萨格港村住宅丨美国纽约丨Winter McDermott Design

2025/01/16 20:48:51
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Winter McDermott Design是一家由Maureen Winter McDermott创立的纽约高端室内设计公司,专注于住宅空间设计。Maureen毕业于纽约室内设计学院,师从设计偶像Vicente Wolf,倡导设计与建筑的紧密协调,打造轻松平和、充满故事感的空间,展现现代且独特的设计美学。
Sag harbor
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位于纽约汉普顿的萨格港(Sag Harbor),这座别具一格的住宅是设计师 Maureen Winter McDermott 的家,也是她创立的 Winter McDermott Design 工作室设计理念的完美体现。这座住宅不仅展现了 Maureen 对高端住宅设计的深刻理解,也映射出她个人对宁静与舒适生活的追求。
Located in Sag Harbor in the Hamptons, New York, this unique home is the home of designer Maureen Winter McDermott and the perfect embodiment of the Design philosophy of her studio Winter McDermott Design. The house not only demonstrates Maureens deep understanding of high-end residential design, but also reflects her personal desire for peace and comfort.
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Maureen 的设计以平易近人、轻松而优雅的现代美学著称,而这座 Sag Harbor Village Residence 完美诠释了这一点。整个住宅注重与自然环境的对话,选用了大量的天然材料,如温暖的木材、柔和的石材,以及质地柔软的纺织品,营造出一个平静而和谐的空间。
Maureens designs are known for their approachable, relaxed and elegant modern aesthetic, and this Sag Harbor Village Residence exemplifies that perfectly. The whole house focuses on a dialogue with the natural environment, with a large selection of natural materials, such as warm wood, soft stone, and soft textiles, to create a calm and harmonious space.
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开放式的室内布局与大面积的玻璃窗相得益彰,充分利用自然光线,让整个空间显得更加通透明亮。Maureen 精心挑选的家具与饰品以简约的线条和现代的形式为主,同时不乏一些复古元素,让空间更显层次感和个性化。
The open-plan interior layout is complemented by the large glazing, which makes full use of natural light and makes the whole space appear more transparent and bright. Maureens carefully selected furniture and accessories are dominated by simple lines and modern forms, while there are some retro elements to make the space more hierarchical and personalized.
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作为一个设计师与母亲,Maureen 在家居设计中非常注重功能性与美学的平衡。这座住宅的每一个空间都经过精心规划,以满足家人日常生活的需求。例如,宽敞的厨房不仅是烹饪的地方,也成为家人聚会的中心;客厅则通过柔和的色调与舒适的家具布置,提供了一个平静放松的环境。
As a designer and mother, Maureen puts great emphasis on the balance between functionality and aesthetics in home design. Every space in this house has been carefully planned to meet the needs of the familys daily life. For example, the spacious kitchen is not only a place for cooking, but also a center for family gatherings; The living room offers a calm and relaxing environment with soft colours and comfortable furniture.
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卧室和浴室设计延续了她一贯的宁静风格,使用中性色调和高品质的天然材料,营造出一种奢华而私密的氛围。同时,Maureen 在整个住宅中融入了细腻的细节设计,例如定制的壁灯、独特的艺术品以及雕塑感十足的家具,使空间既充满艺术性又不失实用性。
The bedroom and bathroom design continues her usual quiet style, using neutral tones and high-quality natural materials to create a luxurious and intimate atmosphere. At the same time, Maureen has integrated detailed design throughout the house, such as custom wall lights, unique artwork and sculptural furniture, making the space both artistic and functional.
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Sag Harbor Village 是一个充满历史感的社区,Maureen 的家也很好地融入了这一背景。住宅的外观设计保留了汉普顿经典建筑风格的元素,同时融入了现代简约的美学,使其既尊重当地的传统,又展现出创新的设计视角。
此外,Maureen 的家距离她的工作室仅有几步之遥,这种距离上的便利不仅体现了她工作与生活的无缝衔接,也让她与社区有了更深的互动与联系。
Sag Harbor Village is a neighborhood with a strong sense of history, and Maureens home fits into that context nicely. The exterior design of the house retains elements of classic Hamptons architecture while incorporating a modern, minimalist aesthetic that respects local traditions while exhibiting an innovative design perspective. In addition, Maureens home is just a few steps away from her studio, and this convenience not only reflects the seamless connection between her work and life, but also allows her to interact and connect with the community deeper.
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作为 Winter McDermott Design 的创始人,Maureen 将 Sag Harbor Village Residence 打造成了她设计哲学的实践基地。这座住宅不仅是她和家人放松休憩的港湾,更是她探索设计创意的灵感来源。无论是宽敞的室外庭院,还是室内与自然无缝衔接的布局设计,这里无一不体现她对现代生活美学的独到见解。Sag Harbor Village Residence 既是一个充满个人特色的家,也是 Winter McDermott Design 所追求的宁静、优雅、现代与功能性完美结合的缩影。展现了 Maureen Winter McDermott的敏锐洞察力和卓越才华。
As the founder of Winter McDermott Design, Maureen has established Sag Harbor Village Residence as a practice base for her design philosophy. The house is not only a haven for her and her family to relax, but also a source of inspiration for her to explore her design ideas. Whether it is the spacious outdoor courtyard, or the layout design of the interior and the seamless connection with nature, it all reflects her unique insight into the aesthetics of modern life. Sag Harbor Village Residence is both a home full of personal character and the epitome of the serenity, elegance, modernity and functionality that Winter McDermott Design strives for. It shows the keen insight and remarkable talent of Maureen Winter McDermott.
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