & Mountain forest effect expression – process draft ©WTD 纬图设计
We went in search of the most typical habitat features of each ecological zone. As an example, we searched for the unique natural picture of the mountain forest ecoregion, where pure fern gardens grow birch trees. It just so happens that the river birch is suited to the local climate, so the designers used it as a tree. Cooper’s Fern and Scaly Fern are used as the middle layer, Irish Pearl Grass and Fine Pine Needles are used as the bottom layer of the plant, while the dark gray tone paving with slate patchwork is used to create the feeling of wet mountain forest. Come fall and winter, when the river birch leaves change color and drop, the fern garden sustains the greenery of winter.
▼山地森林生态区植物分布,Plant distribution in mountainous forest ecoregion ©三棱镜
▼干草原生境意向图,Steppe habitat intention map ©HS
▼在戈壁滩寻找柽柳、柠条,Look for tamarix and caragana in the Gobi desert ©刘荣清
▼干草原冬季效果表达-过程稿,Winter effect expression in steppe – process draft ©WTD 纬图设计
Coming to the Dry steppe area, we captured the most characteristic images of this ecological zone, extracting the yellowish plant tone and the texture of the large bare desert. The designer found tamarisk, lemon bar and other tree species in the Gobi of Gansu to express the strong vitality in the desert. The plant skeleton is made of purple-leafed psoralea and fine-leafed awns, and the bottom layer is made of Hameln’s wolfsbane, brown-red tussock, and fire-clouded juniper as the plant base. Among them, the leaves of purple-leaved psyllium become red like flames in winter, a bright color unique to this ecological zone. In order to restore the desert texture, we left a large amount of to-cover material (mackerel) bare, and withered yellow-toned plants to form a unique picture of the dry prairie.
▼干草原生态区植物分布,Plant distribution in the steppe ecoregion ©三棱镜
▼局部点缀丝路金币,Local embellishment silk Road gold coins
在下沉广场,树根从地下 10 米向上徐徐展开,树根处是一片东方韵味的水池,莲生于水中,栈桥浮于水上。我们采用霸王莲及纸莎草为骨架,点缀科罗拉多睡莲,形成极具生机的花园。
▼导视系统,Guidance system ©Ebond+
In addition to the leaf landscape platform, the Xi’an Tree has three key areas from the bottom to the top: the Sunken Plaza – Oriental Garden, the Middle Platform – Silk Road Oasis, and the Top Platform – Top of Mount Hua. In the Sunken Plaza, the roots of the tree unfold upward from 10 meters below the ground, and at the roots is a pond where lotus flowers are born in the water, and the trestle bridge floats on the water. We have used the king lotus and papyrus as the plant skeleton, and embellished with Colorado water lilies to form a vibrant garden.
▼底层的下沉广场,Sunken square on the ground floor ©Chill Shine 丘文三映
▼底层的下沉广场,Sunken square on the ground floor ©Chill Shine 丘文三映
中层平台由 13 个巨型叶片相连组全树最大的平台,它隶属于温带阔叶林,因此我们为它配置了丰富的季相型植物,丰富的色彩变化……
▼中层平台效果表达-过程稿,Mid-level platform effect expression – process draft ©WTD 纬图设计
The middle platform consists of 13 giant leaves connected to form the largest platform in the tree, which belongs to the temperate broad-leaved forest, so we configured it with rich seasonal plants and rich color variations. ……
▼中层平台区是生命之树,The middle platform area is the project ©Chill Shine 丘文三映
▼中层平台区是生命之树最大的展演空间,The middle platform area is the largest exhibition space ©三棱镜
▼顶层平台现场施工指导,Top platform site construction guidance
At the beginning of the top floor design, we wanted to restore the natural appearance of the top of Mount Hua, so the designer analyzed the picture of Mount Hua, which is characterized by the combination of rocks, short shrubs and pines, the pines are strong and natural, and the shrubs have the vitality of breaking through the rocks. Therefore, the plant design of the top floor is different from other ecological zones, and the strategy of the space design is to empty the space, so that the climbers can have more chances to interact with the city sight as if they were on top of Huashan. We selected natural crowns with silhouette beauty of stylized black pines, while the bottom layer is purified with weir cypress and New Zealand small juniper. At the top of the Xi’an Tree, you can see the Tang Dynasty Temple of Heaven to the north and the TV Tower to the west.
▼顶层平台眺望西安电视塔,View of Xi’an TV Tower from the top platform ©三棱镜
▼顶层平台以松为主题,犹如登顶华山之巅,The top platform with the theme of pine is like climbing to the top of Huashan Mountain ©Chill Shine 丘文三映
In the process of searching for plants, we traveled almost all over the country to build up such a complex plant framework bit by bit. In Gansu, we selected tamarisks and lemons in the Gobi Desert; in Hebei, we searched for beautifully shaped avena; and in Shandong, we searched for clumps of river birch. And the top layer of black pine is even ran to several places, and finally in Shandong Laiwu found a natural form of black pine and red pine. After many rounds of proofing and argumentation, the designer searched for the optimal solution along the plant mix to meet the durability and effect control to ensure their perfect landing.
▼在山东芜湖找到形态自然的黑松/赤松,The natural form of black pine/Red pine was found in Wuhu, Shandong
▼植物打样&驻场,Plant proofing & On-site
II. 用算法模拟自然
Simulating the nature with technology
生命之树整棵树都由 Grasshopper 电池生成。我们搭建了一个景观控制系统 LIM 体系,把排水、荷载、植物、结构、幕墙、灯光、微环境等十几个工种集中整合在 LIM 体系里,统筹各个工种,利用算法模拟自然。
比如山地森林区域的铺装,材料选用了黑色沉积岩,它具有片状肌理,是一种符合山地森林气息的石材。我们使用 Grasshopper 中的算法以及其强大功能,模拟水流运动的方向和力量,实现自然水流的冲刷效果,并通过调整参数实时观察到水流冲刷后的变化。
Xi’an tree is generated by Grasshopper battery. We built a landscape control system LIM system, integrating drainage, loading, plants, structure, curtain wall, lighting, micro-environment and a dozen other types of work centrally in the LIM system, co-ordinating each type of work, and using technology to simulate nature. For example, for the pavement in the Mountain forest area, the material chosen is black sedimentary rock, which has a flaky texture and is a stone that matches the atmosphere of the mountain forest. We use the algorithms in Grasshopper and its powerful functions to simulate the direction and force of water movement, to realize the effect of natural water scouring, and to adjust the parameters in real time to observe the changes of water scouring.
▼山地森林铺装控制,Control of the pavement in the Mountain forest area
第一步输入基础线(Curve),使用该基础线(Curve)去把基础面进行分割(SrfSplit),分割后就得到地面铺装的基础形态。第二步通过缩放(Scale)把分割出来的面进行缩放,再提取出缩放后基础面的边线,使用两点建立向量(Vec2Pt),通过点的向量去把边线进行抖动。最后调整图像映射器(Graph Mapper)的图像形态以及两点向量(Vec2Pt)的大小,将我们所需要的铺装形态、板块大小、铺装数量计算出来。
The first step is to input Curve, use Curve to SrfSplit the base surface, and then get the base shape of the floor covering. The second step is to scale the segmented surface by Scale, and then extract the edges of the scaled base surface, use two points to build the vector Vec2Pt, and dither the edges by the vector of points. Finally, we adjust the image shape of Graph Mapper and the size of Vec2Pt to calculate the shape of the pavement, the size of the slab, and the number of pavements we need.
▼干燥灌木铺装控制,Control of the dry bush paving
因为全树为钢结构,具有一定“韧性”,重了叶片变形会更严重,轻了叶片会回弹。这就意味着我们要严格遵守每个叶片的荷载预留数据,每一片树叶上的荷载分布都不同,多一分少一分都不行,因此荷载合理性及荷载验证就很重要。为此我们利用 Grasshopper 去做了详细验证荷载与方案推导,通过调整覆土容重达到覆土体积增值,但总覆土荷载不变。叶片铺装荷载增加,景石荷载做对应减少,反之则景石增加或荷载回填找补。每一片叶片都经过详细的计算,每个独立网格都带有数据。
Because the whole tree is a steel structure, with a certain “toughness”, heavy blade deformation will be more serious, light blade will rebound, each leaf on the distribution of loads are different, more or less can not be, so the load rationality and load verification is very important. We used Grasshopper to do a detailed verification of the load and program derivation, by adjusting the mulch capacity to achieve the mulch volume value-added, but the total mulch load remains unchanged. When the leaf paving load increases, the scenic stone load is reduced, and vice versa, the scenic stone is increased or the load is backfilled. Each blade is calculated in detail, with data on each individual grid.
▼覆土荷载的可视化表达示例与 Grasshopper 的参数化计算示例,Examples of visual representation of overburden load and parametric calculation of Grasshopper
为了保证植物后期的存活,我们还通过 Grasshopper 模拟光照,利用纬图自行研发的光照分析插件进行分析输出每个叶片的光照条件,以指导植物品种的落地选择。
In order to ensure the survival of the plants in the later stage, we also simulate the light through Grasshopper, and use the light analysis plug-in developed by WTD GROUP to analyze and output the light conditions of each leaf, in order to guide the selection of plant varieties on the ground.
▼Grasshopper 精确计算光照,Grasshopper calculates lighting accurately
III. 用手作还原自然
Restore the nature with handmade
用 Grasshopper 生成铺装块面之后,我们分别从质地、肌理、色彩等多维度去寻找匹配每一个生态区的材料。原方案考虑的是采用 20 多种材料以混拼逻辑做丰富的变化,但效果不理想且落地不可控,我们重新找到 5 种可控材料作为主材料。
After generating the paving blocks with Grasshopper, we searched for materials to match each eco-zone in terms of texture, texture, color and other dimensions. The original plan was to use more than 20 kinds of materials to make rich changes by mixing and matching logic, but the effect was not ideal and the landing was not controllable, so we re-found 5 kinds of controllable materials as the main materials.
▼为还原西安在地性自然水池,挑选了周至县黑河里的黑青石,这种石材常年受河水冲刷具有独特石皮肌理,In order to restore the local natural pool in Xi ‘an, black bluestone from the Heihe River in Zhouzhi County was selected. This kind of stone is washed by the river all the year round and has a unique stone-skin texture.
(1) Cypress Phoenix and Chinese black stone skin native natural materials instead of complex mixing, after years of baptism of natural weathering of the stone skin is very colorful and texture changes, through the stone skin color, texture characteristics of the classification, in order to meet the needs of different ecological zones of natural paving, and place the stone also corresponds to the same characteristics of the paving materials;
(2) Aggregate leakage concrete, by adjusting its particle size, aggregate, color, and convexity to express the texture of desert and grassland paving, so that it meets the characteristics of the ecological zone and the effect is controllable;
(3) Teak wood is used to restore the ancient and vitalized trestle and steps;
(4) The green stone slabs simulate the forest floor in the mountainous area after the rainwater washes away;
(5) Use gold wood grain, Bahamas wood grain, tropical rain forest three kinds of marble shaped processing, restore the sunken corridor radial indoor and outdoor integration of exquisite space.
▼几种材料的质地、颜色、肌理不同组合,实现了与相应生态区域特征的吻合,The different combinations of texture, color and texture of several materials achieve the coincidence with the characteristics of corresponding ecological regions.
▼设计师挑选石皮/石皮打样及修正/沟通石皮样板,Designers select stone/stone proofing and correction/communication stone template
It is not easy to lay natural paving on the ground. First of all, the factory needs to select the appropriate barren material according to the requirements of the stone skin control, and then saw out the stone skin wool preparation. Then, according to the drawing of each piece of stone skin for the expansion of pre-cutting, and then by hand hand chiseling the most natural boundary seams, in this process pay particular attention to the stone skin seams bite and size of the combination of relationships, to avoid mechanical or repeat the hard border. Stone processing is completed and then numbered one by one, sent to the construction site for paving, behind the perfect craftsmanship is the common effort of countless craftsmen.
▼干燥灌木区落地效果,Dry bush area landing effect ©Chill Shine 丘文三映
▼温带阔叶林生态区,Temperate broadleaf forest ecoregion ©三棱镜
The visit to the Xi’an tree is a spectacular journey, and the visual and wandering experience is completely different as one ascends from one level to the next, with the scenery changing as one goes. This seasonal sky garden, in the course of time, with its robust and subtle plants, is waiting for people to embark on a journey of discovery and discovery.
▼干沙漠生态区,Dry desert ecological region ©三棱镜
▼铺地土黄调,基质颗粒细腻,加少量贝壳,Ground yellow tone, fine matrix particles, add a small amount of shells
▼温带草原生态区,Temperate grassland ecoregion ©三棱镜
▼土红色地铺,鹅卵石景石点缀,The ground is paved with red soil and decorated with cobblestone ©三棱镜
生命之树的景观设计与落地,是科技与自然的碰撞。对我们而言,这也是一次交融着艰难、纠结、喜悦、兴奋等复杂情绪的设计之旅。从设计到落地,我们的设计师现场服务累计超过 200 天,各专业提供项目全生命周期的设计配合,直至这座世界级垂直绿化建筑的最终呈现。为了再现丝绸之路上的旖旎风光,我们自己仿佛重走了一趟丝绸之路,采集各种生态样本,将它们引入生命之树。沿着历史的文脉向上生长,生命之树为西安这座千年古城注入全新的商业活力。
The landscape design and landing of Xi’an Tree is a collision of technology and nature. For us, it is also a design journey with complex emotions such as difficulty, entanglement, joy and excitement. From design to implementation, the designers’ on-site service has accumulated more than 200 days, and each specialty provides design cooperation for the whole life cycle of the project until the construction is completed. In order to reproduce the beautiful scenery on the Silk Road, we ourselves seemed to retrace the Silk Road, collecting various ecological samples and introducing them into the design. Growing upwards along the vein of history, the Xi’an Tree injects brand new commercial vitality into the thousand-year-old city of Xi’an.
▼纬图提供项目全生命周期的设计配合,WTD GROUP provides design coordination throughout the project life cycle
景观深化及优化设计/落地指导:WTD 纬图设计
设计团队:李卉 张黎 唐志杨 李彦萨 湛俊杰 胡国栋 谭林丰 吴丽红 李理 余中元 蓝德泉 何洁 张书桢 王利如 焦雪 宋照兵 刘洁 张维锋 李彦萨
景观概念设计:Heatherwick Studio
建筑设计:Heatherwick Studio
顾问团队:WSP (MEP 工程),KTP (生命之树结构工程),CFT (生命之树幕墙工程),Speirs+Major (灯光),MIR (视觉效果),Robotics Plus (工程)
摄影:三棱镜 / Chill Shine 丘文三映