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阿特隆污水处理厂新风机房综合体丨南非开普敦丨SALT Architects

2025/01/17 10:29:18
项目概况 Project Overview 项目是位于开普敦郊外的阿特隆污水处理厂的新风机房综合体。地面层包括一个大型风机房及其电机控制中心(MCC 房)和空气分配管道,未来升级所需反应器的 MCC,地面工作人员的更衣室、洗衣房和储物室。二楼的功能以行政办公为主,包括控制室、SCADA 站、办公室、会议室、实验室和员工设施。风机房旁边以角度连接的是新建的电力建筑,内设有四台大型柴油发电机及其相关设备,用于在停电时为整个厂区提供电力。
The project is a new Blower House Complex on the Athlone Wastewater Treatment Works just outside Cape Town. On Ground floor, the complex consists of a large blower room with its Motor Control Centre (MCC room) and air plenums, a MCC for the future upgrade’s reactors, locker rooms for the ground staff, a laundry room, and stores. The nature of the first floor is more clerical and includes the control room, SCADA station, offices, boardroom, laboratory, and staff amenities. Connected at an angle to the blower house is the new electrical building which houses four large diesel generators and their associated plant to run the whole plant in case of a power outage.
▼项目概览,overview of the project
©Southland Photography
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▼项目入口,entrance of the project©Southland Photography
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场地背景信息 Site Info, Background 阿特隆污水处理厂位于开普敦市中心以外约 10 公里处,紧邻 N2 高速公路,这条公路是通往城市的主要干道之一。高速公路对面是标志性的红色和棕色面砖块构成的阿特隆发电厂遗址,该厂于 2003 年停运。阿特隆污水处理厂的首个设施建于 1921 年,1939 年进行了扩建,并于 1952 年扩展至每日处理 36 百万升水(Ml/d)。这些旧建筑如今已不再使用,但它们仍然以粗糙的棕色面砖和预制混凝土窗框形式存在,体现了工艺美术运动的风格。建筑师为该地开发的总体规划提议将这些建筑重新利用,未来将赋予其令人兴奋的新功能。
Athlone Wastewater Treatment Works is situated about 10km outside Cape Town’s CBD, next to the N2 highway, one of the main arteries feeding the city. On the other side of the highway is the iconic monolithic red and brown face brick blocks of the remaining old Athlone Power Station, which was decommissioned in 2003. The first wastewater treatment works on the Athlone site was constructed in 1921, extended in 1939, and increased to 36Ml/d in 1952. These old structures are no longer in use but have a presence on site being carefully detailed in rough brown face brick and pre-cast concrete window frames hinting towards the Arts and Crafts movement. The master plan the architects developed for the site propose to re-purposing these buildings with very exciting new uses in the future.
▼入口,entrance©Southland Photography
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▼入口,entrance©Southland Photography
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在 70 年代末和 80 年代初,随着更加严格的法规出台,污水处理厂进行了现代化改造,处理能力提升至每日 100 百万升水(Ml/d)。这些建筑在改造过程中也采用了棕色面砖,但更加现代,融入了更多裸露的混凝土结构和圆角屋顶板细节。
During the late 70’s and early 80’s more stringent legislation led to the modernization of the Works regarding the treatment process, and it was upgraded accordingly to approximately 100Ml/d. The buildings during these upgrades are also in brown face brick but in a modernist way with more exposed concrete structures and bullnose roof sheet details.
▼裸露的混凝土结构,exposed concrete structures©Southland Photography
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客户要求 Client’s Brief
Including accommodating the required functions, the new building was to bear an image of progress for the City, being visible from the highway close to the city centre; be a place that plant staff can take pride in; optimise flow of staff on the site; and provide observation opportunity over all previous and future plant sections from the control room.
▼靠近市中心的高速公路视角,view from the highway©Southland Photography
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How the Brief was Realised
Architect’s response to the context:
作为计划中 50Ml/d 升级的第一步,新的风机房旨在与周围的基础设施遗址相融合,同时树立起一个新的标准,展示材料使用和细部设计,体现城市对其设施的自豪感,同时避免过多的维护负担。
Being the first step in the planned 50Ml/d upgrade, the new blower house aims to fit in among the infrastructure relics while establishing a new standard for material use and detailing that exude the City’s pride in their works without the burden of excessive maintenance.
▼建筑外观,exterior of the building©Southland Photography
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▼建筑外观,exterior of the building©Southland Photography
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建筑师对要求的回应:Architect’s response to the brief:
The layout of the planned large civil infrastructure development like the future reactors, settling tanks, roads, and channels, determined the general positioning of the building mass. Fortunately, that caused the long façade to be orientated North. Further to creating optional user space in terms of sunlight and spatial qualities, we wanted to celebrate the primary function of the building which is the plant. A first-floor gallery was created along the north façade, flowing from a generous stair in the entrance lobby. On the one side the gallery borders the blower hall and continuous glazing allow views down to the blowers, and on the other side the staff related functions are dispersed in a way that is focused on the value of the spaces in between the functions to be useful and pleasant as well as allowing the linear gallery to be a place rather than just a hallway for circulation.
▼走廊,corridor©Southland Photography
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▼办公空间,office space©Southland Photography
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▼会议室,meeting room©Southland Photography
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▼阳台,balcony©Southland Photography
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▼走廊,corridor©Southland Photography
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▼行政办公室,office©Southland Photography
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The first floor’s clerical functions and gallery were layered on the northern façade by placing a thick brown eroded face brick wall pane along the northern edge. This element is lower than the blower hall, and carved out around the internal human functions, reinforcing the human scale in a machine dominated context.
On the ground floor, a covered walkway was created on the inside of this element, protecting one from the elements and leading the user to the main entrance through a path of varying character by allowing glimpses of the internal functions, and constantly changing volume and light, as the first floor and roof slab above reacts in various ways to their respective conditions.
On the first-floor gallery, the functional elements push to the northern edge in search of optimal sunlight. Some portions of the gallery join this pursuit, creating sitting and meeting areas of varying degrees of intimacy. The functions are as open as possible toward the gallery so that the uses overlap, and the gallery become part of the kitchen, laboratory, meeting areas, etc.
At the control room on the eastern edge, the SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) station pushes its head through the brown face brick skin without touching it on either side. It announces the main entrance underneath it and enable the operators to observe the majority of the plant.
▼设施空间,serve room©Southland Photography
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▼设施空间,serve room©Southland Photography
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▼细部,detail©Southland Photography
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Behind the brown face brick façade, the blower hall rises higher in red face brick expressed as a masonry box.
▼风机大厅则以红色面砖为主要材料,the brown face brick façade of the blower hall©Southland Photography
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解决方案:Solutions:在布局设计时,厂区内员工的流动得到了精心考虑。地面工作人员在厂区内的各个区域进行 8 小时轮班作业,全天候工作。更衣室、洗衣房和 MCC 房被布置在地面层,减少泥土被带入建筑内部。清洁的行政功能区则被安排在一楼,工作人员可在地面层更衣室换上干净的衣物后再进入。一楼的实验室用于办公室人员和地面工作人员,负责测试厂区内采集的各种样品。实验室位于一楼画廊的尽头,设置了一个宽敞的次要出入口,设有宽大的混凝土楼梯和外部阳台,透过棕色面砖外立面可见。此出入口也作为建筑西侧的紧急出口。
Circulation of staff on the plant was carefully considered with the layout. The ground staff are physically working around all areas of the plant in 8h shifts around the clock. The locker rooms, laundry, and MCC rooms were placed on the ground floor to limit treading dirt from the grounds into the building. The cleaner clerical functions are separated from the grounds on the first floor and can be accessed after donning clean outfits at the ground floor locker rooms. The laboratory is used by both office and ground staff, testing samples collected all over the plant. It was placed on the furthest end of the first-floor gallery and a spacious secondary access point was introduced at the end of the gallery with a wide concrete stair and external balcony peeking through the brown face brick skin. It doubles as the escape door at the western end of the building.
▼傍晚景象,at dusk©Southland Photography
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▼夜景,night view©Southland Photography
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▼一层平面,ground floor plan©SALT Architects
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▼二层平面,first floor plan©SALT Architects
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▼立面,elevation©SALT Architects
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▼剖面,section©SALT Architects
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SALT Architects – Architects
Water & Wastewater Engineering – Project manager, Employer’s Agent, and Civil Engineers
WA Structural Design – Structural Engineers
JGP Group – Mechanical and Electrical Engineers
Hiload Inyanga Construction – Building Contractor
Amandla Construction – Bulk Earthworks Contractor
Project size: 3470
Site size: 350814
Timeline: September 2018 – January 2022
Water & Wastewater Engineering – Project manager, Employer’s Agent, and Civil Engineers
WA Structural Design – Structural Engineers
JGP Group – Mechanical and Electrical Engineers
Hiload Inyanga Construction – Building Contractor
Amandla Construction – Bulk Earthworks Contractor
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